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What is the worst Hotel you have stayed in


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Motel outside Logan Lake, BC three summers ago. Seven of us, three rooms. $45.


No TP, found empty condom wrapper in bed (better than finding a used condom I guess), breakfast eggs came with a side of salmonella. By noon those of us who didn't have fully cooked eggs were laid up in another motel while the others rode local roads. :vomit:


Good thing we didn't indulge in the Chinese buffet the night before... Meow mein anyone?


Taught us that perhaps calling ahead for the best price may not always be the best course of action.




Meow Mein!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ciao, Steve

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Listening to you guys I feel like I've never been anywhere. :blush:


I remember waking up some far-Easterner to check into a dive in Daytona Beach, Florida in the wee hours back in the eighties. Keying the lock I noticed the door jamb all splintered away. So was the one between the rooms AND the one to the back balcony.


Uncle Jack* and I slept pretty soundly nonetheless. :ninja:


(* 1911A1 GCNM)

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Guest oldtoolie

I spent the 1980's in Central America, as a backpacker and then a skint free-lance journalist. I can't remember all of the bad hotels I've been in. (Thank God) But let's see if I can think of some of the low moments.


-- Hotels next to bus yards where they start revving up the unsilenced diesels around 3am. In the same genre, the ones where they fire up the electrical generator when the mains power goes down and the generator is next to your room. Several.


-- The windowless two dollar room in Guatemala city with no lights except the bare 10 watt bulb. No lights in the hall or toilet either. Batteries ran down on my flashlight and I came down with the runs. Feeling my way to the toilet, feeling toilet. Gives me the creeps thinking about it.


-- Nice hotel in Guatemala City, cleen sheets, reasonable price. Got comfortable and relaxed. Knock on the door -- 'Do you want to pay for another hour?' They did give me my money back as I left to find a hotel with over-night rates.


-- Hammock slung six inches from the wood plank floor in storeroom of a cafe in remote NIcaraguan mountain town. Pigs sleeping, eating, grunting six inches below the floor.


But what are the best hotels? For sure, the multitude of motels in Mexico and Central America where, when you ask,' where's a secure place to park my bike?' and they say, 'just put it in your room.'

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Guest redguzziv10

Jeez, i thought this next one was bad.... but reading your stories, this is luxury.

the Lioness and i had a boat journey cancelled from Male, the Capital island of the Maldives, to the smaller island we were intending to stay on, due to monsoon storms, so had to last-minute find a room.

the whole of the island's water supply is turned off in storms to avoid contamination. So the shower, and sink only dispensed salt water. - cold salt water.

The bed was two single doors, propped up on tea crates, with 2" foam sheets layed across them, and the view from the opening (no glass to be properly called a window) was the waste outlet from a Muslim laundry.

You really need to know what that smelt like to appreciate it.

Luckily, it was only for 48 hours of near constant torrential rain before the next boat risked the journey out

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Well it wasn't a hotel, but I did spend my honeymoon in a Nissen hut in the mountains, in the middle of winter, with no electricity, or water.


(And wedding night in the back of a ford Fiesta, Mk1, on way to said mountain abode.)



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Well it wasn't a hotel, but I did spend my honeymoon in a Nissen hut in the mountains, in the middle of winter, with no electricity, or water.


(And wedding night in the back of a ford Fiesta, Mk1, on way to said mountain abode.)




I see! That explains your fondness for sheds.

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Well it wasn't a hotel, but I did spend my honeymoon in a Nissen hut in the mountains, in the middle of winter, with no electricity, or water.


(And wedding night in the back of a ford Fiesta, Mk1, on way to said mountain abode.)






:2c: ferk! and i thought i was a cheapskate.... :blush:

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