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I just wanted to say


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Errr! Tex, I was going to send a C-note to Todd but since Guzzitech and WG went down I haven't been able to conquor all the computer nonsense to get through to 'em. Anyway, if you want some aussie beer money it's on it's way, as soon as I can sort out the F*cking 'pooter shit!


Glad you're OK. BTW an Oz C-note just *might* buy you a new friction wheel for the Solex :grin:



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Good to hear from you Tx!!!!!!


We are always wondering how you are ( or is that how you got to be how you are) but the hurricane just upped our concerns.


Keep us posted on what it was like down there and what it is like now. It sounds like nothing I could even imagine.


P.S. Thanks to Todd for looking out for you.

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Pete & everybody , please no more money. I appreciate it, but there are people who are in worse shape than me. Please send your donations to the organazation of your choice.


Now as to a update. I just got water & power back friday ( 2 wks). I still have trees on the house & 1 in the house. The house is pretty much history with damage & mold, I have pics on a disc that I'll get up when time allows & figure out how to do it . FEMA is swamped & I don't know when they'll be able to do an inspection :huh2: The ins adjuster is jerking me around :angry: Today its raining again & water is coming back in again. Right now I think most ins companies would go broke if they had to pay out the real dollar amount in claims, so they're low balling on settlements & waiting to settle in the courts. I was offered $2000 for everything & I blew up & they sent another guy out to look at it again so he'll probably double the first guys offer :moon: I'm gonna have to rebuid or relocate.


I wanna thank all of yall again for your help & to all that attended the Italy Tx rally & especially Todd & Mike at MPH ( thanks for the generator & water & putting the redneck rescue together ) There's nothing that can't be fixed & were all still alive :thumbsup:

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Guest bshpilot

man looks like i got outta there w/ the v11 just in time the other week...

maybe misery will love some company ;) ....looks like the family and i will

be relocating...hopefully we'll be north and inland enough <tomball area>

to avoid any serious damage.


how typical....i bring the v11 all the way back to va, just so i can

bring it back down again !?!

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Hang in there Tex, our prayers go out to you and you family. k

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