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helicopterjim R.I.P.

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Posts posted by helicopterjim R.I.P.

  1. . Still looking forward to riding with more of you! :race:


    That is going to be my goal sometime soon .... flying is going to slow down .... riding is going to ramp up!!!


    Yes .... there were some good people that had a hard time here .... no fingers pointed at anyone ... we all had freedom to make choices. 


    Maybe it's time for some " I heart V11LeMans.com" bumper stickers!!!

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  2. I would very much like to get some measurements but I will have to wait for a space on my motorcycle lift to get that kind of information. That might take a few weeks ....


    One proof may be measuring the wheelbase .... if the forks are canted or raked in ... or out .... then the wheelbase would be slightly different from the original red frames with the original triple clamps. That's where I would look for differences first.

  3. Canting out the triples to get more rake is a horrible idea.



    A GSXR front end will be shorter which means steeper rake, but it will also have substantially less offset which means more trail. The extra trail should help offset the steeper rake.



    Canting "in" the front forks will achieve the same effect as the shorter GSXR forks (or having less offset as in sp838's EDIT) I would really like to know if that is what Greg Field meant about the "canted" triple clamps.

  4. Latest updates on some of the missing members:


    Ratch decided that communism was the real way forward and now lives on the North Korean coast building flood defences against the inevitable flood surges caused by global warming. He sold his V11 because he got sick of it wobbling like a bastard.


    BFG was last seen paddling his canoe off the Antrim coast whilst think arty thoughts.


    dlaing is working for the liberal-democrats trying to ensure legislation for mandatory steering dampers ...... it should be complete in 15 to 20 years!


    Captain Nemo is in a North Korean prison .... he was caught trying to modify some old T-34 tanks and Hatchetrack fingered him for being CIA.


    Greg Field is running a gun range in Colorado .... oh wait ... I think they banned guns there now! All gun licences became pot licences!!


    MacGuzzi is running an old folks home somewhere in Sconnie Botland.

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