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Posts posted by macguzzi

  1. well said John after all we are adults and there is no need to take things to a personal level it is interesting to find out peoples opinions from around the globe we are all human beings and in that we share a lot in common. Politics does unfortunatly effect our daily lives particularly the global financial crisis. Even if it's motorcycling politics there is no escaping it.

  2. The nasty looking oil is mayonaise. It is caused by water getting into the oil. In the case of V11's this a particular problem with the gearbox as the breather is in a direct line with the fling from the rear tyre and there is NOTHING fitted by the factory to keep water out.


    Most folks who ride a bit in the rain will find the problem can essentially be cured by fitting some sort of shield between the rear tyre and the breather. Most folks do this by simply making up a triangle of plastic that will fit in he swingarm between the pivot cross-member and the two connector bars to the shock mount. It can simply be tied in there with cable ties. Once in place this stops the water being flung forward onto the breather which is where it leaks into the gearbox.



    These bits of plastic used to be for sale I think it was called the edge guard do a search on the site it should come up

  3. the one thing that strikes me in all of this is why are guns so important to americans have you never heard of debate to quote the constitution is just a fudge you guys need to face up to things can't be sorted at the end of a gun barrel. When the constitution was writen guns were no doubt an important matter in a developing country that is some time ago move on america this is the 21st century. Diplomacy is what you need not guns, if Osama can do anything for the world it would be to listen to others and consider what they have said. After two world wars in europe killing millions of young men we have learnt to get along and bury our differences and stopped pointing guns at each other.

  4. Well you were warned about the misuse of this post regarding GUNS Jaap please close this before it gets nasty. Thank god europeans understand how dangerous guns are particularly this rememberance weekend.

  5. There have been a number of posts enquiring about the various V11 limited editions, I keep a scura register which seems to tie in pretty well with guzzi's own figures (unusual in it's self) what about the corsa's and tenni's, anyone willing to take on the corsa mantle, we already have scura's and tenni's so what about the very limited edition ones, come on Guy I know you want to. Answers apreciated

  6. Seem to be many more "limited edition" Tennis, Scuras and Rosso Mandellos than Rosso Corsas!

    this is a question I keep meaning to post as we have had a lot of people asking about the various limited editions, do we have registers for the others, it would seem to me the rosso and nero corsa were very limited, at least the scura is near MG's estimated numbers which seem to be 700 tell me if you know any different.

  7. First let me state I backed neither the Republican or Democratic candidate when I voted in now my 7th election. As an American citizen, I hope for the best from our new Commander in Chief, both for us, and as a leading symbol to the rest of the world. Based on the campaign, and now the last weeks decisions, I fear we will get anything but that. He didn't even mention the Russians and their announcement of their plans to further their missle program in his press conference. He did not take a single question from any news source he felt is not completely on his side, and even removed them from them from his campaign plane to be replaced with "fluff" publications in a very blatant attempt to squelch ANY percieved dissent. America, and the world, have a right to know, and ask ANY question. David Axlerod, Mr. Obamas campaign head stated on PBS television, "The Choice, 2008", aired just two weeks ago, that Mr. Obamas plan for his run for the Presidency was to NEVER make ANY decisions, and NEVER vote for or against ANYTHING. He voted "PRESENT" 160 times as my state Senator, far more than any other in either house. As a tax paying constituent of his home state, I am greatly offended. I helped pay his wages for the last four years, and hoped he would try to improve the nation's situation. His STATED PLAN was to do NOTHING, save further his own personal ambitions and rise to power. IMHO, both parties care not so much "who's winning" as long as they both continue to wield that power exclusively. "Absolute power corrupts....".....ah, you all know the rest. REPUBLICRATS and DEMOPUBLICANS, thats our choice in the "Land of the Free"...

    Typical politian then!

  8. 9 Germany

    19 Italy

    29 Germany

    39 Germany

    60 Italy

    84 Italy

    90 Germany

    98 Italy

    99 Germany

    107 Italy

    111 Germany

    134 Germany

    135 Germany

    150 Ireland

    221 England

    222 Scotland

    225 Scotland

    232 USA

    250 Australia

    251 Australia

    254 Australia

    255 Australia

    261 Australia

    275 Australia

    279 USA

    281 USA

    283 USA

    287 USA

    288 USA

    300 Germany

    310 Isle of Man

    313 England

    352 Australia

    353 Australia

    354 USA

    358 USA

    370 USA

    381 USA

    386 USA

    395 USA

    396 USA

    401 Australia

    464 France

    484 Wales

    489 England

    497 Ireland

    498 Scotland

    502 Wales

    539 USA

    545 NZ

    565 Germany

    580 Denmark

    595 Italy

    599 USA

    617 USA

    688 Italy


    updated 8/11/08

  9. 9 Germany

    19 Italy

    29 Germany

    39 Germany

    60 Italy

    84 Italy

    90 Germany

    98 Italy

    99 Germany

    107 Italy

    111 Germany

    134 Germany

    135 Germany

    150 Ireland

    221 England

    222 Scotland

    225 Scotland

    232 USA

    250 Australia

    251 Australia

    254 Australia

    255 Australia

    261 Australia

    275 Australia

    279 USA

    281 USA

    283 USA

    287 USA

    288 USA

    300 Germany

    310 Isle of Man

    313 England

    352 Australia

    353 Australia

    358 USA

    370 USA

    381 USA

    386 USA

    395 USA

    396 USA

    401 Australia

    464 France

    484 Wales

    489 England

    497 Ireland

    498 Scotland

    502 Wales

    539 USA

    545 NZ

    580 Denmark

    595 Italy

    599 USA

    617 USA

    688 Italy


    updated 7/11/08

  10. I have to come in here on the banking crisis my own theory pertenant to the UK is the government would have been cheaper to give each adult in the UK £250,000.00 each with the rider that they paid their debts off, thus stimulating both the economy and the banking system. As the majority of personal debt in the UK is morgage related the banks would have suddenly been cash rich. This would have cost the UK tax payer far less. It's a bit like my off the wall suggestion that we should buy Moto Guzzi. Time our politicians thought outside the box and stopped supporting corrupt banks. Please keep this thread clean with no insults we can have adult discussions about this worse is still to come ( thats the economy) and lay off the gun chat it just upsets people.

  11. Yes, it's a nightmare. The council are putting back the tram system after it was done away with 50 or so years ago. I might have to buy a Stelvio just to go to the shops.

    Take the tyres off and you could run it on the tram lines

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