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Posts posted by rossoandy

  1. welcome to the clan...


    You have made a lifechanging decision buying a GUZZI.


    Your life is about to be made so much more complete.....no longer can you go to the garage wheel your bike out and expect it to start instantly (it prob will but it might not), now you will return after parking your bike to face a group of admiring bystanders, now you will be able to spend time cleaning and checking your new pride n joy and making sure nothings falling off it, now you will know what its like to wait weeks/months for spares, now your hands may go numb with vibration, now you will spend hours browsing websites and magazines looking for those go faster/shinier bits to fit, now you will learn the dark art of maintaining a piece of pushrod twin history,now every corner will be an adventure to perfect, now you can really begin to live!!!!


    But.....if you accept these little issues.....you will never look back and enjoy motorcycling as it should be.


    I'll never part with mine......its a real motorbike. :)


    apologies 4 the waffle folks......

  2. like all sales what u get depends on how long you got to sell!


    MGOC GB good place if you can wait, MCN can get very pricey and with patchy results, E Bay will get maximum exposure for your money and you can of course put just a 'Buy it Now' tag on it or a reserve set at your desired price with a note for interested parties to 'offer' if they wish via e mail.

    I would wait until it stops raining meself......

    or of course you could always break it for spares..........!!!!!!! :food: Put my name against the suspension parts :unsure: £100? lol

    Good luck and...................you'll be sorry u sold it.....

  3. do you mind if I flex my moderator muscle if I see one? I've deleted one b4 I knew was spam myself. Just want to know if thats ok. I won't step on ole Alex's toes but I have a large dislike for the spammers. spam3.gif





    Also, you should give Alex a witty title, like Spaminator

    how that monty python song go?.........spam spam spam spam , spam spam spam spam...


    ooough, egg beanz chips n spam wivout the spam?........ooooer yuck lol :D

  4. well we had a topic with pics on this before:



    Or isn't this what you are talking about?

    Thanks Paul for your reply,I did have a quick search b4 posting but obv missed it!


    I will add that the big 'special' bearing IS available at about half the Guzzi price and yes getting that special nut undone is a bit of a problem.I was lucky,a few sharp cracks with a large parellel punch loosened it enough for me to unscrew it with a makeshift tool. The actual pinion nut is extremly tight too and should be tackled before the box is outa the bike so u can use the rear brake to lock the wheel and therefore the pinion. Another way might be a piece of rag suffed into the teeth of the drive and temporary refiting the cover back on to undo nut. (my air gun wouldnt touch it)!

    I feel for the home mechanic the hardest thing is getting the old bearings out of blind holes.

    I had to relace every bearing due to swarf contamination from the failed pinion nose bearing.

    Interesting to see I not alone in this failure....the pics of failure are identical to mine.

    I feel sure poor assembly to blame at manufacture.

    Maybe Guzzi build these faults in to give us something to do???? !!!!

    Its called character!! pah.

  5. A buddy of mine has multiple Renegade products on his Aprilia Falco, and they are of the highest quality. They now have:




    Ride well. Ride safe.

    -Jack Price

    Glendale, CA

    02 V11 Le Mans (13 months, 26k miles)


    Hi all, I have a couple of Oval Carbon cans from Renegade on my V1100 Rosso Mandello,in fact if you go to the Renegade site and look for the V1100 cans you wil find pics of my very bike there!

    I have got to say they made a world of difference to the performance as well as sounding boomey and being about a quarter of the weight of the originals. They are well finished and fit very well too.Furthermore the guys at Renagade offer a re pack service should you need it and wil repair a damaged can too. Top service! I remember vividly having my first Renegade can fitted to my 1200Bandit....I pulled out of the estate, gave a bit of gas....and pulled a huge wheelie without any effort whatsover!! scared me silly at time! They do offer a rolling road Dyno check should you wish too...They are located next door to Brands Hatch circuit UK.

  6. I know about the silvery color to the gearbox & rear drive units oil when it is drained. I've since switched to RedLine heavy shockproof fluid & when I drained the gearbox it looked pretty much like it did when I put it in. No silver color to it at all after about 7 or 8k miles. I havent drained the rear drive yet because I need to get another quart of the redline but I'll post about wether theres a silver color to that used oil. I thought that it just shouldnt be as bad as it was so I tried the synthetic redline. It improved the gearbox action with the shifting. I cant really tell a difference with the rear drive as far as riding it. I believe Guzzi probably saved a few nickels per bike by using cheaper bearings, so I'll only use synthetic oil from now on in both the gearbox & especially the rear drive.


    Richard, I used the very best oil plus moly additive when I changed the oil at 7k last,I deliberately missed an oil change as I felt with modern high quality lub plus additive there shouldnt be a need to change it,most modern vehicles in fact are 'sealed for life' on this sort of component! The level was checked couple of times and never moved. As for the bearings FAG are a reputable manufacturer and a manufacturing fault here unlikely. I feel Lugi probobaly used to big a hammer at Mandello! Although of course we cant rule out my extended change interval. Thanks for your comments though be interested to hear how gearbox oil change goes.

  7. Hi all. Has anyone else had a bevel box failure on V1100? Mine developed play in the pinion bearing which I only found when giving the bike a check over.I was feeling for any play in the drive u/j's when I detected lift in the bevel box inut shaft. I drained the oil from it to find a silvery sheen to it..OH NO!!! BAD NEWS !!

    The box was removed from the bike and I removed the cover plate (tight fit this). I could see no major failure at this time but decided to strip the whole lot out.

    The unit is assembled at the factory with little thought of how it might come apart at a future date with many bearings being fitted into blind holes in the alloy casings. These bearings are needle roller with outer races the thickness of a piece of tin! The pinion itself is mounted on a huge specialist bearing,part ball and part roller bearing,guess this to take axial and radial loadings. (thrust effect of pinion). This bearing is very tightly held by a large castle nut and is VERY tight. I managed to undo mine by a few sharp taps with a large punch and then unscrewed it all the way with a tool I made up. The pinion bearing still needs to be pulled from the housing with a slide hammer srewed into the thread in the end of the shaft. Once out I found that the problem was failure of the small inner support bearing for the pinion. It had prettty well totally disintergrated leaving the inner race badly worn on the pinion and the remains of the outer track in the housing. This inner bearing is held in place by a retaining plate held with two x head screws. Removal of the remains of this bearing was a problem due to its small size,situation and in a blind hole. I warmed the case,freeeze sprayed the bearing and managed eventually to get it out.The inner race was easier,I simply ground through the remains being carefull not to damage the shaft. All the bearings in the box had suffered the effects of contamination from metal particules and so were all changed. I was lucky in that I had access to a press which helped remove some of the bearings.

    I would like to say that ALL the bearings are available from bearing factors at hugely reduced prices to those quoted by GUZZI dealers even the special pinion bearing. (FAG bearings mostly)

    I was disapointed to also find the pinion/crownwheel tooth contact was never right from the factory and having ran for over 18k miles its too late to realign it now as there is significant wear showing on the contact points.

    So everyone be aware...the bevel box is not the bulletproof component I believed it to be, check yours for play and fix before it blows completly...

    Oh,remember to try and undo pinion nut whilst box still on bike, its very tight and I could'nt get mine undone when box was part stripped on bench! I had to cut it off...still prob good to replace lock nut anyway.

    Finally I would like to recomend Jack at BRT bearings Ashford Kent for all his help in competitively sourcing the bearings,if anyone wants his no I happy to pass on.He has kept a list of all brgs/seals req to do the job. I woulda posted his no but not sure its allowed on here?

    Got several pics of this but cant seem to get em to post...file size 480k per pic ok?

  8. guess same story all over the world wiv Guzzi,dealers giving up the franchise. Here in UK we have a handfull of dealers,some are really good and do their best but with an indifferent attitude from Italy are banging their heads against the proverbial brick wall...

    Lets face it dealers are in business to make money,if Guzzi cant return them a reasonable return from the effort they expend they are going to find a manufacturer that will. Even the most enthusiastic dealer MUST return a profit to exist. Add the slow sales, the non existant back up on parts and service and the hassle that generates for both customer and dealer and you can see why so many Guzzi dealers throw in the towel.

    I love my Guzz but considering the amount of money I spent buying it I am disapointed that over the past five years things seem little better at Guzzi. The new bikes are fab but if the back up hasn't improved it will all be wasted effort as sales will not climb to profitable no's for the dealerships. Furthermore quality must improve further still. My V1100 has sufffered pinion brg failure at only 18k,thats discracefull for a part that is tried n tested and soo simple in construction. Furthermore the parts to put it right were a rip off from Guzzi......(see thread).

    So how do we KICK Guzzi's arse an get emm to do it right!

    oh well better get off me soapbox huh...

    ride carefully guys..



  9. :P hi all,

    Just wanted to add my Rosso has done over 18k now and the clutch rattles like a good un but...it ant broke yet! am I on borrowed time I wonder,should I strip and check it? every time I clutch it up onto its back wheel I think....its gonna blow!!!...roll on summer...

  10. went last year wiv Guzzi Club GB and really enjoyed, not sure yet about this year but would love to go if poss. The alpine passes were something else..

    The V1100 sprang a gbox oil leak in Switzerland, output seal weeping and few drips too, checked oil and still hasnt lost measurable amount so havnt bothered to replace seal yet, perhaps i should huh...

  11. well folks after reading all your comments, good an bad....

    I've come to the conclusuion...we are all F___N JEOLOUS of what Ewan and Charlie have done! We would all gladly have taken their places I am sure..

    those that havn't read the books or seen the dvd i suggest you find a copy as soon as you can!.

    Ride safely, enjoy your Guzzi....

  12. The reason I posted was because, I noticed on the Guzzi web site that, the listed UK Guzzi dealer in Liverpool is Carnells.


    From what I've heard, this is one of those huge motorcycle superstores that carry 6 or 7 different brands of bikes.


    I was hoping to avoid such a place and maybe find a little mom & pop dealer that shared our passion for things Italian.





    take the ferry to the Isle O Mann, great dealer there, Paul Dedman Performance, really keen and helpful.

    Bit extreme I guess, but he is one of the best. Fixed me Rosso two years running during TT week. and didnt rip me off either!

  13. Oh nooo.

    Not another issue....

    Do I go out in the freezin cold garage now and take a look under me Rosso...

    or do I wait til tmrw???

    Its gone 11.45pm here..

    Not sure i wanna look! Could be expensive!

    :huh2::unsure: Oh, I gotta know...


  14. :mg: Dear Van,i don't know what rear shock you have fit on your bike but mine have a Sachs-Boge on original equipment. The major technical differences beetwen the standard Le Mans and Tenni is the clutch disk. Giovanni Polegato :bier:


    Those Carbon cans being the ones Guzzi suply as oe....

    the heavy metal ones clad in carbon pretending to be something they aint....

    still a nice bike and rarer than my Rosso....but then the Rosso is more desirable....so they had to make more of emm!!.......

    Ride carefully folks......Rossoandy UK

  15. I looked it up in my "80 Years of Moto Guzzi Motorcycles".  Not a bad looking bike.  The Guzzi version had light alloy barrel castings with the bores in crome rather than the cast iron used in the Benelli version and the Goose got a bigger 25 mm carburettor. 1975 was the first year for the hydraulic front disc break.


    Looks like a cool little bike. What color do you have?  :mg:



    Hi thanks for the reply. I have a GREEN ONE! Didnt know there was engine differences! Thanks for that info.

    I assumed it was total 'badge' engineering on Guzzi's part as they didnt have a 250 in the model range so just bought in from Bennelli.

    Any more info gratful anyone.

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