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Bill Hagan

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Everything posted by Bill Hagan

  1. Did 400-miler on them thar roads this past Sunday. Details here, Cheers & Tears on the Cherohala and pix only here, if you care: Captioned Ride Pix But ... I mention that here because I stopped by SSRVII HQ's, the Lodge at Tellico, to make sure all well with reservations. Well, yes, said Walt ... but only 5 reservations so far. If you are going, better get to it or we'll have more ... erm ... motorcycling "diversity" sharing the game room and tables than even the most politically correct Guzzista can stomach. Make it happen here: Lodge at Tellico Bill
  2. Ha, I had one of those for a couple years after I crashed the Sport. It was white and "Popcorn" would have been a good name for it! The Sport is more like a grand lasagna with a side of pasta, a full bodied chianti, and for dessert: tiramisu. By the time the plates are away and the bottle is empty, you know you've had a rich and varied experience, but can be certain you've gone in over your head. Sometimes, it can make you feel like popcorn would have been a good idea! What's with that heavy Neapolitan menu, docc? Guzzis are from the north. Besides, you left off the grappa. And, speaking of popcorn, especially the sound of it popping, and the overlooked charm of a boring motorcycle v. "character," just found that the collector pipe on my Norge is cracked. Hope to have it replaced with a "can't do that again" SS version from Todd Eagan at Guzzitech before my run to Virginia next month, and certainly by the time of the 'Raid. Bill
  3. Docc, I'll ignore your texting crack (tho true). You seem to live in an area not yet served by any fast-moving electrons. You probably didn't even get that text until your monthly run off the gravel and on the interstate to get provisions! But, as we discussed off-line, I just made reservations at the Lodge at Tellico, Lodge at Tellico. Got our "usual room," 301; in, Friday, 20 May, and out, Sunday, 22 May. Had sent e/m, but not hearing back, called. Caught Walt on the road. Said they are doing an extensive remodeling of the restaurant, and adding a "mini-Cracker Barrel" sort of store up front. Anyway, said they were looking forward to our stay with them again. For those who are not already aware of this event, here are pix of last year's Raid: 2010 SSR VI. :-) As is evident, everyone had a very fine time, and Kathi and I are looking forward to similar fun this year. That is particularly true now that the Raid will probably be my last ride in the South until I get back from my year on the tundra at Rock Island. FWIW, there is another group ride happening in the area that weekend, the OPR ... for "Olde Phartz Ryde" ... a longstanding group event of literally "all brands," tho the demographics are pretty much what you might guess. The short version is that both bikes and boys are ... erm ... vintage. The Old Phlatulents will be staying at the Days Inn in Sweetwater, so, aside from likely running into them (figuratively) on the road, maybe we can do a "combat mission" on Saturday night. Fresh scalps always make the partying back at the lodge better, and we all know that squaws dig scars. [Legal Disclaimer (especially if Kathi somehow reads this). The SSR VII welcomes distaff participants as riders and pillions, and the words "squaw" and similar terms of endearment, including, but not by way of limitation, "chick" or "spousal unit," are meant in the most respectful and affectionate way. ] Bill
  4. Here, finally, are my pix. Reality of work just got in the way of sorting them. Grab a beer or something good, because, as usual, there are plenty. I warned you ... but, for me, at least, they were fun to live, take, and look at again. Here they are: 2010 SSR Bill
  5. Kathi and I had a fine time, too, and, tho I have no video offerings (thanks, Bob), will post soon (way too many) pix.
  6. There are two Hagans at this Raid ... and, yes, Polish princess that she is, Kathi almost always does get her way. On the bright side -- at least your bright side -- she thinks I'm a bit stoopid over Mexican food. See you at Tellico. Bill
  7. Kathi was out of town, the weather was grand, so it seemed a fine time to do a recon of a loop docc and I had planned. Weren't sure that we hadn't picked out a gravel portion from maps, and, while we can do that for short stretches, dropping pillions in ruts or worse is just not the key to a successful ride of that sort. So, off I went: http://snipurl.com/vep8e Bill
  8. Great, Dan. Kathi wants to know if Lydia is coming, too, tho your description of her work life on w/g makes it sound as if she has more work than life! Look forward to seeing (and Lydia?) in June. Bill (& Kathi)
  9. Am posting this on several sites, but trust that webmasters will not take too much offense given that the beneficiary is a toddler. =========================== Think I posted a pic of this little two-wheeler some time ago, but reality, code for Evangeline is 2+ and headed here this summer for a visit, scared me into getting started on the restoration. Here are some pix to refresh your recollection or introduce you to my challenges, and I could use some help in suggesting courses of action and parts sources. http://tinyurl.com/Graziella-Baby BTW, the Kodak program went stupid with punctuation, so ignore that, please, in the captions. Now, I am reasonably adept (or was as "recently" as 1983 [!]) in tearing down and fixing high-end road bicycles, i.e., I could chase bearings all over the floor. But, this one poses some additional problems besides mere readying it for "the road." While I would appreciate any suggestions on rust removal, etc., as may occur to you after looking at the pix, my biggest problem is sourcing new tires and tubes. Thought this would be, while not necessarily easy, at least doable. Starting to worry about that. Haven't even gotten to the tube challenge yet, but the OEM tires are made in Belgium, say "Graziella Baby" on them, and are size, "44 - 194, 10 x 1 5/8." Found this website, http://www.bikecult.com/works/wheelsizes.html, which added to my knowledge with "Bead Seat Circumf. 609." One can find used ones on the web, e.g., http://tinyurl.com/ygk4a7d & http://tinyurl.com/ygunhmq, I cannot find tires. BTW, for the eagle-eyed among you, I (think I) have the pedals in the attic, but I may be trying to get those, too. And, even tho I do not have in mind a complete concours-level restoration, but only to make it nice looking, ridable, and safe little bicycle, I asked this poster in Naples about his decals. but haven't heard back yet: http://tinyurl.com/yhyhr53 It may also be that I am missing something in my (pathetic attempts at) translating the Italian web pages. But if anyone here has some ideas about vendors in USA or overseas, please tell me. I (and Evangeline!) would be very grateful. Bill
  10. Uhm, docc, if that's the goal -- Lodge to Mike's -- I'd recommend this: http://snipurl.com/v7tg7 Lots shorter, i.e., more time for beer and talking about riding. Bill
  11. OK, I am a soft-headed, liberal-arts kind of guy, docc, but help me out here. Counterclockwise? In early June, the days are already pretty long, but, at that edge of the CST/EST divide, the light is, I think, weighted at sunset side, not sunrise. In other words, counterclockwise sends us into the sun, at least if we ascend the Cherohala in the a.m.. Given the US 129 closure at Tenn. State line, not sure original plan of heading (or, as had thought, returning) from the ridgeline to the west, vic. Dayton, will work, as the loop on the north is now blocked. Still, it's super country and there a bazillion grand possibilities. So, just sent you link via email that still does the horizontal v. vertical thing -- we are both blessed by and the victims of topography -- but might work, at least CCW. Oh, I was a maroon and forgot to save that; please retrans if you think of it, tho it's relatively easy to recreate. This is a 240-mile loop that first descends Tenn. 315 & 30 to US 64, then east to Tenn 68, north to Tenn. 123, becomes N.C. 294; back to US 64 to N.C. 141 to Junaluska Road to Wayah Road, then Otter Creek Road, Tellico Road to N.C. 28. That'll carry us to the Store for the typical sights and sounds, then back to Tellico Plains over the incomparable Cherohala Skyway for benchracing, beer, broads ... oops ... I forgot, Kathi's coming. What I meant was ... Anyway, while we will still return to the west by this proposed route, the sun will not, I think, be low enough in the sky to be a bother when we run the Cherohala. Always better on your back, but should still be well up at that time of day. I checked the tables a few weeks ago and saw that the sun rises c. 6:20 and sets c. 8:20 EST in Tellico Plains that day. Assuming a "civilized" start following the night before and a double-Zocor breakfast, I would think this a 6-hour ride plus stops, that would, if we left at 8 a.m., have us back in the jacuzzis by 4 p.m., and correspondingly later if departure delayed. With sunset 4 or so hours later, we should be fine. Bill
  12. [This is a cross-post from guzzitech.com forum] Anyway, did a lodging recon for the Raid. We were in MINI, not Moto Guzzi, as the logistics of picking up Kathi after school, etc., and beating Friday weekend traffic out of Atlanta meant four wheels were more practical. I generally don't care for "practical, but that little beast is (almost) as much fun as a motorcycle. Drove up late Friday, had dinner, and spent night at one of the options, the Lodge at Tellico. It's website is here: http://www.lodgeattellico.com/. Then, on Saturday, went over to Mike's Tellico Motorcycle Outfitters, a great store, btw, and then looked at some other lodging opps, e.g., http://www.tellicologcabins.com/. After that, up and over the Cherohala Skyway, which is, IMO, one of the greatest m/c roads of all time. The MINI loved it, too. BTW, we were top down the entire way from Atlanta, Tellico, Robbinsville, and home. Only put it up when parked. In upper 60's and '70's most of both days, tho snow-covered mountains (and shoulders and overlooks on Cherohala) with altitude dropped temps into upper 40's. Cannot believe I did not take pix of the road:-( , but Mike's pic here, http://preview.tinyurl.com/CherohalaMike, give's you an idea. Anyway, here are some of the Lodge and other points, http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/creativeapps/slideShow/Main.jsp?token=118848844803%3A1351424788 Docc's going to decide and post soon where we'll stay and other details. Bill
  13. Looks great, Mike. Kathi saw them and also approved. That said, seems to me, at least, that the ideal site has a restaurant in walking distance (not to be confused with Bataan Death March; Kathi's light, but after she's had a second martini, I have to carry her! ). In a perfect world -- OK, my perfect world -- said restaurant is Mexican, too. I saw the mention of grills there, but I need the pannier room for grappa and similar essentials, so not sure about bringing "fix'ns." Finally (and I regret this all seems negative, because we like the looks of the place and it may well be great for the Raid), the 7-day cancellation policy can be pretty hard on motorcyclists. In our case, if sctt2525 is right on his rain prediction (and he may well be, given Raid history!), we have the days blocked on the calendar and will just make it a MINI trip. Think management might be flexible on that? Again, thanks for the idea. Bill
  14. Here are some [OK, lots of] pix of the Fifth South'n Spine Raid last weekend. Before you go there, know that I haven't replaced my Pentax Optio W10 after its plastic tripod mount broke, so these are all pix of stops not riding. Some may find that good news as there might be thousands instead of a mere 120 or so! Anyway, as I noted above, Friday's ride to Newport from Atlanta got us a bit wet, but was "mostly" dry. Saturday's main ride started off threateningly, but actually improved to an overall pretty nice day. But, oh boy, the 300 miles home on Sunday was monsoonish. That said, the entire trip was great fun and filled with memories of gorgeous country. The swollen creeks and rivers made for powerfully beautiful scenes as they rocked downstream in angry-looking, boiling torrents. If I were a Daniel Kahlal, whose haunting motorcycling photographs I frequently thought of as we rode, I would have stopped and captured some of those breathtaking landscapes. But, I am not and I so I didn't. Still, these were fun. Remembered one thing as I rode home from work today. At the restaurant you'll see in the slide show, a man came up to me and asked about the Guzzis. Had a European accent I could not quite place. Turns out he was from Norway and amazed at a motorcycle named "Norge." If you view these in slideshow mode, you may have to move your cursor over some of the captions to read all of those ... yeah, only if you want to read all of the captions! http://preview.tinyurl.com/South-n-Spine-Raid-2009
  15. Yes, indeed. In Doc's defense, it's hard to get a group picture when all the group cares about is riding ... and eating. And the time between the two is measured in milliseconds, to wit:
  16. You must have been a very happy "Rain Princess" this weekend. Friday's ride to Newport from Atlanta got us a bit wet, and Saturday's main ride started off sodden but improved to a nice day. But, I may never dry out from the ride home today. 300 wet, sometimes pouring, miles. Blech. Seriously, suspect you and the VFR folks also got soaked. Oh, well, gorgeous country, and the swollen creeks and rivers made for powerfully beautiful scenes as they rocked downstream in angry-looking, boiling torrents. Will post more pix later, but here's a teaser of our very own docc. I'll let him explain. Bill
  17. Andy, Andy, Andy. Basing here: http://www.comfortinn.com/hotel-newport-te...7?promo=gglocal For any lurkers who might want to ride up with others from n. Georgia, on Friday, 15 May, Kathi and I will be at Riders Hill http://www.ridershill.com/ to get a new rear tire for the Norge before heading to Newport. Mike Maillard will meet us there. I'm guessing we'll leave there c. 11 a.m., but post here, PM, call, or e/m me with your c/p number so we can arrange any gaggle going from there. I'd invite anyone to meet us at the GarageMahalo in Inman Park, but as a faint cord line is showing on the Norge's present Pilot Power 2CT, and as there is not much leaning between downtown Atlanta and Dahlonega to use up the sides properly, we'll probably limp there too slowly for anyone to want to tag along. Bill 404.808.8486 (M)
  18. Oh boy. http://www.clubplanet.com/Venues/114292/Ne.../Midnight-Rodeo http://www.trulia.com/blog/geraldine_riden...rodeo_bar_grill
  19. Think Wayne Orwig, Mike Maillard, Kathi, and I will be the Atlanta contingent. Tim Hayes (another red Norgester) will be there from Spruce Pine, N.C., and Rick Mathis, Franklin, Tenn., will catch up with us (if he can; he has one of the slower, silver Norges ) on the loop somewhere on Sat. Bill
  20. Yup. I just got back from a 2000-miler via 90+% back roads Georgia, S.C, Tenn., N.C., Virginia, and Maryland on the Norge; what a joy that Guzzi is ... but, ah, I (unashamedly) digress. Pic, btw, taken here: http://www.villaappalaccia.com/index.htm. Other Norge is Joe Sokohl's. Joe came along for a day or two south of Richmond. After he left, the both I and the weather went south. Got drenched. But -- back on topic at last! -- I had intended and hoped to check out part of docc's proposed loop, but only got as near as Liberty, SW of Johnson City, Tenn. That was near enough to see how grand that part of the world is. Kathi and I are looking forward to this gathering. Even bought a Carabinieri tee on ebay so I can "talk cop" in event we have any LEO events. Bill
  21. I take it you are disappointed not yet to have been included on the list of appointments to the Order of the Garter? I am dual-citizen of the US, born in Germany of a German mother, but my father came from a long line of impoverished Kentucky dirt farmers. Their County Tyrone forebears were apparently so poor they came to America (Baltimore) in 1662, i.e., they couldn't wait 190 or so years for the Potato Famine! The St. Patricks Day drunkfests here are a bit much, but maybe they get a few people to think about how darn hard the Irish had it here for centuries. Oh, well, it's going to rain tomorrow; think I'll go put in a few extra miles on something neither German nor Irish, but Italian. Docc, maybe we can talk about all of this on that "Raid recon" at the end of the month. Cam Lay is of English stock, so I'm thinking about asking for reparations ... in the form of bourbon. Bill [O']Hagan
  22. Howdy. Kathi and I have reserved our room. I cross posted this on wildguzzi, guzzitech, and http://www.georgiaguzziowners.com/ websites. Lots of time and Guzzi miles 'til May, but looking forward to this. Bill
  23. Too bad, Joe. Three points, the first for all. 1. Think docc is rethinking the Tapoco Lodge thing as too small, too far east, etc. He'll probably post something soon. 2. Great having you join us for breakfast before the "Georgia Cold-Butt Ride " weekend before last. Don't know if you ever saw the pix as I did not post them here (no spine frames!), but they are here: http://forum.guzzitech.com/index.php?optio...=36&id=3905 3. I have that extra key I found for the Ballabio; I'll mail it if you'll PM your USPS address. Or, mebbe I'll just use the address to steal the Ballabio. Bill P.S. My folks lived in Key West for many years. Great place, especially if you can spend more than a few hours. I always felt sorry for those who drove all that way, just to turn right around and head back. Your whole life slows down if you can spend several days or more there. Bucolic in an odd, decayed, tropical sort of way. Few things in the world as pleasant as sipping a G&T on a porch in Key West in the late afternoon.
  24. I am a bit worried that Kathi did not seem the least bit troubled by your first sentence. I will cross-post this over on guzzitech, gaguzzirider, and wildgoose sites. Naturally, I'll make it clear that it'll be priority admission to spine-frames ... or anyone who brings decent whisky. It's probably premature and a bit risky to mention the initiation rite. Bill
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