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Cheap Crap Guzzi Electrics and Fasteners


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I gotta ask a question at this point this very interesting thread. I'm assuming that you are either employed or co-owner at Moto International Greg.

Can I ask where Captain Nemo gets his Moto Guzzi parts for his machine?

Ciao, Steve G.

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They say, never bite the hand that feeds you.

But, who feeds who?

The Dealer or the Customer?

Glad to see both of them are straight forward, honest, and tell it like it is.

Heck, I am not one to go pretend I'm a LiberPublican or a Reptiltarian just to get in good with the dealer...but I do kind of bite my tongue a bit more than I do on this forum.

I suppose after my exchanges here with Todd Haven and Greg Field, my orders might not get delivered as fast as those who agree with them on everything, but I am sure they are not in business to turn customers away, and realize we all have differences...and Todd and Greg are big enough to think no big deal of it.

Maybe if they advertised here, I would show them more respect :huh2:

I guess Greg kind of advertises through Teo Lamer.

And both of them have contributed many valuable posts. :bier:


FWIW I agree with Enzo about driving within your eyes.

When riding with my buddies they lose me further faster in areas with drive ways, chances of fallen rocks, pedestrian crossings, etc.

I can about keep up with them on turns where you can see 100%, but those turns are rare.

On the other hand, while on blind turns I usually go slowly enough to dodge a dead squirrel, but that is useless if the squirrel is alive, or worse, a cow or deer! Then the speed doesn't make much of a difference. If you hit it, you hit it, period.

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I suppose after my exchanges here with Todd Haven and Greg Field, my orders might not get delivered as fast as those who agree with them on everything, but I am sure they are not in business to turn customers away, and realize we all have differences...and Todd and Greg are big enough to think no big deal of it.h of a difference. If you hit it, you hit it, period.


I won't speak for Greg.

He is more than capable.


Darn few agree with me on everything...

I would wager a large number agree with me on nothing..


I believe I go far in separating politics/internet ramblings from

business dealings, whenever possible.

I have prided myself on this for years.

I can rant, rave, cuss and drink with friends/acquantances/

hell, even family members. :grin:

I agree to disagree with folks all the time.


My politics defy easy categorization.

Mainly Libertarian, with a strict adherence to

Constiituitional gidelines.

I don't care what you do. I truly do not.

You have no right to tell me what to do, either.

I don't want your tax dollars to support what I like to do,

feel I need to do, or like to do. Ditto my tax dollars for your interests.

Let's remain consistent.


All that aside, if you want a set of Aaron's crossover shims(order in the works for a second batch,

they are selling like hotcakes),

a manual petcock to replace the elec. version, or other Guzzi needs,

I am ready, wiling and able to help.

No poll tax, no "litmus test"( Damn, I hate that phrase)

no delays for Franken or Limbaugh fans(both of whom I disagree with vehemently).


Greg is also fully capable of handling your parts needs,

I have turned to him for parts from Europe on more than one occasion,

and have 1100cc stock air filters on a "lend-lease" from him :bier: untill Piaggio pulls their heads out.



Re advertising:-- I stand giuilty as charged.

Originally primarily a Euro site, I have lurked from the sidelines,

particulary in light of

Greg's and MIs' Teo Lamers tie-in.

Time to pony up. I will contact Jaap, and get that underway.

MPH Cycles supports Guzzitech, Wildguzzi, and others.

No problem to add another.,

Can't promise a big banner-- but we will do what we can.

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He buys his Guzzi parts at Home Depot. He just loves them yaller plastic wire nuts. His whole bike's wired with Romex, and them tacky Cobra pipes're made of galvanized gutter pipe and sprayed with rattle-can Hammerite. Ain't you fellers been payin' 'tention?


Don't let him fool you about riding within his eyes, either. He rides like a complete maniac where it's totally inappropriate, like when chasing the Rev. Peas and Corn or "The Rickster" on Green Valley Rd.—which is a heavily traveled road in a semi-rural area and chock full of farm traffic, driveways that are frequently used, and completely blind corners—yet at a sedate pace when it's actually safe out in BFE around Mt. St. Helens. He has no "road sense," and just uses "eyes" as an excuse about why he can't even keep a lowly Eldo in sight at its natural sport-touring pace. Here's the really sad part: When riding with him and staying ahead of him, I haven't ever touched any parts down on my Eldo, let alone on Billy Bob. When riding with others, I routinely leave long curving arcs of sparks around corneers from my Eldo's footboards and undercarriage. That's a bike I can ride to the absolute full maximum of its cornering performance. In all the rides with him, I doubt I've topped 70 percent.


If the exchange above hasn't convinced you he's a complete poser idiot, maybe y'all'd be fine riding partners? You, too, could be Rolling Blows and discuss endlessly why its the Jews who're behind all the world's ills. (He has endless excuses for himself and for everything else). And you could feel the fury of the mighty Cobra pipes as he passes you, too!


Bleh. I'm done with this thread, and that poser.

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If the exchange above hasn't convinced you he's a complete poser idiot, maybe y'all'd be fine riding partners? You, too, could be Rolling Blows and discuss endlessly why its the Jews who're behind all the world's ills. (He has endless excuses for himself and for everything else). And you could feel the fury of the mighty Cobra pipes as he passes you, too!

Bleh. I'm done with this thread, and that poser.

I don't think he is a complete idiot.

Atleast as a riding partner I don't think he would abandon me up on Mount Saint Hooters, but heck, if he started up with the Jew bashing again, I might just leave him miles from home.

None of us are perfect, and I guess some of us are bad matches.

Heck, I have gotten far closer :wub: to many of the right wingers on this forum than I ever had hoped to.

Lately they call me friend and say they respect me :wub:



Well said :bier:

I guess I too should put my money where my fingers type and get one of them Gold Memberships....but that Dutch PayPal is a little intimidating.

I guess I'll post the question about how to donate in a new thread.

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I've had my own strong feelings about Mr. Enzo, or is it Mr. Nemo the World Traveller, shit I'm confused! Early on the guy was like a boil I could not quite reach. Now I look on him with delitefull amuzement, an entertaining little attention whore who, well, is strangely entertaining as he strokes himself in this strange arena I call e-public.

And while I'm not in the habit of wanking on anyone elses bike, I can honestly say color coordination is not one of his strong suits. Home decoration is probably not his line of work. The exhaust systems that are being "designed" :D , very entertaining. All that work, man. Mr. Enzo is very determined. Well, it keeps one less lonely person hanging out in the food court of the local mall. I just find a V11 Sport to be an very nice looking motorcycle all on it's own. Italians are known for making nice looking shapes and colors. Spoiling that with a red, white, and green bike, with a home made BLUE exhaust? Golly! The resale value of that machine has been literally halved.

Getting back to the abandonment rant he gave us a while back, where he did really rip into Greg, what exactly happened to his time machine? I thought a tire.

Ciao, Steve G.

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Field is unwittingly demonstrating one of his most glaring shortcomings as a person - a real mean streak. And, he will rat you out to the cops if you cross him or his beliefs. The truth is, I enjoy many different types of riding depending on my mood. I don't think I have ever had in my head "I've got to beat this guy" when we have ridden together. I'm more like Valentino Rossi and like to follow some one closely when I'm in the mood. I find that more fun than being out front. It's easier and I'm lazy. Field rides at about 80 mph through the countryside in and out of deep shadows, wet roads, moss and close shrubs and trees. That is not safe to me. I will hang way back in such territory. I think he got this way delivering messages from one FBI station to another while eye-balling white supremacist groups living in double wide trailers, broiling squirrel and lighting off firecrackers. In fact, he rides 80 mph on the highway, too. I've never known him to ride at any other speed. I've never seen him lay back and take it easy. It's tiring to ride with him and no fun.


I've spent a lot of time making fun of my bike with 'Enzo Replica Home Depot Toggles' and other absurdities. I will paint the pipes different colors just to see what will happen. I don't care. It is just an experimental pod to me. If I do actually sell or trade it, you can be sure that the pipes won't be blue. You have never heard anybody here or at Wildguzzi say that it runs like shit. So bare that in mind. I bought the bike used and it looked like a piece of crap. So I started cutting into it. If I had purchased a brand new lovely Lemans, I would NEVER have touched it. My Honda is TOTALLY stock.


Yes, I have purchased stuff from Todd at MPH. What he says is true - he is a good business man who offers immediate and friendly service. He does not care what I or anybody else rants about on the internet.

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Yes, there is good humor to be seen everywhere. But Guzzisti should be forewarned: If you ride with Field and cross him in any way, he WILL abandon you in the middle of nowhere notwithstanding a few hours before you were endeavoring to assist him in his own problems. That is some sort of unforgivable sin in motorcycling lore. Let him account for himself before the bar of the great Hebrew when the eternal shop manual is opened and his misdeeds are shouted from the house tops.

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I do not lack for riding partners. In fact, more people have approached me since I had the guts to leave you, as you deserved. You were abandoned because of your behavior, not any of your views. Your Narcissistic Personality Disorder caused the problem and prevents you from seeing the truth of the matter, but that's something only a skilled psychiatrist can solve for you. I wish you luck in finding the courage to seek the help you need . . .

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A good and competent rider put on a couple of hundred miles with me and

my regular riding buddies of 35 years, on some nice country twisties a few weeks ago.

At one of the stops he said with a wide grin "Man you guys really like to duke it out huh?"


I immediately felt responsible to put an immediate end to that type of thinking. ( Seeing how

I brought him)


I replied "Were not dukeing it out with each other...we're dancing.. togeather"

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but that's something only a skilled psychiatrist can solve for you. I wish you luck in finding the courage to seek the help you need . . .


haha. I like that one. Ok, I'll do that right away Dr. FRAUD. Who should I see? Dr. GOLDman? Dr. SILVERman? Dr. ROBBINstein? Dr. STOLEowitz?


As for 'dancing' - that is a good word for it. This is why I liked to ride with Ray (Gooddog) who used to be on this forum. He had a sweet pace that was not dangerous, but fun. Actual racing is no fun to me. It involves a real danger that I'm not interested in. When I think of the money I have into my teeth, I have no desire to kiss a ditch. In all my life of riding - and I got started at 14 with dirt and hill climbing - I have only crashed ONCE. And that was a patch of ice that appeared on a dry road in the Winter in Ohio. Someone had left a garden hose run down onto the road for some reason. I don't want to start now with crashing. In all my apparent 'crazy' riding, I have never felt pushed over my head or in the danger zone.

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...I replied "Were not dukeing it out with each other...we're dancing.. togeather"...


:thumbsup: That's a great way of looking at it! I guess the best rides are always a dance, whether you're with others or on your own. "Who's faster?" always spoils the fun for me - not saying I don't do it - sometimes I can't help myself - but it ALWAYS leaves a bad taste - whatever the outcome.


KB :sun:

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That's a great way of looking at it! I guess the best rides are always a dance, whether you're with others or on your own. "Who's faster?" always spoils the fun for me - not saying I don't do it - sometimes I can't help myself - but it ALWAYS leaves a bad taste - whatever the outcome.


That is very well put, and I agree. There are times under perfect conditions where I will push out ahead and STAY out there. But most of the time I want to ride WITH others around me. Nothing I like more than following behind someone who has picked up the pace (under good conditions.) If Field thinks that all that time I spent behind him was because he was outrunning me, he severely undercalculates my ability.

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