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John in Leeds

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Posts posted by John in Leeds

  1. From what I've heard from the younger Cubans, they would welcome Americans and their $$$ (most of them don't give a rat's ass about socialism), but it's the old Rebels who are still in power.

    If you have a chance visit Cuba now, because it'll be completely different in 10 years or so. I think the biggest attraction of the island, the special atmosphere, will be gone and it'll just be another Caribbean island full of mega holiday resorts. You can spot this trend already.


    Only one thing I didn't like about Cuba: the hordes of loudmouthing drunk Kanucks!



    Seems like the basis for a lively political discussion after the Christmas festivities - :D

  2. Come to think of it you're right.

    "The Nation" magazine stated that in 1980 the av. CEO pay was about 25x the av. hourly worker. In 2007 that had crept up to 364x the av. hourly worker. By comparison the av. Japanese CEO pay is 16x the av. hourly worker.

    p.s. I'd happily join the rebellion if I knew who is the enemy. I'm afraid we will never see them. They live in VERY tall buildings.



    Thanks for that but 364x, did I get this right?


    Agreed - identifying the enemy is a real problem, there seems to be so many, so insideous and so powerful :(

  3. FAME!!

    I was looking at the MGCYCLE website this morning and was mildly amused to find that my bike has been on a secret holiday the US and A.


    Under the Mistral exhaust/silencer section is a right tarts handbag sat outside their store. Only it's not. It's Motostrada. In Shipley. As in wild West Yorkshire. I guess the UK numberplate is a bit of a giveaway on the bike in the shop. Anyway fame at last! I'm still pleased with the picture tho..........






    I know, difficult to find a pretty bike in the US. Cut the guys a little slack :P:lol:


    The Google translation :-


    He knew he was going pretty strong riding his Moto Guzzi, October 10 when the municipal police Cernusco Lombardone in Lecco, immortalized by the cameras. But he never imagined so much: a speed that almost break the sound barrier. A Paul Turina, Lecco Montevecchia, was in fact delivered a ticket with an indication of excessive speed stratospheric: even 616 kilometers per hour.


    A true record, apparently generated by a technical error. And Turina, speaking to the Giornale di Merate that reports the news, said the fine amused: "I let him complete the Grand Prix motorcycle racing to Valentino Rossi and then challenge him. In fact I seemed to go a bit 'strong, but not so much. For Luckily I have not exaggerated, otherwise who knows what speed I touched him! ". The man has spent the week showing the minutes to friends and acquaintances. "I also brought to the dealer who sold me the bike: they made a photocopy and bundled hanging board ...".


    Obviously Turina went to seek an explanation for vigilance: "I was told that the survey was carried out properly, because the picture you see that I was going to 87 hour. It was probably a simple clerical error by the agent. At I end this affair has also passed the sorrow for the fine, which I still cost less than five points on the license and more than 200 euro fine ...".

  5. My brother tried that without help from other dilettants. Sudden front wheel lock at 70 km/h until stopped in a ditch. No-one was hurt but I can't forgive myself for not catching it when he phoned me, confused about the tiny amount of oil it took (at least he didn't overfill the engine). I helped him replace the gearbox though. Wasn't pretty.



    Front Raz?? :o

  6. 'BMW'


    Overrated and overpriced.




    P.S. An old R80GS with 200k miles on the clock IS a cool bike but a 1200GSA with knobblies and a rider in a twat suit isn't!


    As an ex 1150 gs owner 'fraid I have to agree with a lot of what you say about BMW Guy, but WTF is a 'twat suit'? :unsure:

  7. You just gotta love the translation in this exerpt from a 1962 Honda Cub owner's manual (note demonic reference in the last point below):


    1. At the rise of the hand by Policeman, stop rapidly. Do not pass him by or otherwise disrespect him.


    2. When a passenger of the foot hooves in sight, tootle the horn trumpet melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage tootle him with vigour and express by word of mouth, warning, "Hi, Hi!"


    3. Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by.


    4. Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes.


    5. Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. Press the foot brake as you roll around the corners, and save the collapse and tie up.


    Delightful - honest and unsophisticated :)

  8. Actually, getting roasted for giving constructive advice pisses me off.

    There is nothing about my suggestion that deserves a "fucking relax" from Greg or is "rabble"


    I tend to do jobs thoroughly. If he doesn't agree he should say so. The "fucking relax" is uncalled for.



    Hi Dan,


    I took Greg's remarks to be flippant, that was my UK humour take on this, I hope I was not wrong. The post I was going to send suggested that now all forum members were elevated to the level of 'rabble' :bier: , certainly not to be denegrating.


    Thanks for your advice - I'll have a look next oil change.



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