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Paul Minnaert

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Everything posted by Paul Minnaert

  1. Well that is bad. What else could I say? I hope it isn't as bad as it looks.
  2. I hope you put new pads in. And these rotors because the other material might like other pads better.
  3. Looks almost to what I have, mine are slightly less, 139,1 @ 8000 rpm, might be the tyre size calculation. Mine does 9000 in 6th so that gives 156,5 in my calculation.
  4. well if you don't have a lot of weight at the back, there is an aluminium version of the tail subframe. From Italy
  5. well maybe it's some help, this is what I send to PVM to get my wheel made, only you need to measure the left side, since mine was made different there. Between gear and the wheel center the cush should be made.
  6. well to measure if it has an open connetion, between pin 7 and 12 on the ecu connector, when ecu is out, you should have something like 680 ohms.
  7. here we have a lot of suspension companys. It started with WP, and after time some people who worked there had ideas how to do things different, and started their own firm. See also Hyperpro.
  8. I knew it was something with Becker :-)
  9. well you know the guy bought AItalia too.
  10. They are nice people, but as Pete Roper found out, hard to get them doing business. Why? It's a very small shop, and they are burried in work, they have more customers from Germany then they can handle. People wait half a year to get work done on their bikes. I think the v11 stand is from hepco becker.
  11. look in links on top of this page, why do you think it's there?
  12. If yoy realy drive a lot at dark, then get a HID set, they aren't that expensive anymore.
  13. Some people make money from selling things that a free downloadable on the internet. Such as manuals and schematics.
  14. I can imagine Piaggio not introducing so much new, they put a lot of money in Guzzi, with the 8v engine and the stelvio, after buying the remainders. And before spending new money some has to come in. Last year there was talk about reaching 10.000 build bikes, I think this year will be much less. I'm not going to repeat why they don't sell more, we all know.
  15. And I read they are not producing any yet, so wait and see.
  16. Just been to A Guzzi Daytona meeting, two people had self adapted wheels, one had wheels from a Bandit, with selfmade cushdrive, the other had wheels I never heard of, he told that they were light. No pictures, camera forgotten :-( I found them, TSW3 from http://www.lightcon.de Ask dynotec.de if you are serious, the advertized prize is as high as PVM.
  17. there is an italian who did it. He claimed to have much more power. I can't recollec his webaddress, the story is somewhere in the anima guzzista forum
  18. well with switched off cookies, from the frontpage makes that I can vote over and over again:-) Just a bit slower, because you need to use the back button each time.
  19. they took the voting from the detail pages. And the number of votes too.
  20. when I switch off cookies in Firefox, I can vote again and again.... And don't have to wait till the page relaods, just F5-enter-F5-enter-f5 as fast as you can.
  21. and then the biker goes to his insurance company to claim a new bike?
  22. Paul Minnaert

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  23. Paul Minnaert

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