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Posts posted by slug

  1. Are you kidding? This is a change to get an even bigger garage. Let's see, buy the scotch, open a bar, lose the bottle, lose everything, take out a loan, start a tie-dyed t-shirt business and follow a band around, sell the t-shirts off and invest in dental floss ranch in Montana and a small hotel in Belize, wrangle floss, start up an encrusted tweezers business with a sideline in muffin research only to invent the next big muffin annointment tool, slip on some unbaked muffin batter and pith myself (I've had worse) falling into a coma, only to wake up ten years later, refreshed and sparkling with zircon encrustations, find the bottle of Glenavon, rub rocks in my head for breakfast, sell the hotel, sell the bottle of scotch, buy a 4 car garage and Bob's your uncle.

    Sign me up.


    Muffins and zircon encrusted tweezers, lemme guess: You're a Zappa fan?

  2. Am I being parinoid?

    "Paranoid" is such a terrible word. We prefer to use the term "Guzzichondria."

    OK, I understand... but why only smell rich from the right side ?

    It's really hard to say because the left and right exhausts are joined at the crossover (which in theory mixes the two sides together) and are then re-split for the mufflers. However, I've never seen what's inside a stock crossover so I don't know how well the exhaust is mixed.


    My guess is:


    1. The fuel mixture is fine on both cylinders and as the others have said, the engine is running rich because it's not all the way up to operating temperature and the ECU hasn't leaned the mixture out.




    2. The right muffler flows better than the left muffler. Less flow = less smell. (I'm assuming that you still have the stock mufflers) The stainless steel wool inside the left muffler may be packed tighter than the right, or a small woodland creature crawled up inside the left muffler to make a nest for the winter. ;)


    As the others have said, your best bet is to make sure your valves are properly adjusted and the throttle bodies are properly balanced. After that, relax and go for a ride while you still can :)

  3. If the oil was milky looking it's because it's got water in it so it's formed a mayonaise. This is a particular problem on V11's, especially those regularly ridden in the rain, because the gearbox breather is directly in line with the spray from the rear tyre. To be honest it wasn't the Guzzi design shop's finest hour :bbblll: To prevent a reccurence of the problem it's possible to make a *shield* out of something, (It doesn't have to be as hideous as Greg's whiskey fueled inner-tube offering in the Bodge thread but that'll work fine :grin: ) A piece of perspex cut to fit in the triangular part of the shock cantilever brace and drilled so it can be retained by cable ties seems to be the commonest form I've seen but I haven't seen a lot of them so someone else will almost certainly have a better idea.


    Instead of a shield, I removed the vent plug from the gearbox, lopped the cheesy little cap off and soldered in a small piece of 1/4" copper tube bent at 90 degrees. Put the plug back in, attached some rubber hose to the copper tube and ran the other end up underneath the seat where I knew spray wouldn't work its way in. Haven't had the pea soup/frothy pink in my gearbox since... I'd post pics if my digital camera wasn't such a hunk o' s**t.



  4. Hello. New member here.


    I have been interested in purchasing a used V11 since spring of this year.

    2 weeks ago I found an extremely nice 2002 LeMans for sale. I have done some research this year but have never taken time to join this forum and ask the following questions:


    What year models and model types have the red powder coated head covers and the red parts on the sides of the frame near the footpegs? The Lemans that I am currently considering doesn't have either of these red parts, so I would like to know if I can exchange/replace it's current parts with reds one from another V11 model/year.

    Thanks in advance for your knowledge.


    Welcome Crooz!


    I think the model that came with the red valve covers was the Rosso Mandello (someone please correct me if I'm wrong :) ) The red side plates, or as we like to call them, "pork chops" weren't specific to any special edition (again someone please correct me...)


    Both parts are interchangable with virtually any V11 Sport/LeMans. Some valve covers may be drilled to accommodate a crankcase breather.


    Unfortunately the pork chops are painted, not powder coated. Even worse the paint doesn't tolerate UV light too well, so if you park outside, expect to have pink pork chops in the near future. Even worse than that, someone didn't prep the parts well enough or f****d up mixing the paint, and often separates and peels off in large flakes.


    Your best bet is to get whatever ones you have powdercoated. I'm looking in to this myself, and if I can find a good match for the red I'd love to coordinate a group coating, that way we'll all get a price break :thumbsup: Heck, if you want to do the valve covers at the same time, that'll be even cheaper.



  5. Ah, Slug, you know, looking at your posting I must say you're looking really silly, OMG! Ratchet has so funny eyes, but you, you're too much.


    Yes, a face only a blind and drunken mother could love :P

  6. Hmm, I'll check the date but it is an '04 purchased in '05. Micha is one of your M.I. colleagues?


    I will drain the oil and pull and clean the switch. The Moto International mainframe should have me on file...




    By the look of MI's site, I think the mainframe looks more like this:




    'Course that's the way it should be :thumbsup:

  7. I agree with #3 from jrt, a new crossover :thumbsup:


    Knowing your setup and having had a similar one, the crossover will be the last piece of the airflow puzzle (without pulling off the heads/etc.). You'll feel the difference in the midrange. For me, it was one of those "A-HA!" moments, where everything came together.


    My :2c:

  8. Glad you're ok OBND :)


    I lowsided three weeks ago, and two weeks before that I was out for a ride with a friend and she lowsided w/no protective gear (except for a helmet). After watching someone clean up her wounds & pick out the gravel, I promptly joined the ATGATT club. Thankfully I'm just a broken mess instead of a scabby and more broken mess.



  9. Get well soon, situations like that , suck but there you'll have to have some patience.

    Often I hear about injured ribs , or collar bones, and so on. In which place are were your ribs hurt,

    what kind of jacket did you wear?

    Ribs hurt in two spots, mid-cage close to the sternum and mid-cage almost underneath the shoulder blade. I was wearing a Hein-Gericke mesh jacket w/shoulder and elbow armor, plus a Dainese back protector. My shoulder and ribcage hit the ground at the same time (with my left arm out in front of me, hand still on the handlebar).The shoulder armor definetly helped but my ribs landed on a big bump going down in to a ditch.

    I see unsufficient protection in all jackets 8including what I have), concerning this subject, or am I wrong?

    I agree, I know Icon makes a "field armor" vest with rib protection, but I don't know if it would have helped in this situation.

    Do you think a glove in the class of Alpinestars GP pro or SP1 ( Gloves would have prevented the hand injuries?

    Probably not. I was wearing similar gloves with lots of protection. My finger was either crushed between the handlebar and the ground, or I jammed it in to something hard.

    Protection is something that would be totally without any compromise all times.

    Agreed. I'm now a firm believer in AGATT (that acronym correct?). Two weeks before my accident I was riding with a friend and she lowsided on a left-hander and wasn't wearing any protective gear. After seeing how icky gravel looked embedded in an elbow, I stopped skimping. Good thing I did.

    My wishes for quick healing recovery and may be your last bad time with a bike.

    Thanks Alex!

  10. Bad news: Couldn't talk down the cost of the tow.

    Good news: My insurance company covered it :)


    Bad news: Ribs still hurt like a MF. Makes it hard to sleep. Sneezing puts me on the floor for about five minutes, writhing in pain.

    Good news: Vitamin Percocet helps... :wacko:


    Bad news: Dirty Bird was totalled by the insurance company.

    Good news: Insurance company gave me a fair amount for the bike and included cost of add-ons.


    Good news: I was able to buy Dirty Bird back from the insurance company for a very fair price.

    Bad news: Can't ride it on the street until I get it inspected by the State Patrol (could take 2-3 months from what I hear)


    So, I have a bunch of new parts on order and have replaced the shifter and left footpeg, all I need now is a new headlight and the bike will be rideable again.


    I'm planning on repainting the tank, hopefully I can find a matching green. I LOVE that green!


    The tail section and seat cowl are pretty scratched up and will need repainting too, but I was thinking that before I repaint them, I might make a mold of both and make new ones out of carbon fiber (I used to build kayaks and have a decent amount of experience with moldmaking and carbon fiber/kevlar work) I already have one person that's interested in one. I'm not committed to doing this yet, and any guess of the cost will surely be wrong. But, if the cost is reasonable, would anyone else be interested?

  11. My problem with buying ShockProof is not that I think there is anything better, but after shipping and tax, the total price for a quart is around $15.

    I suppose it is good piece of mind to buy what may be the best.

    If anyone has a less expensive source in the USA, I'd like to know about it. Thanks.

    Check your local auto parts store (not one of the big chain stores like Schmucks/Kragen/Checker/Napa.) I was surprised to find it here in Seattle at a local chain store called B & B Auto Parts. I think the stores where the employee's mullets are longer than usual are the places you'll find it.

  12. slug - Uncle of the year maybe, no wife or kids of my own - I'm letting my sister take care of that! :P

    Always the best scenario (the part about the children). When you're done playing with them, you get to give them back. :) Just make sure to send them home jacked up on sugar and soda pop. :wacko: Also, don't forget to give them a nice quiet toy like a referee whistle or a starter pistol. Your sister will love you for that :grin:

  13. How close did you come to making the turn? I ask because if you went off at the apex I doubt that folding or stock position footpegs would have changed the outcome much, but if you went off at the very end of the turn it's possible that a few extra degrees of lean might have helped.


    My bad use of terminology, I was at the end of the turn, not the apex. :doh: I think I was pretty darn close to making it.

  14. Glad that you're okay, and able to type.


    Thanks Martin. Fortunately, the finger I broke was my left pinky, not the one used for "American sign language" :grin: I couldn't make it through the day without that one!


    Still, I'm a programmer by trade, so it'll be a bit difficult for a while.

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