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Everything posted by TX REDNECK (R.I.P.)

  1. I'm not sure what kind Greg has but, MG cycle has these http://www.mgcycle.com/oil.html
  2. I used ones off a Suzuki TL1000. I think Rich Maund used some off a Kawazaki IIRC.
  3. What Bob said Here's to speedy recovery
  4. You think this guy watches Corbin's ?
  5. Glad to hear that it passed you by I still haven't got my place back to normal yet & hurricane season is right around the corner again I wonder if these weather patterns have anything to do with Global Warming
  6. There's no substitute for custom made leathers
  7. To tell the truth , I think they both look like crap but, I was thinking that if you had the 'busa you would always have to keep moving to the right to keep from getting run over Seroiusly, find and old 80's K bike They can run all day long at high speed & if it gets stolen it's not a big loss
  8. The busa is yesterdays news & while I'm to old to give a shit about owning a hyperbike, I think I would look real hard at the ZZR1400 first
  9. I'm gonna disagree with Ralph I found the sport 1100 to more comfortable than the V11. See if you can wrangle a test ride & not just around the block. YMMV. I used to have a 95 Speed Triple & they're a good looking bike with a anvil for a motor but, they handle like one of my 18 wheelers
  10. They're back http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Other-Makes...sspagenameZWDVW
  11. This was posted on wildguzzi & I knew Antonio would approve http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOTO-GUZZI-...621774502QQrdZ1
  12. ^ Sorry, I' ve had Pablo & Pedro hammering & sawing around here for 2 weeks. Today they're working on the roof right over my head.
  13. Look for a product called "SilGlide" its a silcone based grease that's safe for rubber. You can find it at NAPA stores. One tube will last you the rest of your life.
  14. When my vapor return line cracked it was right in the bend & yes it made a mess. Not a whole lot of oil loss. Its just oily vapor but, it collects all kind of dirt & dust.
  15. The moan sounds like you need to remove the tip over valve. Run the bike down the road for awhile & stop & open the gas cap. If there's vacumn on it then the valve is staying closed, this will make the sound you heard when you first turned the key.
  16. Your problem is the Splitfire plugs It's the same marketing gimmick that got people to buy more razor blades by putting two - then three!- in a single razor head. Technical reports (search online) show the V splits really don't have any significant difference for power. Remember: the spark only jumps from one spot - one electrode - at any time. Plus with a split plug, the spark has more opportunity to arc instead of connecting in a straight path to the other (central) electrode. I'm not sure if the "platinum" coating helps either because it's really just a very small, very thin coating. You'd have to have a lot more to make it seriously effective. Simply cleaning the plug and setting the gap regularly will probably work as well. And check the wires, too. And you may want to check the lawsuit against Splitfire here. www.ftc.gov/os/1997/9702/splitfir.htm and here www.miata.net/garage/splitftc.html While your picking up some new plugs get some Slick 50 too
  17. Vapor lock has not been a problem with Tonti bikes as far as I know.
  18. woke up , had a smoke & then Pedro knocked on the door , sprayed air freshner. Pedro says he want to worky today, I said " Si, mucho trabajo " he said " Si ". Pedro says can he have some $ ? I said " Aren't you illegal ? " He said " Si " I said " me no tango dinero " He said " no problemo, I worky anyway " Then I went to Churches to get some chicken, sure wish we had a Popeye's closer to the house. Pedro says the Chicken " muy bueno " I said " Si, is much better than money " I then took a couple of muscle relaxers & drank a six pak & went to bed . When I got up Pedro was gone. And now I'm looking around here.
  19. Yeah you can use a big nut to remove it, I can't remember what size.. 27 mm but, I don't like this method. Drop the pan & change the filter that way ,+ you'll be able to clean out the screen too. This is something that you should do for piece of mind & it really doesn't take that much time
  20. I missed that one RH. There were a couple of large fleets back in the early 80's that reported good results with 'em . At that time I was driving for a outfit that used Detroits, they leaked so much oil that I dont think they ever had to change the filters
  21. Nice bike Bob I've always liked the looks of the S3 over the V7
  22. I caved in had to go back to old one, too many death threats
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