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Dec 17


Hedonism Red Ale


Ruckus Brewing Company, Milford, New York


Hmmmmmmm .... this beer was starting to go off. It was over-carbonated - possibly from a bit of bottle ferment - so when I opened it I lost 1/3 of the bottle from foam spewing out ..... and the taste is a little off so I m not going to rate this very high ..... but it was drinkable!! A bit like some Belgian malts with a bit of hop forward taste and definitely a hop finish. The finish is a bit bitter - possibly from being in the bottle too long - and the nose is a bit rough too .... a touch of mouldy hay maybe. 


I did finish it .....


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Dec 18


Cameron's Cream Ale


Cameron's Brewing Company, Oakville, Ontario


Cream ales tend to not age well and I was worried that this one would be off but I got a nice surprise with just how well it tasted!!

This is as fine a cream ale as I've ever had .... Wow!!!! It has a nice smooth malt with that nice cream ale mouth feel and just a faint hint of caramel in the malt and a gentle balance of hops that leave a faint bitterness on the finish ..... but that won;t really last long as you will want another sip rather quickly!! 


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Cream ales are an American style ale ... They are generally brewed to be light and refreshing with a straw to pale golden color ... the hop and malt flavours are usually subdued but there can be a little fruit flavour in the taste. The closest I can think of is a Scottish ale but that's not a perfect match. The cream term comes from the smoothness and mouth feel of the beer. I think that is from a combination of the malt and the carbonation .... not sure though. Searching I find that they get extended cold-conditioning after primary fermentation is complete. 


I would say they make a good session beer ......

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We have a (generally) mass produced ale here, Boddingtons, that sounds quite similar - at least it's a very long time, if ever, since I've had a 'real' version. Not at all strong and quite creamy although that's in part down to the way it's gassed. Would love to encounter a 'real' craft beer equivalent.

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Dec 19


Newport Storm Rhode Island Blueberry Beer


Coastal Extreme Brewing Company, Newport, Rhode Island


I'm not really a big fan of fruit beers. There are some very tasty Belgium lambic beers and a good one is what I think of as a dessert beer. This would fit that category. It is a simple beer ... light malt, light hops and a light blueberry flavour as well. Not sweet and not overpowering. I doubt I would ever buy this beer but I can't say I didn't enjoy it either.


Looking forward to some more stouts, porters and IPA's ..... fingers crossed!


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Cream ale would be similar to a Boddingtons or Belhavens Best ........ I have seen some organic craft beer in the stores that is made on one of prince charles ranches or estates or whatever ..... for some reason I haven't gotten around to buying any .....

Duchy Original Ale I think that would be, although as I recall that's quite hoppy.

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Dec 20


Lighthouse Winter Ale


Lighthouse Brewing Company, Esquimault, BC


I was looking forward to this one ...  a winter ale and 6.5% sounds good ..... but this beer was weak and not full of flavour like I expected. I think the higher alcohol made the weak flavour even worse. Nothing much else to say .....


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DieselPunk Stout      World Brews, Rochester, NY   5.8%


A proper Guzzi shop beer, goes well with a workshop manual or the occasional wiring diagram.


Full bodied, sweet malt with a clean caramel finish. Too cold to drink at 42˚F, but the shop manual is not to be kept waiting!



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Dec 21


American Standard Ale


Tap It Brewing Co., San Luis Obispo, California


Nice simple pale ale .... medium hops and well balanced malt but nothing fancy. As the bottle says ... Session Pale Ale. It would be nice well chilled on a hot day and also just as nice at just below room temperature. 


Any guesses as to the Guzzi content in the second picture?


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