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Posts posted by footgoose

  1. Scud- breath deep. It could be something besides the gasket surfaces. That seems like a lot of oil for just seepage. Maybe something else was disturbed/cracked/etc during the plate install. Drain plug issues?

    I only suggest because it usually winds up being something stupid simple for me. Anyway, it's just a a hunk of iron. It will be sorted. And shop fail is better than road fail.

  2. That bike will look great with or without the fairing. No doubt the LM fairing was perfectly designed addition for the Sport. An ideal combination of modern and classic that will only get more attention and appreciation with age. You see where I'm going with this.... as has been indicated, you are starting with the best iteration of the model. That said, you can always put it back.

  3. HRC. I'd recommend getting a small coiled steel cable with an attached in line combination lock for your helmet. There are several brands and they pack away quite small. I can carry mine in my jacket pocket easily when not using a tank bag. They are made for bicycles I believe(and what not).The cable unwinds to about 3' and will pass through my jacket sleeve, helmet visor hole, and through the forks under the upper clamp. Everything rests at the front of the tank.  I carry an extra for a friend now and then. I'd hate to lose my Vanson, and had a friend get his helmet stolen.

  4. I asked this last year. Seems logical. The single plate clutch is a completely different unit. You have 3 choices as far as I'm aware. 1. replace flywheel with a new oem aluminum. (not a good choice). 2. replace clutch and flywheel with a dual plate and steel flywheel. 3. find and replace with a RAM low inertia single plate unit. (has steel flywheel). RAM clutches are not easy to find. I "think" the 5 speed RAM will work with your clutch gear. Read all the threads on here regarding this problem. Start with this one: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19510  Keep us posted on progress.

  5. It was not easy for me to tell if there was a gasket there in mine. I used a tool my dad made many years ago. An ice pick with an ever-so-carefully bent tip. About 1/4" & 90 degrees. My Yamaha had 2 sets of gaskets in when I changed them out.


    To add to the speculation,


    The Tenni has recently developed a sneeze, though I called it a cough. Rare, but there. When hot and upon rev from idle.


    Before: (ran perfect) stock cans FBF Xover, BMC filter, PC3, dyno tuned.


    After (coughs) same as above but swapped in Stucci for FBF, and added MG Ti cans. not the Ti ECU, no changes done with tuning yet. Done about 150mi. since swap.


    Still runs great. Just the sneeze. Obvious to me, a response to the cans. New tune in the very near future.


    Why not try the Ti ECU (without Power Commander) before changing anything else? 




    Yeah, that's the next step for me. The allergic reaction to changes I've made could hopefully shed some light for Roy's diagnosis. I'll swap that out this weekend, and after some miles, report back.

  7. To add to the speculation,


    The Tenni has recently developed a sneeze, though I called it a cough. Rare, but there. When hot and upon rev from idle.


    Before: (ran perfect) stock cans FBF Xover, BMC filter, PC3, dyno tuned.


    After (coughs) same as above but swapped in Stucci for FBF, and added MG Ti cans. not the Ti ECU, no changes done with tuning yet. Done about 150mi. since swap.


    Still runs great. Just the sneeze. Obvious to me, a response to the cans. New tune in the very near future.

  8. the price when I ordered was I think, 580. The new price was 600 something, but when they got the presumably 'last' 3 in, they took it off the available list. All 3 are sold I believe. Couldn't hurt to check with them and see what's up. I got the impression they were tired of dealing with the uncertainty of availability. MGCycles may not be the only vendor to have received them recently. Doesn't seem right, just making up 3 units.

  9. ok scud thanks, I see it now in one of the photos. I figured it was the right one, I just had the shaft ass backwards in my head from looking at the diagram, stupidly thinking it held the clutch captive. And I totally agree on the law of one down at a time.


    Thanks for checking in Paradiso. After reading some of your posts I measured the hole in the center of the RAM clutch assembly, where I assume the actuating rod goes, against the "button". (hoping we're not getting terms crossed) It measures 8.30mm.  From reading your notes,   http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19405&page=3#entry210406  I take it this is the correct diameter for Tenni Scura Mand actuating rod? I also take it you can just pull the rod out, since you measured it? Sorry, this will become clear when opened up. I just want to get ahead of it. thanks

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