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Posts posted by rossoandy

  1. I suppose 1200 sport?

    just testing yer powers of observation!! 10/10Paul!! :homer:


    Trippy camera work!


    ...but I did not get any sound :huh2:

    Me niether...thanks for sorting link. regards Andy



    on a Guzzi scale, this video is pure hoologanism !

    Now, how long will it take the Piaggio big guys to put it down ? :)


    nice vid, strange late apexes sometimes, and one of the rider nearly did us a Max Biaggi whelling on its second one, but it's cool to see something else than the usual BMW crowd oriented marketing remashed offering.

    I thought it way out for Guzzi too. So was I the first to find it!!

    Anyway wat I wanna know is how they get it to wheelie cause when I went to factory last year and had a blast on the Griso (GMG weekend) I found all I got was clutch slip when I tried.... :blush: Although it was still a hoot to ride.

    Just watched some of it again, did anyone else spot the MG licence plate? Guess this a factory plate? perhaps gives emm special permission to pull wheelies et! Wouldnt fancy their chances should they fall off on these roads up in the mountains....its a loooooong way down. I wonder where exactly they are..

  2. Has anyone else seen the video of the New 1100 Sport on the facory site? (oops I mean 1200sport!)

    Its worth a look,have u seen a Guzzi wheelie coming outa bend! The skillful (mad) Italian riders make the most of the winding mountain ascent to give an impressive promotion of the new bike. There doesnt seem to be a lot of choregraphy,just madness.......go watch an enjoy.

    Sorry but I dont know how to do a link..feel free those of you who do.

  3. Something to bear in mind: Piaggio's 1st move upon taking control of Guzzi was to "end of line" all the spineys & consolidate. You can't say they're "no improvement on the predecessor" unless they haven't managed to keep ready parts supply for the new generation quotards & the residual tontis in the lineup of "current" models [brevona, Griso, Cali Classic, Norge, etc.]


    Not that I think this is right, I'm just sayin' that by Piaggio's reckoning, they aren't required to keep parts in supply for those old models that they've publicly announced they no longer support... :huh2:




    Ride on,


    ????????? I thought there was a proviso to keep spares available for ten years after production in Europe?

    An thats not long! Imagine how people who have a three year old bike will feel if spares sudenly dry up.

    hmmm normal fer Guzzi then!! :)

  4. I am waiting for a part for my scura (only 5 weeks). So far ......

    Having read this i am now slightly worried as had booked to go away in 6 weeks and also to TT in June. Niether is now looking likely ! :unsure: The bike is waiting for a clutch centre and they have no idea when it might arrive. Can i look for the part myself & see if i could get it elsewhere a bit quicker ? would they fit it if i did as it is being done under their warrenty not under MG. Does anybody know if this makes any difference. I have spoken to dealer on various occasions but i am not getting much sense,and they don't seem keen on this happening. Its something different each time & they don't seem to have any idea why it ate the clutch in the first place.

    Should I stop panicking, sit back and wait or grab the phone & start ringing round ?

    I am very inexperienced in all things Guzzi :blush: so would really appreciate anyones thoughts on this


    Many thanks :)




    Hope its repaired by now Ozzy!
  5. After spending time trying match this paint, I think this is pretty close.

    Here's the code for a 1/4 PINT








    Let me if this works.

    DOUGDANGER :grin:

    Does this mean I can paint my wheels like bike o the month?


    wow thats cool :D

  6. Well folks if u've watched that vid and not been moved..u made of stone!


    I probobaly not able to go this year,the 100 centenary year but I would urge anyone who can,even if you have to sell the wife! to do so.


    You just gotta do it sumtime if you've motorcycing in yer blood,its an awsome experience.


    My V1100 knows its way around the island well......although we struggle a bit wiv the 120mph wheelies!


    thanks for the posting Tom, you've made me remember what I going to miss.......... :huh:

  7. If anyone wants a cheap overnight stay we have room to accomodate 5 persons overnight.

    We are around 20minutes ride from Dover or Folkestone tunnel/ferry terminals in Ashford Kent.Eurostar teminal here in Ashford too. Direct train link to London if you wish to leave bike here for day trip.

    We are not a hotel but have spare rooms and would be happy to help fellow forum members. We are only an hour or so from London and would make a good base for UK visit. Anyone intererested in the Tour de France? It passes through Ashford this year. Leave me a message or e mail me if interested.


  8. Good luck with your project Andy. Just remember to keep that spray can at least a foot away from the workpiece and you should get decent results. Thanks again for that tip Jason! :bier:


    My exhaust pipes and crossover were ceramic coated by the previous owner, that's why they aren't discolored like yours.


    I'm pretty happy with my paint results. If you zoom in on my middle picture above you can see that the engine paint between the jugs is still a bubbly mess, but I don't think it will be very noticeable once I put the fairing back on. It should be a vast improvement over what was there before. Not bad for $15 and a little time and effort.

    aah ceramic huh,well dont drop emm! Bevel box all painted now and although not as crinkly as yer i reasonably happy wiv result. Thankyou mr Harley D !!! (why can't Guzzi market paint)!

  9. They will come out fairly easily but it's tricky to get a good purchase on the first brng. Once I've located the drift at an angle onto the brng inner edge thru the hub, I use a piece of wood to wedge it in place tight against the other brng inner. A piece of flat steel with end formed to a curve works for me. Work around brng, not at just one spot.


    Another trick someone here suggested was a piece of tube of diam to fit ID of brng with slots cut some way along it's length. Expand tube against brng & drift out.


    Another suggestion was using expanding bolts.


    Heat can help but probably isn't necessary. I used towels soaked in boiling water wrapped around hub successfully on something.


    When fitting new bearings it's important to act on both inner & outer races at same time. I made up an alu plate, OD slightly smaller than brng's.


    On rear wheel I left locating plates off spacer - this makes brng removal much easier, but axle location a bit trickier.


    This subject was covered before, it may be worth a search. Or perhaps an FAQ or How to?


    KB :sun:

    May I say baldini's description good save one comment,DO NOT drive new bearings on inner race at all,this will damage them,all pressure should be wherever possible on outer race which is tight fit in hub. An exception to this rule is if you are pressing bearings in using constant overall pressure with a tool exceting force over entire bearing.However it is still rule one to press wherever posssible on outer tight race. I find a suitable sized socket or the old bearing placed over the new will help you get them started evenly in the recess.Again if using old bearing as drift make sure you tap on outer race.

    The wheel bearings are a little tricky to get started to move but a decent sized punch say around 6mm will if you force the spacer over a tad get a purchase on the edge of the bearing allowing you to get a start on shifting it,always work around the bearing say in 90degree max moves. Obviosly you can drive the old out on the inner race as they are to be discared anyways.Check after you have fitted them by placing your finger inside them and turning them to and fro,they must be smooth with no roughness.

    :rasta: Have fun!

  10. Bike look a bit uncared for I'd say!


    Nothing that couldnt be put right wiv bit of time,enthusiasm an $$$$


    As someone commented are you sure its value for $$,is it possible to get more for less $$.


    Depend if you gonna enjoy tinkering or riding more? Depends if you are guy who takes great pride ith the appearance or jus wants to ride it.


    Up to you but whatever you do I sure you will enjoy the riding! Great bike,classic.

  11. Comfort on the V1100 not really an issue for me,mandello in three easy days ride from uk. However carrying the stuff you need for camping and a week away is not so easy. Tank range could be better as you soon get through a tank ful.

  12. We've been a bit windy. But made the most and took the Guzzi to work - I'm currently lift sharing with a colleague, who wasn't at work today so took the Guzzi regardless.

    Only the third time since new year :(

    Went past one heavy on it's side. But okay, eased by home time. I wont mention our new 8 million pound building that we've only been in a month that is losing it's roof panels in the wind as that's a tad embarrassing. Just damp for the return journey.


    Martin you have just confirmed you are totaly mad! :D Can't believe you went out on bike yesterday!! 90mph plus winds christ! Guess ok if wind behind you though, giva you top speeed of about 220mph!! lol

  13. wow, not bad at all! cases look fine in pics,well done. My engine is worse than yers was (pipes a golden blue colour too for sum reason) hehe. I in process of doin bevel box as i write this, had three lightish coat wiv about ten mins btween. I based it up with etch primer then a base of matt black before the Harley paint went on. I go and do another coat in a bit..

  14. lol, :D this thread is gettin more interstin by the day, however....I did mesure very quickly and...bike is currently on bench with paddock stand under rear swing arm,however surely wouldnt make as much difference as we are experiencing so..I'll go check it again in 30mins or so!

    does 1474mm sound better!! :doh:

    measured on the bench with paddock stand under rear arm.


    NOTE. bike of the month looks real good with those red wheels.....wonder where I can buy that tasty rear hugger?

  15. Andy, this is a bit of a puzzler, but it sure ain't the first, and it just as surely won't be the last. :whistle:


    Your RM is the same year as mine, which may or may not be significant. :huh2: Since your RM isn't a Sport, I'd expect you'd have the 26 degree rake frame of the LM variants. We're comparing spindle-center measurements and distance between tire and alternator cover, which should be indicators of which frame you've got (25 or 26 degree rake). Things seemed so simple and self-explanatory to me when comparing these measurements between my Sport and an '04 LM.


    However, y'er measurements square with mine in one of these dimensions, but not the other. :o But they don't seem to square with those of the '04 LM at all! :huh2:


    As posted previously, my Sport has a 1471 mm dimension between spindle centers (by the Guzzi manual, confirmed by Y'ers truly as measured unladen, off side-stand, sags correctly set). My Pal's LM is 1487 mm.


    I've got 90 mm betwixt tire and alternator cover, same as you. My Pal's LM is 106 mm.


    I assume you've taken y'er measurements unladen, off side-stand, as I have, and that sags, fork height, etc. are set within reasonable enough ranges of tolerance for shirtsleeve comparison purposes.


    By spindle-center measurement, y'er RM is 15 mm longer than my Pal's '04 LM, and 29 mm longer than my '00 Sport. :thumbsup:


    And yet, y'er tire-to-alternator cover measure (a quickie measurement simply for comparison purposes) is identical to mine, and 16 mm shorter than my Pal's LM. :doh:


    My best sense of this is that there may be more than 2 different iterations (without measuring each model -- nay, each bike -- who will ever know f'er sure?) of the spine frame WRT these dimensions. One imagines a well-used, and even possibly "ancient" frame fixture at the venerable old Guzzi works being subject to adjustment, possibly frequently, possibly without much regard to anything resembling consistency over the years. After all, such "features" of apparent arbitrary design -- one might venture to say whimsy, even :lol: -- are a well-known hallmark of the "village craftsmanship" of these often inexplicably, yet ever-so-wonderfully manufactured anachronisms of moto awe annd wonderment! :wub:


    MY CONCLUSION: There's no tellin' wot rake frame you've got without a proper measurement of the angle itself. Not that it matters all that much, but this little exercise has got me in some doubt about the rake of my own Sport, despite wot the manuals and all the Guzzi published sales & marketing data say.


    Wot d'you make of it, Chief?! :huh2:


    lol, :D this thread is gettin more interstin by the day, however....I did mesure very quickly and...bike is currently on bench with paddock stand under rear swing arm,however surely wouldnt make as much difference as we are experiencing so..I'll go check it again in 30mins or so!

  16. I remember many years ago I had a couple of 45rpm records of the tt soundtrack commentated by the great Murray Walker,the Guzzi V8 was passing Murray by and I remember his excited words vividly

    'here it comes....listen to it....fantastic.... terrific...fabulous !!!!!!!!

    I wonder if they available on cd ?? They are great to listem too..Hocking on the MV....Manx Nortons oh I just gotta go an see if I can find it somewhere on cd. wish I knew what i done with the originals...The big singles being push started.....donk.........donk.....donk..donk donkvrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :notworthy:

  17. hi guys, just gone out to do a bit on the bike

    I've measured the distance from rear of front tyre to alternator cover as 90mm as near as damn it. The distance tween front and rear wheel spindles is 1500cm give or take (bit more difficult to measure this one when missus is shouting 'time for dinner')! So..do I have the short frame here or the later longer one?

    Suspension sag? Now there,s a thought ratchet....i've never have checked it!! Oh well that will have to wait until bike back together an off the ramp. Motorguzznix,thanks for advice on tyres. :)

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