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Must see,who amongst us has these skills?

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I wonder how he made that movie, some kind of clever lens to accentuate the slope either side, is it a computer generated landscape with the bike superimposed?



I reckon its more fun to take it for what appears to be - one very scary ride.

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Doen't look real to me.

Ive heard that before.I work in TV production and would bet that its legit.Sun and shadows are usually a tell-tale sign.Audio is also correct,my specialty field.

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I wonder how he made that movie, some kind of clever lens to accentuate the slope either side, is it a computer generated landscape with the bike superimposed?



I reckon its more fun to take it for what appears to be - one very scary ride.


Fish-eye lens, most likely a 'go-pro' camera. The lens curvature really accentuates distance if it is not center-of-frame.

Not trying to talk the guy down- it still looks like a pretty hairy ride.

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Apparently the guy that did it was on tv a few weeks ago talking about it.

JR must be right in that the lens distortion makes it look odd/unreal (to me).

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I was in the British Army in the early 70's defending our world from the Soviet horde in the then West Germany. I remember one Mad magazine showing a map of europe with those symbols showing what the military forces had at their command, the west side had skiing holidays and cheap sailing in the Baltic, the eastern side had rows of guns and tanks and bombers. Very funny I thought, sums up NATO, turned the page and there was the rest of the USSR totally covered in endless rows of guns tanks and planes - some joke.


I say I was in the British Army, despite having a Royal Navy and Royal Airforce we have'nt had a Royal army since Ollie Cromwell's army cut the head off a King. We are the direct descendents of that army.



We never had the balls to ride like that though.


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