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helicopterjim R.I.P.

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"Hmm, I may need to downshift for this sweeper coming up. Now, is the clutch on the right or the left on this bike, I forget? I better make this shift quick now! Grab a handful of clutch... :homer: It *was* the left! I'd better straighten up & goose it to regain [bAM!] Ow!"


There's a lesson here folks: the probability of an accident increases exponentially with the proximity of a video camera!


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He's probably in the hospital saying "Wall was I thinking"! lol Theres video proof of why the European license laws make sense. That was a rider who clearly had no business riding a larger bike on a public road. Oh well Darwin had a term for people like that...

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it looked like his back end just came out. did he goose it? hit sand? maybe it wasn't all his fault. It didn't even look like he was going that fast, he's real lucky the bike took most of it and bucked him off, I'm sure he only has a few scratches. :huh2: lucky dumb bastard. at least grab the brakes and low side it if you have to, better than head on like that.

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but look close, I think he hit sand saw the wall deer in headlights wham, definatly an inexperienced rider, or just a sevre laps of judgement but when I'm facing certain doom(and have) I pull hard to the open area with strong pressure on both brakes and I dunno I guess I've been riding bikes since I was 11 with a mini bike then a dirt bike then a street bike so. There's really something to be said about getting some good experience off-road, makes the pavement seem so much easier :huh2:

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I painfully watched several times.

Looks like he....choked, greased the back tire with a hard brke,

crossed up the front, over corrected and radar locked on the wall.

Bet he didn't have 50 miles under his belt...the leg out is really ugly.


Kawasaki sport bike $9,000...Dainesse Leathers $850...A little skill...Priceless

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