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Riots threatened! Global Warming must be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!

Guest ratchethack

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For a critique of that Greg Craven clip try this:


I know I said not another word, but since interesting discussion, as opposed to bashing, is occuring....


I have also read this response. And I did say Mr. Craven's vid was close to my beliefs, I also realize (as in your response) that it really doesn't matter what the rest of the world does (if indeed we are heading for appocalypse...) as long as China and India continue to spew. How can anyone tell India and China that their economic development must stop when we ourselves have come to our position via the same route.


At the end of the posted response one can read Mr. Craven's comments on this article (paste below).


Greg Craven:

You might be interested in the 6+ hours of videos I made to accompany “How It All Ends,” addressing every single objection I came across in reading over 7000 comments about my first video–”The Most Terrifying Video.” If you are sincere about getting closer to “the truth” (only closer, since science never claims to get there) rather than just holding on to your opinion, I would hope that you are willing to invest the time. I’ve invested hundreds of hours in researching this, in the hopes of either finding out where I’m wrong–so that I can ditch that misunderstanding–or reinforce where I’m right, to increase my confidence in my understanding. Given that I feel I’ve already addressed your concerns in the videos, perhaps you’ll understand that I point you to them rather than re-iterate them here. If, after viewing, I would love to hear your critique of the points that I missed, or “deal-killer” errors you believe I made. Please contact me at wonderingmind42@gmail.com, as well as post your critiques here. Thanks for the sincere thinking, and acknowledging the possibility that you might be wrong. I must tell you–I certainly hope I am wrong. But my long study has me quite confident that I am right. I would LOVE to be convinced otherwise. But after viewing the videos, you’ll see what level of evidence and argument it will take to do so. (I actually lay out the outline for your counterargument in one of the vids.)


December 17, 2007, 8:31 pm

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Guest ratchethack

This is my "Venus de My Snow"

This is just me, Martin, but despite all the fearmongering to the contrary, those particular globes appear to be decidedly chilly. . . :whistle:


You don't happen to have a meat thermometer handy. . . oh, nevermind. . .:lol::rolleyes:

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For a critique of that Greg Craven clip try this:




Looks like the answer is there is no answer. :(:(

I say let rachet's snowmen melt and replace them with the snowwoman that showed up on the Hooters thread a short while ago!! :bier:

There is an answer.

Countering AGW is affordable because it conserves energy and energy costs money.

AGW is real and all but a few scientists don't believe in it.

Ratchet is about the only person on Earth that believes humans cause absolutely no warming, not even a trillionth of a degree over the past hundred years.

Even the author of that piece says of the NAS study, "It did say that man was probably warming the climate some (which folks like myself do not deny)."

Not one experienced professional climatologist agrees with Ratchet belief that humans cause absolutely no warming, and yet Ratchet accuses me of being the unscientific one.

We're obviously dealing here with someone entirely untrained in science at the most pedestrian level. I'm afraid this leaves him afflicted with childish naïvety, ignorance, gullibility, and subject to the irrational seductions of lemming behavior, as evidenced by the following publicly stated primitive and nonsensical childish statement, thereby rendering the entire field of science well beyond the dimmest glimmer of comprehension:

He must be desperate, since he has no concrete scientific argument.


Only Ratchet believes that AGW does exist in reality. A few believe the AGW is insignificant, a few more that it is probably insignificant, and lot more believe it is probably significant, and possibly more than that believe that human activity not only significantly increasing climate change, but probably the primary reason for the climate change.


Even from the Bush administration

Federal Climate Change Science Program (US)

On May 2, 2006, the Federal Climate Change Science Program, commissioned by the Bush administration in 2002, released the first of 21 assessments. Though it did not state what percentage of climate change might be anthropogenic, the assessment concluded:

Studies ... show clear evidence of human influences on the climate system (due to changes in greenhouse gases, aerosols, and stratospheric ozone). ... The observed patterns of change over the past 50 years cannot be explained by natural processes alone, nor by the effects of short-lived atmospheric constituents (such as aerosols and tropospheric ozone) alone.[6]

In a May 29, 2008 assessment, they stated:

It is well established through formal attribution studies that the global warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced increases in heat-trapping gases.[7]


From that site, you can see it is not just two scientific organizations, but many more:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Federal Climate Change Science Program (US)

Intergovernmental Arctic Council and the non-governmental International Arctic Science Committee

European Academy of Sciences and Arts

InterAcademy Council (IAC)

and about a hundred other organizations listed at that site have made statements confirming the likelihood that AGW is happening.

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The video was great and puts forward very logical arguments ,but some people just can't see past their point of view :lol: hey maybe it was masterbation ;)


It was pretty good, but he has the same speech impediment [to a much lesser degree] than the physics prof who basically chased me out of the laser technology program at the community college I attended 25 years ago.


Therefore, he's wrong! :grin:


No, seriously, it's a great video, and I feel happy for the kids who have him as their science teacher. Most of my own problems w/ the global warming theorists is that


A) At one time, all the C02 being released by the fossil fuels we're burning was in the environment already. If burning just one more gallon of gas brings the dinosaurs back, I'm for it!


B] Running around screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Do something, ANYTHING!" is likely to lead to bigger screw ups than calmly sitting down and saying "what can we do that will have some positive effect w/o crippling ourselves in the process?.. AND THEN DOING IT.

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It was pretty good, but he has the same speech impediment [to a much lesser degree] than the physics prof who basically chased me out of the laser technology program at the community college I attended 25 years ago.


Therefore, he's wrong! :grin:


No, seriously, it's a great video, and I feel happy for the kids who have him as their science teacher. Most of my own problems w/ the global warming theorists is that


A) At one time, all the C02 being released by the fossil fuels we're burning was in the environment already. If burning just one more gallon of gas brings the dinosaurs back, I'm for it!


B] Running around screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Do something, ANYTHING!" is likely to lead to bigger screw ups than calmly sitting down and saying "what can we do that will have some positive effect w/o crippling ourselves in the process?.. AND THEN DOING IT.


In the dinosaur age there were plants everywhere converting co2 to oxygen maintaining the balance now think about how many plants have disappeared not just things like the Amazon or forests of se asia but all the ground under citys around the world not to mention the dams ,agriculture(an acre of wheats not as good as an acre of rainforest), and a hell of a lot more people ,you can see how the greenery might not be coping.


I agree yelling the sky is falling won't help but neither will ignoring a potenial problem.carbon tax is a joke but it seems the only way to get people to act is to hit them in the pocket. Humans can be great procrastinators (you know don't fix the wall till it falls on your head) but as I see it, at best the science was right and we fix the problem ,at worst we fix or lessen some of the enviromental messes around the world. As for the economic aspect all the money in the world won't help if you have no health and nowhere to live.

Ps:even a small rise in ocean level can have an effect as seen by some small south pacific communities having to relocate. other places in jeapody are the Maldives ,Sri lanka and Bangladesh to name a few, if it all goes wrong where are all the people going to live :o

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Nice video. It all ignores one thing, though: If what actions we can take do not mitigate the change, that is, if the warming is actually caused by processes outside of human control, then our taking action does not move us out of the column in his table that includes all the upheaval. We'll get the upheaval and we also have all the costs.

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