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Barely alive II


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Fresh 9 volt in the multimeter still getting weird readings...


Anyway, Kiwi_Roy had very kindly sent me a "thermistor" (the resistor that is used for the air temp sensor). Got it rigged using some very high-brow Polish engineering (don't get upset my last name is Jaszczak) and still suffering the same symptoms. :angry:


So all I've got left is to check the ECU voltage and then pull these injectors. Any other ideas?

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It's hard to imagine it doesn't have something to do with your last round of maintenance and repair of the front seal Like something didn't get plugged back up right.


You had the crank sensor off? You are certain your replacement O-ring did not change the seating (which affects the timing)? You did refit the thin spacer fitted to it without changing its thickness?

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Yea, I have checked the timing sensors gap and it looks good. I've never measured it but the spacer is flat and the o ring isn't protruding. Anybody know what the thickness of the spacer is supposed to be?

I do need to pull it out ... Once again, still leaking?

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Did you check TB boots for cracks? Headers and exhaust connections? A/F balance will cause these symptoms.So an air leak, or incorrect info to ECU (sensor or ECU.

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Yea I checked the boots. Checked/replaced the air temp sensor.


My exhaust does have small leaks at the connections but it's never been a problem before....

Back of the boots too?Any small crack will mess you up.Make sure those seals are tight at the exhaust.Copper paste is a good sealant.Header flanges are known to fail and leak.We're all gonna go,"Doh!" :homer:  when you find it,it's usually something stupid and small,.... :grin:

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Yeah Mzync, I had sprayed wd-40 pretty liberally all over both the boots all around and the airbox connection while idling looking for a change in idle... nothing. I guess I could try the unlit propane torch trick when warm maybe those boots expand when hot??


I always wondered if copper paste would work for that.


Really hoping it's something stupid and small. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


By the way if it's something real stupid and small rest assured you probably never hear about it.... :whistle:

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By the way if it's something real stupid and small rest assured you probably never hear about it.... :whistle:

Sure, none of US have done anything like that . . . :glare:


If you get caught at fixing your V11 without posting the results, you will not be banned from the forum.


They make you a moderator. :grin:

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Went back ove everything I had done and couldn't really find anything obvious.


I still have some testing that kiwi Roy had recommended. otherwise I have two theories, please tell me it's paranoia... First is that if when I had changed my front crank seal ( without removing the timing cover) that even though I was extremely delicate I could've knocked a piece of the collar of the cover into the oil system..... God I hope not!

The other theory is that my fuel pump is just been over stressed for too long ( makin weird sounds every now and then) it gives up the ghost when hot....? Just throwing it out there let me know if you guys thinkeither of these are plausible.


Tomorrow I'll test her out then onto the electric testing k-Roy recommended....

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