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Everything posted by Frenchbob

  1. That's the spirit! Of course, eating your pets is always an option: ask any Monty Python fan.
  2. That's a hen in the picture, guys. Serge would have put a hole between Bunny's eyes just for looking at him funny.
  3. I heard this. Also that favoured customers got a "poser" pack containing a roll of black electrician's tape to make racing numbers to put into the roundels, and a can of snot-green touch-up paint of exactly the right hue. Sorry. Actually, I'm just jealous: all I can afford is a bog-standard, wine-coloured Sport. Like I said, dead jealous. Superb pictures, Orson: atmospheric.
  4. You misunderstood me, Jim. I can see the point of the posting; what I meant was that I can't see the point of building one. Actually, having thought back to my last ride on a "proper" Vincent twin and what it did to my spine over a rough road, I sort of can! This isn't the first Vincati I've seen pictures of, and they all look just wrong to me. Edit: it's just occured to me that you might have built this, in which case many apologies and it looks lovely!
  5. Vincati? Can't see the point, unless he blew the 750/860GT engine [not unusual] and had a spare Rapide motor lying around, which seems sort of unlikely!
  6. I'm onto it: I have a good friend who owns a pre-war, Belgian Sarolea and Precision sidecar - let's see if he'll co-operate! Serge, I mean. It could take a while because he's not usually co-operative; he does like the camera, though, as you'll have noticed. The emissions will be the problem.
  7. Yeah, that's my sort of evening, too: all blurry!
  8. Bien sûr. La moto? Hesketh prototype, c'est sûr - c'est suffisamment betise!
  9. I'll go for it: you can only improve on what I've got.
  10. Actually, that probably is authentic: if I'm not mistaken it's a Lightning Clubmans in pretty original trim.
  11. Best place for them. The Heskeths, I mean.
  12. Can I come and see you for a tint next time I'm in the UK? You did say you were self-employed, so you'll have your own kit if I need a blow-dry? Edit: I said blow-DRY
  13. Very sensible: we send foreigners all the rubbish, anyway!
  14. It's gratifying to know that some of you youngsters realise that incontinence is not just a problem that afflicts the elderly. Don't feel too bad about this, Ben: I drink beer the same way, which is one of the reasons I normally stick to a small amount of good wine in a big glass, these days!
  15. Launch the embryos, save the nukes.............you can't win, you know!
  16. Yeah, you're tough, you Aussies, but we're pretty gritty here in France, too. Why, only the other day I missed lunch.........entirely!
  17. OK, Guy, I'll give you those. As close to utterly orgasmic as makes no difference!
  18. Oh, yes, I worked. Boy, did I work! Not since 2004, though. Now I do what I want, when I want, and if I don't want, I don't!
  19. Bloody cockerel gets everywhere!
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