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I was life threatened the other day.

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If I posted a thread about tires, or oil, or Allah forbid :lol: , Global Warming,

and it turned to techniques for soaking corks, or what have you,

being that I have no interest in soaking the cork of any other male, I might just decide not to open that thread, even if it went to several pages.


I see the gun twist the same way.

If you are turned off by an activity, howza bout not looking at it?


Not as if the BOTM has big pic of a gun, or a wet cork even :D



"I don't like this topic, so no one else can discuss it??"

Sounds rather Puritanical. For a European. :P


We have TV stations here that play nothing but Spanish broadcasting.

It doesn't interest me, and disturbs me on some level.

So, I just pass em by. Is that so difficult?

I didn't know Todd 'socrates' haven would chime in on this one. but well spoken. :notworthy:


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I find it interesting that this diversion was caused by (insert anonymous moderator here)'s delightful stories about perp beating. :grin:


I'm pleased that my choice of weapon (ahhh the shileighleigh is a beautiful bit of kit) hasn't offended anyone. :thumbsup:







I think you and I were the only ones who even noticed that perp beating post.

These guys would have gone on and on about guns and knives anyway.

The grenade was an interesting twist.

Perhaps we need balance to this thread:

WARNINGdo not look at or click on this link

http://www.officerjellynutz.com/mp3s/14%20...20Brutality.mp3F the police

Never mind that link, the forum auto-censor prohibited the F word,

You could replace the @#!#$# part of the link with correct F word but it is easier to just

try this link and go to song 14, or better yet, try them all.



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I find it interesting that this diversion was caused by (insert anonymous moderator here)'s delightful stories about perp beating. :grin:


I'm pleased that my choice of weapon (ahhh the shileighleigh is a beautiful bit of kit) hasn't offended anyone. :thumbsup:








I give a delightful little anecdote about knives (in keeping with the thread) and in order to keep your attention I interject a little misplaced humour, and that gets picked up on and Dave takes me to task.

Meanwhile the Canadian double act, initially suggest dealing with the irk some neighbour by clubbing him in his sleep and then escalate by introducing firearms so can be done from afar. Knowing the Texans(et all) were waiting in the wings.

Can't you see what they're doing. Ryan has fixed his V11 and they're just waiting for the snow to clear. They're bored, just poking us with a stick to get a reaction.

And now setting me up as the fall guy. :bbblll:


You've not been taken to task about the shillelagh, because the assumption has been made that it's made from wood from a sustainable forest. Little do they realise that it's principle usage is seal clubbing :o


Don't be taken in by his avatar - he is that evil clown :grin:

and yes I did take the bait





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I'm pleased that my choice of weapon (ahhh the shileighleigh is a beautiful bit of kit) hasn't offended anyone. :thumbsup:

I really want one of those to hang on the wall, ya know to scare the kids and all with empty threats to pull it off the wall :grin:


anyone able to pick one up for me along side the road somewhere in merry ole England? pleeeeeaaaaasseeeee? :notworthy:


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I think that's the first time an Irishman's ever been called puritanical!


Didn't you know everyone on this island is a catholic. Yes,it's true, every sunday Me, BFG, BigJ and all the others toddle off to mass for altarboy service. BigJ looks particularly attractive.


Not to labour the point Todd(God forbid!), It's not that I can avoid reading a thread on assault rifles, It's that it brings the tone and flavour of the website down to a level that I, and quite a few others, find objectionable!

You obviusly didn't get that the first, or second time I said it. I'm guessing you might be a bit deaf from firing your RPG too close to your ear. :P


Anyway, you're all boring me now, I'm off to LA to try and avoid being shot at by one of your patriotic compatriots.

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I really want one of those to hang on the wall, ya know to scare the kids and all with empty threats to pull it off the wall :grin:


anyone able to pick one up for me along side the road somewhere in merry ole England? pleeeeeaaaaasseeeee? :notworthy:




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And now setting me up as the fall guy. :bbblll:


You've not been taken to task about the shillelagh, because the assumption has been made that it's made from wood from a sustainable forest. Little do they realise that it's principle usage is seal clubbing :o


Don't be taken in by his avatar - he is that evil clown :grin:

and yes I did take the bait



No No! No set up. It warms the cockles to know that your scalpel wielding perp would have recieved at worst a bit of flavour to the face and a knock upside the head. On this continent they'd be drawing straws to see who gets to plunk him in the head with their pistol of choice.


Seems to be a fair bit of support for the shileighleigh (sp? that's how my father spells it :huh2: ). We'll just keep the seal bit quiet. We use the pointy sticks for that.


You're onto me. Are you bucking for detective? Better change back to the "Andy smurf" avatar...





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What cane store is that? My parents went to Ireland last fall to look up relatives. My father only wanted to bring back a shileighleigh like his father had and was very upset that all he could find was tourist crap.


I'd like to find him one if anyone over there knows a place... :bier:



those examples in the pictures are from www.walkingstickshop.co.uk they have many many more but I don't think you can order on-line BUT they appear to be real nice shelalighes but call them "walking sticks" they also carry canes and walking sticks :lol:


I've had trouble finding a real one myself like the one in "Gangs of New York" thats what I'm looking for

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I was asking about your material of choice. Need to be quick, as the stuff will start growing soon.

BLACKTHORN!!!!!! they say its the only wood hard enough to crack an irishmans skull :lol: don't blame me thats what the legend says. :huh2:

If you could find one that looks close to one of these beauts' I'd gladly pay you a pitance :grin:


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