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Everything posted by TX REDNECK (R.I.P.)

  1. John, that's very gracious of you I'd also like to invite the rest of you to stop by my place & spend some time.
  2. In the meantime I could make you one of these
  3. ^ It probably went out of print when people realised Mick Walker was full of shit
  4. Not sure what dealer you're talking about, MPH has a Nero Corsa in stock. http://www.mphcycles.com/
  5. Our Man at the Whitehouse Racer X
  6. some of you was wanting these in a ready to go kit http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/Pro...ts/h4_kits.html
  7. One of our sensitive members complained. How do you feel about this one ?
  8. The reason I hate you , is because I never knew you were here 18 post since 02 Not knowing anything has never kept me from posting
  9. grabbed this off another forum cause I thought it was crazy! http://s88265598.onlinehome.us/vids/backloupe.wmv
  10. Ocasionally I get to see race clips on " Telemundo 48 " Ask your cable operator about it
  11. I believe Al said there's some guy who lives close to Jaap , who sales Ohlin forks out of the trunk of his car .
  12. I've never been asked about mods
  13. What kind of sidecar are you going to run ?
  14. What works on your small block chevy also applies to your Guzzi . I have seen & read many dyno results where big tube headers kill low -end torque. http://www.carcraft.com/techarticles/868/ One of the biggest mistakes made in exhaust-header application is the selection of primary tubes that are too large. Big primary tubes are only necessary to carry the gas volume generated at high engine speeds. Most headers with 1-1/2-inch primary tubes will carry an engine well into the 300hp range, while 1-5/8-inch headers can support up to 400 horsepower, and a little beyond in some cases. This depends a great deal on displacement and engine speed. It is usually better to err on the small side for a street engine so that torque remains strong. Pipes that are too large generally hurt the bottom end more than small pipes hurt the top end.
  15. Howz this for self interest ? Screened Audiences, Fake News Promote Bush Agenda Bush, Government Manipulate Media President George W. Bush has learned to use the bully pulpit that is the powerful prerogative of all presidents. But this president has tried to tweak that power in ways that expand the definition of "managed news." Let's start with his national campaign to change Social Security. As he travels around the nation to make his pitch that Social Security is in a crisis, the president is limiting his congregation to screened, sanitized audiences. Why does he sermonize on the subject only to carefully selected audiences? These are people who are vetted to make sure they agree with the president's views. If they pass that test, the local Republican Party or the groups sponsoring the event then issue tickets to the so-called "town meetings" or "conversations with the president." Asked why the president speaks only to his supporters, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Bush's intention is to "educate" the people. He probably meant "indoctrinate." Is this the president of all the people -- or just some of the people who agree with him? It's bizarre. He's preaching to the choir, hardly the way to "educate" the public. Controlling his audience was a prime goal of Bush's 2004 presidential campaign, when anti-war protesters were barred from his public appearances. People who openly disagreed with him were hustled out of the hall. We're now seeing the same audience control when Bush speaks about Social Security. The Secret Service and White House aides apparently spend a lot of time trying to handpick those permitted to hear him. Bush seems satisfied that he has made Social Security a worry to people. That's the goal of his sky-is-falling campaign. But the president is not ready to handle genuine dialogue on the subject or deal with those opposed to his plan to partially privatize the government pension program. Every administration tries to manage the message that the news media convey to the public about presidential policies, problems and successes. But the Bush White House is pioneering new methods that steer message management into outright government propaganda. The New York Times on March 13 published an in-depth report on how the administration is cranking up its public relations campaign to manipulate broadcast news by distributing pre-packaged videos prepared by several federal agencies, including the Pentagon. These videos use phony reporters to tout the administration's position on major issues. Thinly staffed TV stations are only too happy to receive the free videos, which they then pass along to viewers without any acknowledgement that the images and messages are government issue. Spokespersons for the major TV networks say they would never disseminate government-prepared videos for their news broadcasts. But some financially strapped affiliates apparently are willing to air them without identifying the source. The government agencies say it is up to the broadcast stations to attribute the origin of the report, if they want to do so. This practice is far over the ethical line. Shame on both the government agencies and those TV stations. The Government Accountability Office -- a congressional investigative unit -- has ruled that such government videos represent "covert propaganda." The GAO declared that agencies may not produce pre-packaged news reports "that conceal or do not clearly identify for the television viewing audience" that they were made by the government. But the White House rejected that opinion and handed reporters a memorandum from the Justice Department and the Office of Management and Budget directing the federal agencies to ignore the GAO verdict. The memo contended that the GAO did not distinguish between propaganda and "purely informational" news reports and claimed there was no requirement for a federal agency to label its disguised broadcasts. This is consistent with the administration's other outrageous exercise in propaganda, which took the form of paying a few columnists and broadcasters, such as Armstrong Williams, to promote administration programs. Williams pushed the Education Department's "No Child Left Behind" program without disclosing that he was on Uncle Sam's payroll. The president called a halt to paying pundits, saying "there needs to be a nice independent relationship between the White House and the press." He needs to pay more attention to other administration actions that threaten that independence http://www.theneworleanschannel.com/helent...085/detail.html
  16. That's true, especially for Dubyah & his cronies. We're in a war on terror ,but we can't seal off our southern border Ever heard of the Patriot act ?
  17. ^ it's propaganda. I've always heard that charity begins at home, but I don't see it . We're to busy saving the world to worry about what's going on here. The gap between the haves & the have nots is probably greater than its ever been & growing wider as we speak. I had religion & the church rammed down my throat when I was a kid. All I noticed was a bunch of drunks & whore mongers on saturday & a bunch of people with hangovers in church on sunday .
  18. This B.S. statement is from thermotec. Look at the dyno results & you'll see that they're using methanol/ alcohol which runs cooler than gasoline. Confederate uses wrap to keep from burning the side of your leg off If you can afford a Confederate you can afford new pipes every few years. Most Confederate riders will never put the miles on one to have to replace the pipes.
  19. Exhaust wrap is bad, if you want to improve performance go with a ceramic coating. Wrap holds more heat in the exhaust, increasing the decomposition and can cause cracks due to the extra heat (some companies do not warranty their exhausts if they are wrapped) It also holds crap (salt, water) next to the pipes which makes the pipes rust/decompose faster. In short not a great idea http://www.centuryperformance.com/heatwraps.asp
  20. You have really offended me now !
  21. Howz this ? Notice : one more post 'til immortality
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