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recently after a nice sometimes exhillerating sunday morning ride, the usual good ride out, nice coffee bit of tucker, beautiful scenery..all good. did the usual pull up at nearest pub out of town on return at a pub where bikers do, for a refreshing ale. and what do we have. HARLEYS..only out front wall to wall. so two italian bike jockeys get the hard cold stares from those who bother to lift the head, [whats all this shit!] i looks back..supercharged ! wooooh their she is, beautifully machined. well thats why he doesn't wanta know us. look left..patches. well they don't .not so much as a nod from our fellow motorcyclists. bing..it all became obvious. where have they been this day..up the twisties.up the mountain.no..this was their thrill for the day..having it parked out front. and looking the part. :huh2:

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I too have entertained the snobish Harley stare, all those posers who ride 10 minutes from home with their typical "biker" garb. When out on the road here we usually engage in the friendly biker wave when approaching another motorcycle, however my son and I have noticed the Harley crowd can't be bothered to wave. Sunday we went on a perfect ride up through the mountains of Vermont, a beautiful day with twisties, hills and sweeps and all along the way plenty of friendly sport machines and big tourers, but not a wave or an acknoledgement from the self proclaimed "hardcore bikers".



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At the risk of repeating what I said in another thread....

They cancelled Long Way Around to put on more episodes of

OCC ...where the main drama is ..will the parts come back from the

chromer in time.

I grew up in a small town in western Massachusetts where it just

happened that a few old timers were intristic in Indians racing campaign in

the 40s and 50s. A best friends father was among these guys. They hated H.D.

so when it came time for us little fledgelings to take flight (1969 +-)we were nudged toward Triumphs and BSAs. We grew up appreciating anything with 2 wheels and a motor. Often taunted with "If you ain't on a Harley you ain't on a motorcycle"

"Cept our Bonnies and Lightnings could kick any HDs ass. We moved on...did a bit of racing...MX, Road, Ice, Enduro, Flat Track, got into Hyper in lines and have all settled into Euro Trash :D in our grown up years.

These posers have no history and wouldn't know Isle of Mann from Laguna Seca.

Stop @ thier pig roast ..get a good deal...continue on your way to the twisties..

glide by them when they clog up the artery but don't expect to talk Motorcycles w/ them

They ain't got a clue. They think they're on TV :D


Disclaimer: I got a couple of friends that ride HD and love to ride plenty...

one is even got some talent...he must..to follow me on a Road King!! With his Bell Moto 4 on! That says it all...a Road King and a Bell Moto 4...he'd go out and poke @ your Guzzi :D

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"I too have entertained the snobish Harley stare, all those posers who ride 10 minutes from home with their typical "biker" garb. When out on the road here we usually engage in the friendly biker wave when approaching another motorcycle, however my son and I have noticed the Harley crowd can't be bothered to wave."


I had a Harley Sportster for a while last year. I only got return waves from riders that had enough coordination to ride with one hand for a second or two...

They wouldn't even talk to another Harley rider if that guy is wearing a helmet..

Truly the deffinition of bigots!

Another time while I was on my BMW I stopped to help a stalled Harley rider near Sturgis, SD... The guy flipped me off. So I left the jerk stranded along the highway near midnight, miles from anyplace and felt good about it.

I love bikes, all bikes, the Guzzi riders are by far more... friendly.


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Guest Cantaloop

Last Year i joined a two-day race training on nuerburgring. It was my first time on a race track.. an my V11 LeMans is not a racebike. But all the professional racers drive Yamaha R1, Suzuki Hayabusa, Kawasaki ZZ10... I asked some folks, if i could join them in a racebox near the racetrack to rest and protect me from sun or rain. They smiled as went to drive my frist rounds. But in the afternoon, i drove into the box after my rounds on the track. Then the Boys with their japanese toys started to ask some friendly questions about my guzzi. There was a lot of respect and sympathy. Guess they saw my tires - melted down... :bier::race:

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  • 2 weeks later...
recently after a nice sometimes exhillerating sunday morning ride, the usual good ride out, nice coffee bit of tucker, beautiful scenery..all good. did the usual pull up at nearest pub out of town on return at a pub where bikers do, for a refreshing ale. and what do we have. HARLEYS..only out front wall to wall. so two italian bike jockeys get the hard cold stares from those who bother to lift the head, [whats all this shit!] i looks back..supercharged ! wooooh their she is, beautifully machined. well thats why he doesn't wanta know us. look left..patches. well they don't .not so much as a nod from our fellow motorcyclists. bing..it all became obvious. where have they been this day..up the twisties.up the mountain.no..this was their thrill for the day..having it parked out front. and looking the part. :huh2:


I fear no other place on earth has such a H.D. snobbery problem as that exhibited on the west coast of Canada. There is now a huge influx of money coming in from a booming economy, and much excess money for expensive toy purchase. H.D. bikes are to be found parking at most every pub, parked in an area where the flatulence owners can be seen, and for their H.D. trucklets to be admired/force fed by an unsuspecting public. Getting caught behind these things on a road is far worse than being behind a motorhome/caravan, as only a rider new to bikes, saddled on H.D. can butcher a road in this manner. As they feel they belong in front, [even while holding up a dozen or more seniors in old mini-vans], passing them on a bike other than H.D. is paramount to a declaration of war. More than once I've had a gaggle of these munt's trying to catch me, fingers flying, and other forms of hand signals offering their displeasure. It's getting tiresome, this new wave of Pretend Hells Angels. It's getting so bad that when uninformed people find out I have motorcycles, they ask if it's an H.D.

Luckily most of these posers can be avoided by venturing away from the urban areas, as they tend to stick within 5 miles of home, so unridable these things are.

Ciao, Steve G.

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Why does this stuff bother you?


Just cos someone owns a m/c doesn't make him your buddy!


It never was any different, cept now there's more of them. Who cares? What's it stop YOU doing?


Let em get on with it. Always fancied a Harley mesel actually...


KB :sun:

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Guest Nogbad

Well the UK Harley crowd don't seem so bad. I had my Buell serviced at my local Harley emporium today, had a good natter with the other bikers and the staff, and they lent me a Street Rod to play with for a couple of hours while my bike was in the shop.


I was going to post some riding impressions, but I guess I might be branded a traitor so I may not bother since there seems to be an anti-H-D sentiment on here today.

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