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ANYONE from denmark or know dutch

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a friend of mine's sister has a best friend from Denmark who has lived here her whole life but was born there and speaks a tiny bit of dutch, its dutch in denmark right? anyway her name is Anja and she pronounces it Enya, I think she's wrong :lol: I think its more like anya than Enya or maybe Anjiah, maybe I'm wrong but it bugs me for some reason when ppl do that, like Anna but say their name is on-na its like, come on, your name is Anna not On-na get outta here with that. Must be the merican in me to go about naming things the way I want to :huh2:




also I hear they're changing the name back from iojima to chichijima or something, its like who gave it the iojima name in the first place then? that doesn't sound very merican to me. and why do we call japan, japan and france, france when its francee and NihonGo :huh: I don't get it, why not have countries be called the same throughout its like you meet someone who says their name is jaap and you go jaap huh? thats sounds a little too netherlandish for my blood, I'm gonna call you johnny. :lol: btw why does the netherlands have 3 names, I'm freakin out over here, at least I can find these countries on a map. that says something right?

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a friend of mine's sister has a best friend from Denmark who has lived here her whole life but was born there and speaks a tiny bit of dutch, its dutch in denmark right?


Folks in Denmark speak Danish. People in the Netherlands speak Dutch.


Sleep it off and call me in the morning Ben! :bier:


If you are looking to impress her with your knowledge of Dansk or Danish, tell her you had

"rødgrød med fløde" for dessert tonight. Hint: "ø" means "Americans cannot make this sound".

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so dasnk isn't just a pipe tobacco, WHO knew :lol:


anyway, someone must have some way to enlighten my merican ignorance. see there are no stupid questions, just stupid ppl. :whistle:


Naw, Most Americans hardly know Denmark even exists. Lots of stuff on the 'net if you just look. Minnesota is home to more than a few Danes. Some basic info on the language is here........HERE

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I know Dave Brubeck did a very nice version of 'Wonderful Copenhagen'. Does that count?



Naw, Most Americans hardly know Denmark even exists. Lots of stuff on the 'net if you just look. Minnesota is home to more than a few Danes. Some basic info on the language is here........HERE

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Guest NotRight

Copenhagen is great.


uninteresting fact about me....I recently found out I have the real deal sleep apnea. Some think its just a trend here in the U.S. I think it is more about awareness and broader availability of sleep centers. I snore bad normally. Drunk, well read on....


Anyway. I went to Copenhagen to visit a friend backpacking. I was working in germany. We did what good engineers do to socialize...got tore up!


I'm not sure if I should feel shame here, but I licked a gorgeous Danish girl's tattoo at a bar that night. It was on her shoulder. I remember her liking it....I think.


Anyhow at that point I was wise enough to pull the pin and blow out of there back to the youth hostel. Then I saw a pizza stand...pizza good.


I passed out on my back, one arm in the pizza box at the youth hostel. The next morning my friend could barely stop laughing long enough to tell me that I was snoring SO loud it woke up the entire youth hostel. Lights on, people trying to figure out what the hell and who the hell is imitating a fog horn.


There was some rock festival going on too. The hostel was full of youngster musicians. My favorite: Apparently some young musician shouted out "He sounds like an animal!!" then, no shit, ran to his luggage to get his tape recorder because he just had to capture the sound.


Maybe I'm on a mix tape somewhere.

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