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Admin Jaap

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Everything posted by Admin Jaap

  1. I can't believe they use a Guzzi Ippogriffo engine in an airplane... heeeaaavvvyyyy! But they do. Could be because the engines are "soldierproof" edit: I just read in the brochure that the Ippogriffo engine was designed for aeronautical purposes... That would be cool, flying a Guzzi airplane!
  2. Al you're right. I've seen the difference between the 2002 and 2003 model. The difference is where the fairing is closest to the knees. I believe it was more narrow. But I don't believe there are more.
  3. If law abiding citizens were free to carry guns everywhere and policemen and criminals were not then the whole society would be much safer and polite, Jaap, think about it. Without wanting to start a discussion, I think that's a bit to easy put. One of the problems is of course that criminals who are a doing their "job" well aren't recognized as such. So they can get their hands on firearms easily. And IMHO a world or country were everybody could bear arms freely is dictated by fear. One answer and then back to topic. btw, what are the gunlaws in Canada?
  4. It is so strange to read about everyday people owning firearms. Here in Holland we know that whoever carries a firearm is either a policeman or a criminal. To be clear: I'm not being opiniated, it's just strange (...and a little bit frightening).
  5. Original posting by Brian Robson There was a thread about removing the fairing....2 allen bolts on each side of the fairing, the 2 allen bolts just in front of the turnsignals, remove the mirrors and disconnect the turnsignal wires...bingo, the fairing pulls off forwards in one piece, leaving open access to the headlight and all the front wiring......10 minutes maximum.
  6. Brian, thanks! This forum is getting more helpful every day! Jaap (I'll put your posting in the How To section)
  7. Max, Welcome to the forum but most of all congratulations on your purchase. As for the Ti pipes; They will give you a lot more riding pleasure, but I would wait until f.i. your bike is broken in. Then you'll appreciate them even more, because you've experienced the original setup. And make sure the ECU is the right one! I believe there are differences. Enjoy!
  8. @ Chris (V11UK) Use more smilies dammit It would be a shame to loose an European member. We have to maintain a bit of a balance in this forum, or else we'll only see and hear about raised handlebars, lowered footpegs, hardcases, gel padded seats, etc.
  9. Thanks! I'll post it in the german forum. But Al , inches?
  10. OK guys, my exhausts pipes don't have that nice goldish color anymore but are clearly suffering from asphyxia... i.e turning blue. I want to clean or polish the stainless steel. What's the best DIY method? And what has the best result? Experiences and opinions please!
  11. Good news is no news... But I know what you mean. If you see a damaged clutch like on the pictures I posted yesterday... However the forum is of course a very good source on parts and other helpful info. And I use it like watching TV. Don't read/watch the things I don't like! So if you have good news, like 30.000 almost problem free miles, write about it.
  12. Cause unknown, rider is okay. He told me that if your clutch starts to rattle more than usual or makes clunky noises, open it's guts and check! After this damage the german owner is so fed up with it, he'll take offers on the complete bike as is ('02 Scura) or parts. (Sorry Paul) Contact him here: rolandweinberger@t-online.de
  13. I just talked to him on the phone after I made him an offer on the rear shock. He sent me the pictures. That doesn't look nice... But he is considering your offer. Who knows, maybe YOU can sell me the Öhlins shock Í've shown his pictures in another thread.
  14. This guy in Germany sells his '02 Scura in parts. His email: rolandweinberger@t-online.de
  15. Hi Al, some German V11 riders have picked up your idea in the rear mudguard replacement/enhancement. To make things easy for them (and maybe me), could you provide a drawing with measurements?
  16. Admin Jaap


    When you say aaaah at the doctor, put a J in front and a P at the end. Or just call me Jack. Jaap is short for Jacob, so...
  17. According to specs: Ø 320mm
  18. You are right, I remembered a thread about the Brisks, but only after rereading it now, I noticed that no one had actually used them...
  19. A German V11LM (Reini) has these manufactured: This is still a prototype, so dunno about price and availability. The manufacturers homepage: Däs Mototec
  20. Possible, if you connect the PC to a PC there is a download map option in the PowerCommander software.
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