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Everything posted by quazi-moto

  1. quazi-moto

    Bar End Weights

    I might spring for the Manic Salamander bar end weights. The vibes from my '02 LeMans have my hands tingling in no time!
  2. Does MG carry both types of boot, or just the front (TB to intake) boots?
  3. How much labor and cost is involved with installing the wideband O2 sensor?
  4. Thanx! The stock setup leaves a bit to be desired to say the least.
  5. This is the V11 LeMans forum, is it not? FWIW: 2002 Moto Guzzi LeMans
  6. I'm still running the stock pawl spring with 8900 miles on the clock. I guess its just a matter of time. I've heard that Cannon Racecraft makes a durable replacement pawl spring.
  7. My floppy tach & speedo mounts finally let go. What's the best fix for this nonsense?
  8. I have to "wiggle the bars" quite frequently to get my '02 LeMans to start otherwise a press of the start button yields nothing! All of my relays are original.
  9. My bike seems to run worse once its up to operating temp. I wonder if I should ditch the factory sensor. All of my sensors and relays are original.
  10. Tanks guys! (pun intended)
  11. Its never happened in the past, but lately I'm noticing quite a bit of "tank suck" on the '02 LeMans.
  12. It ran great on the initial shakedown run. The next time I had it out it was back to its former ways. I'll send an e-mail with more details.
  13. I have to try that heavy shockproof oil. I've hit "false neutrals" on occasion on my '02 LeMans. It can happen if one is not fairly deliberate with the shifter. The worst part is the crunching involved trying to get it back in gear.
  14. I had the oil light flicker on once returning from the Catskills. I whacked it open on the thruway at one point and the light came on for maybe a second. I stopped at the nearest service area to check the oil level and it was down a whole quart. Ever since then I've been keeping a close eye on the oil level. Hopefully no damage was done.
  15. If it was a BSA A65 I could understand, but a Guzzi twin?
  16. I'd like to know the pressure readings also.
  17. 'twas me! Bill H. from New Jersey in the good old U.S. of A. The bike is erratic no matter what I try. I haven't fiddled with the relays though or the temp sensor for that matter. It does seem to run better before its fully warmed up.
  18. Well then, speaking as an incrementalist I haven't acheived complete success with either the PCIII or the My15M. I think the bike is just a quirky freak of nature.
  19. I just got a pair of Diablos on my '02 LeMans and the difference is like night & day compared to the stock Bridgestones. The stock front tire had gotten all cupped and it felt horrible in the twisties. I would say that any sport tire is gonna feel better than the BT020.
  20. With all due respect to the fine folks at Michelin I opted for a pair of Diablos on my '02 LeMans. I just figured an italian bike should wear italian shoes. The Diablos are head & shoulders above the stock Bridgestones. The bike used to steer like a truck through corners, slow & heavy. With the Diablos it doesn't even feel like a 500 pound bike.
  21. At least I don't feel so alone now. Once in a while my LeMans runs great, but very often it will have a bad day and vibrate, sputter and even stall on occasion pulling up to a stop. I've tried everything and its a little exasparating (sic??) to say the least. I tried the My15M and it ran like a raped ape for a day. Since I didn't feed the aforementioned ape its meds the next time I rode it the bike ran like crap! I've tried the PCIII USB and was rewarded with similar schizo behaviour. I've had it re-mapped twice by two different dealers and its still not spot on. The guy that did the most recent map said that there's no compensation in the system for things like hot, humid weather and mentioned something about running two different maps. To me that is not a convenient approach and is utterly unacceptable. I've also pondered the possibility that maybe something else in the system is at fault like the fuel pump or pressure regulator, but the fact that it almost always acts up at part throttle (3500-4000 RPM) leads me to believe that its still the ECU causing the problem(s). In general it runs a little better since I changed the TPS to the Harley version, reset it for the proper voltage and sync'ed the TB's with a TwinMax unit. I always knew that earlier Guzzis were quirky beasts and I had hoped that they got it right with the V11, but I don't think so.
  22. I think I'm going to opt for the regular Diablo (non Corsa) tires this spring.
  23. Next season I think I'm going to try the Diablos on my Lemans. Not the Corsa, but the regular Diablo. I don't care for the BT020's, particularly the front. Its cupped beyond belief and feels lousy in corners.
  24. Where is Traxxion located? My front end ('02 LeMans) dives more than Louganis.
  25. Well, if he's from Poland he should be able to figure it out for himself!
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