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Bill Hagan

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Everything posted by Bill Hagan

  1. My brother just reshod his Cali 1400 with Avons last week. Ended up getting through local Guzzi dealer, but saw these on the web. No clue about overseas shipping. Only has about 100 miles on 'em, but says they are much quicker on turn-ins than OEM's. Rear - Avon AV 72 200 x 60 r16 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005AMXGC2/ref=wl_it_dp_v_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=VK3EMCUGHVU1&coliid=I39QJ3Z45C3JTU Front - Avon AV 71 130 x 70x 18 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001AI3H3I/ref=wl_it_dp_v_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=VK3EMCUGHVU1&coliid=I2RHSBAV0QVEB&psc=1 Best, Bill
  2. Had to reread this thread to revive my sagging -- actually, frozen -- spirits. Will spring ever come? In the meantime, doing required (and not so required ) maintenance to all three harem members. The EV is done. I stopped on the Griso because I cannot get the foxtrotting fuel-line "quick release" to let go. So, the Norge is on the lift. It might be the mount of choice, anyway ... tho, hmmm. It and Griso have SSR battle stars; the EV doesn't. Could be. At least I had a capable assistant.
  3. I see that guzziboy66 — who, while a member here, hasn’t been around in four years — posted an interesting spring ride option on the Griso Ghetto forum. It’s the 22nd Annual Gathering of the Nortons at Washington Crossing Historic Park, Washington Crossing, Bucks County, Pennsylvania on 19 April. Yes, it’s a Brit bike gathering, but “all brands,” etc., too. Sounds interesting. For more, see http://www.grisoghetto.com/t1063-howdy-from-bucks-county-paand the flyer, http://www.dvnr.org/gathering/2015_22nd_flyer.pdf. I hope to attend that one, but it’s a bit out of range for a day ride. If you are planning anything closer sooner, let us s'utherners know. I can do an overnighter sans my favorite pillion, but she hides sound-activated recorders and cams when I venture out longer than that. Bill
  4. I see on the Georgia Guzzi board that Wayne Orwig is trying to make the annual Georgia campout unrally for the 26 - 28 September weekend at the Place-Formerly-Known-as-T.W.O. http://twowheelsofsuches.com. On the bright side, that "deconflicting" of the past couple of years may bring some of those folks to the SSR ; on the downside, we might not get the "free lunch" at Riders Hill! Bill
  5. On our calendar, docc. It's the only "rally" Kathi will even think about attending. Good luck, czakky. Bill
  6. Any winter musings about 2015 SSR? Bill (at the frigid top of Virginia)
  7. Just saw this pic posted on a mirror thread on wildguzzi. Makes Josh seem as if he were a mechanical Michelangelo. Bill
  8. You should be proud. That work was a reflection of a Guzzista's art. Simple. Effective. Basta. Bill
  9. Words fail me. My ST1300-riding friend, George, is fascinated by Guzzis and Guzzisti. He and Dennis -- "der Kanzler" -- joined us (again) for the SSR. Possibly, “fascinated” is insufficiently strong to capture George's madness. He talks of little else. As weird as this little vid is, it stems from affection. Perhaps his views amount to a character and behavior disorder, but they evidence affection nonetheless. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8r0tbjmSls&feature=youtu.be I have a much milder slideshow coming. I will encourage George to seek help. Bill
  10. Super. Was at Riders Hill on Saturday. That's my Griso and my brother's Cali 1400. Warned 'em we were coming, as are the Georgians. Bill
  11. From an email from the Georgia Guzzi club: September 12, 13 & 14 TWO of Suches I have a long lunch ride that ends up at RidersHill planed if anyone wants to tag along. Probably out of TWO around 10 am and get to RidersHill around 1 for lunch. We may need to ride somewhere Saturday evening for food too. =============== I'm in Atlanta now. 700 miles of back roads on the Griso to get here. Dodged rain the whole way, but it finally "won" just as I got into the metroblob when I had to jump the slab. Dark. Pouring rain. Five filled traffic lanes on I-75. Mode speed was 80 mph. Living my dream. Bill
  12. Mind-boggling. Very impressive. Bill
  13. "[Y]'all." Jaap, you must be from south'n Holland. Bill
  14. Details, details. Kathi's gone for next few days, so I'll spend it doing things that don't need doing in the Moto Grappa. Bill
  15. Our German guests just left on the way to see the marble sights of D.C., after having a very fine time here. So much wine, bourbon, beer, moonshine, grappa, and more that we'll need the pix to remember what happened! But, now we can focus on the SSR. Kathi and I made reservations with Walt. Too late to get our "regular" room, 203, so are in 402. Oh, we will be joined -- tho NOT in 402! -- by Dennis (The Chancellor) & George (the former's PSD) on a beemer and ST13. Sorry. But somehow -- even if perhaps not the same in reverse -- they loved you guys. Yes, I know. Anyway, I will (now) ride, not truck the Griso to Atlanta on 2-3 Aug (with no plans to low side this year ) , then ride up to Tellico on 12 August with George and Dennis. Kathi will drive, sip something with the SSR crew, and spend the night. On Sat a.m., however, she will drive to Erie for a family obligation, and I will stay for the rest of the legal and illegal activities. Then, on Sunday, when you all launch for home in Tennessee and elsewhere, George and Dennis will head up to Cross Junction and spend a few days eating, drinking, and being merry at our home ... where, btw, we hope to see all other "raiders" some day, too. So ... I better get down to the Moto Grappa and ensure the Griso is as ready as I am. Best, Bill
  16. A beautiful part of the world, that. And, interestingly, doing that all in a bit of reverse here. We have my German relatives -- who live in Wurmlingen (Tuttlingen), way south in Germany, almost on the Boden See -- visiting next week. We are in a mild panic mode getting ready. Bilhelm
  17. FWIW, and for numerous reasons (some good), I am thinking I may truck or trailer the Griso from the top of Virginia to Atlanta (monthly eldercare duty roster), then Kathi and I will head up to Tellico on Friday morning. Kathi will make a cameo appearance on Friday and Sat a.m., then she's off to Erie in the (1993 200k, no PS, no AC, no radio, but -- like her -- priceless little) Toyota pickumup. I'll do the rest of the 'Raid and head home on Sunday and Monday. We shall see if this is how it works. Bill
  18. Cage it; we'll only make fun of you a little bit. Seriously, you can have a good time just hanging around, and the drive down and in and around -- while perhaps best on the right motorcycle -- is not bad in a pleasant cage. Bill
  19. "Some guys?" Kathi, sobbing quietly, wants to know if this is a "No Gurlz Allow'd" event. Bill P.S. Gotta go; she needs consoling.
  20. Won't need a carnation in my lapel to be ID'd at this SSR. Check out my new tag. Bill
  21. Sadly, I have been told Mike has closed the place. Rats. Aside from the obvious of Mike running a nice shop for m/c gear, I really loved that model of the Macchi C.202 in his window! His wife's cookie shop across the street is also gone. We can ask Walt, but I gather that the "bypass" killed (already near-moribund) "downtown" Tellico Plains. Bill
  22. Whoa. Just noticed this is getting close ... just over two months out. Must think hard about which wench from my little Guzzi harem will get the nod. Hmmmmm. Maybe I'll go to Atlanta first and borrow my brother's new Cali 1400. Seriously, probably the Griso, but thinking Kathi will decline pillioning that whole way and will cage it to Tellico. Looking forward to this, especially since I was DNF for last year's. Bill
  23. I very much regret missing this thread from the start. Focus, Bill, focus. And, unfortunately, Kathi and I will be out on the tundra starting Monday for a week -- in a '93 Toy p/u w/o AC PS, or radio. Long story not worth telling here. And, yes, my wife is a saint. So, can't offer you lodging, meal, or clean bathroom when you are near here. Sorry. Anyway, sounds as if you have a fine trip planned --and, really, off the slab north of Atlanta, you can't go wrong along the entire Appalachian spine all the way up to mnyc's backyard and even beyond. That said, if I may sing the praises of the Old Dominion west of the fall line, especially as a break from the twisties -- nothing wrong with those and we've got 'em -- try SR 42 north from vic. Abington for some grand rolling countryside all the way up to vic. Winchester. And, take any road off of it for fun of a different kind ... and none Floridian like. There are many, many, many more all over. Come back up this way some time. This starts 1/4 mile from my driveway: http://tinyurl.com/DMVRR-Silerwinder Best wishes for a fun trip. Bill
  24. Completely understand. But don't make too much of the second "S" in "SSR." Docc and others might pine for days of yore -- and I certainly miss my Ballabio -- but it's (almost) an all-brands thing. If docc disagrees, heck, he's a mod here and my post will just disappear! Kathi and I have been on the Norge for several of them, and I rode the Griso down last year ... well, most of the way, anyway, before I crashed. We'll likely do the Mini & Griso combo again this year. Best, Bill
  25. Despite that cactus-looking avatar , it appears you are in "South Central Pennsylvania." Assume you'll be riding near us -- Cross Junction, Va., 10 miles or so NW of Winchester up U.S. 522 -- on your way down to the SSR. If interested, maybe we can ride rest of way together. You are also welcome, if you want to get a head start late down the road a bit, to spend night here before the big miles. You may be well familiar with area roads, but SR 42 SW toward Bristol is a delight. Bill
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