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gotta love this guy


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Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!! Sitting on the fence moi????


I really don't care because on one hand, I remember myself at that age :blink:


On the other hand, being in the position he's in, he should know better.


I call it a draw and much ado about nothing, really. I think he's smart enough to know what kind of a drama it would create and did it anyway.


And the swastika originally meant something entirely different than what the Nazis use it for.

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Why drag something up from the past that invokes bad memories?


Because we should never forget.

Or maybe we should forget, and be like the current world ruling megalomaniac, condoning torture and zenophobic killing.


Or maybe it is kind of satirically symbolic, considering the UK's assistance with that megalomaniac.


But then again, Harry's apology was lame, showing that he had no intent of awakening political awareness. He just wasn't being very PC. I guess you can't even name something Tsunami anymore...too in-sense-it-tive.

Let us start a list of taboo costumes!!!

I am offended by the following:

Womanizing Pimps, Life sucking murderous Vampires, Chains saw wielding mass murders, (or other murderers), Black hooded torturers, Soldiers of any nation that does not obey the Geneva Convention, and Motorcyclists dressed as motorcyclists cause they are too cheap to buy a costume! (Bikers dressed as bikers is okay)

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I think it's a lot of to do about nothing.  He's 16 and he likes to drink and go nuts.  Just like most 16-year-old boys.  He's going to a PRIVATE costume party, and all things Nazi are usually at such events.  You could go down the street in London and see 'The Producers' with men in Nazi uniforms dancing in a chorus line.  You could go into the gay district of any city and find men in Nazi wear.  Why?  Because it is ludicrous.  Plus, Nazis had great fashion sense and their uniforms are beautiful.  I like pointing out that Nazis are no worse than Americans.  Americans run torture camps, too.  What's the difference?  Nazi leaders were at least on record for having high I.Qs.  - something you couldn't say about American leaders.  It's all hypocritical baloney if you ask me.



Nah, as somebody else pointed out he's 20 and has got his majority so he's supposed to be responsible. Especially as he sponges off the general public in the UK and is supposed to be some sort of cultural role model :vomit:


The fact is that thinking it funny tor dress up as a representative of a regieme that was responsible for the deaths of millions, be that a Nazi or whatever uniform the NKVD/KGB wore is in very poor taste, is disrespectful and essentially down-right offensive. This blockhead isn't some off his face dill like Sid Viscious in the '70's, hes third in line for the head of state-ship of one of the leading countries that was allied to overthrow the Fascist vermin in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary men and women died in that conflict, not even taking into consideration the extermination of the Jews, Gypsies, Gays and anybody else that Hitler took a dislike to, belive me Enzo you and I would of been right up there on his hit list!


The other thing that is often overlooked in historical terms is that the 2nd Great Unpleasantness was NOT a real battle between the heros of the Western Powers and the Nazis, it was really a battle between two different forms of totalitarianism. The west simply decided that Stalin was the lesser of two evils. the whole western front was small beer compared to what happened to the east. Have you any idea of how many Soviet citizens died????? Likewise, although brutal, after Midway the Japanese war effort was doomed and although savage and brutal there was never any hope of a Japanese victory.


The American Government was mainly issolationist at the time of the outbreak of WWII and it is the legacy of that disastrous ambivalence that led to the extension of the war and a far greater loss of life than might, note I say might, of otherwise been the case. The legacy of that, and the deaths, is still visible in US foreign policy today. No, I don't think current US FP is right, (Hi Bill :D ) but I can understand the thinking, even if I think it is deeply flawed.


To think that dressing up as the representative of a mass murderous regieme, even in jest, and so close to the aniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, when you are supposed to be a representative of your countries values is inexcusable, under any circumstances. Whether he's a couple of ewes short in the top paddock or not is irrelevant.


Some things are inexcuseable, especially when you are supposed to have been educated at the highest levels attainable. F#ck him and his repellent family, make 'em go and get a job.


Sorry Enzo, you're wrong!!



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personally i always found it sickly humorous that Hitler was an short-ass Austrian, with bad B.O. that purported to be the leader of the "master race"... I bet he always got picked last when it came to picking sides for football games at lunchtime as a kid.


the Nazi's or "National Socialists" really only ever touted one creed, which was to unify a populace destroyed and impoverished by terrible sanctions by the British and French at the end of the first world war and to use hate & envy as the tool to do so.



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Excellent stuff.....


20th Century history condensed into a few paragraphs


err... is buying an Italian bike an endorsement of Mousolini????



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the  spanish monarchy  with their caste system did this to themselves  and persisted until general franco took over and educated the then prince now king felipe.


The monarchy was not overthrown by Franco,

it was reinstated by him


and all because of one man ,hated by the left, who knew that his country could do better...



killing everyone who oppose your views including the elected president is the way to go.



i am from cuba and lost my country to a hitler type who says that he is a leftist in order to get the support of the left all over the world. but in fact he is no better than a right wing dictator  masquarading as a comunist.


To summaries, did I get it right,

dictators are OK as long as you agree with his policies?


In my view democracy is the best option,

whatever the polical colour of the dictator.

The end result of "enlightened dictatorship" is always

corruption, oppression and violations of human right.

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The monarchy was not overthrown by Franco,

it was reinstated by him


killing everyone who oppose your views including the elected president is the way to go.


To summaries, did I get it right,

dictators are OK as long as you agree with his policies?


In my view democracy is the best option,

whatever the polical colour of the dictator.

The end result of "enlightened dictatorship" is always

corruption, oppression and violations of human right.


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i never said that franco removed the monarchy.

please re-read my post.--it is correct.


franco defeated the comunist and did not allow the monarchy , nor democracy to return until the prince and the people were educated and ready .only then did he allow the monarchy to resume.


look at spain today.


also,look at chile today.


as far as your other statements,


there is reality and there is perception.


you live in sweeden ,a highly socialist country.i had a company there and the president had to travel to the usa under the pretense that he was shooting a catalog in order to utilize his monies because back then in the 80's his income was taxed at 90%.

he had to be creative in the way he "spent " his monies.

if you remember there was an actual limit to the take home income one could take and it was applied with the tax code.


because you do not live in the real world , but in a great country suffering little hardships it is hard for you to understand what it is that people have to endure . and i do not mean this as an insult nor in a negative fashion.


it is not enough to travel to a country as a tourist to pretend to understand it.


regarding pinochet and my statement...................he did to the comunist in chile ,the same thing that they would have done to the non-comunist in chile. and this view is supported by the actions of castro and nicaragua and now chavez in venezuela.


they will destroy those that will oppose them ...remember the kahmer-rouge in cambodia ,or the red brigades in china.


i am not defending pinochet................he acted on his enemies before they acted on him.


is it good or bad....no ,


it is the reality of life and not the fantasies imagined by those of us who live i perfect societies ,who because of naiveness ,will fall prey to the wolfs in disguise.

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err... is buying an Italian bike an endorsement of Mussolini????


YEA! Those Guzzis go right back to those Nazis. Where do you think the eagle logo comes from???? That's right, the fascist Italian air force! So, let's demand that the importers have this logo changed so that we don't put out the wrong message here. I'm getting concerned. Think how politically incorrect these Guzzis are!!

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Guest Brian Robson

Enzemo, you boner. Guzzi was formed after the end of the First War...the one in which the Italians fought on the side of the Allies, to commemorate Giovanni Ravelli.

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So are you saying the eagle was not used by the Italians in WWII? You'll notice if you go back and have your daughter reread for you what I wrote, that I made mention to the LOGO and not to the company itself. But I bet that the people who ran Guzzi had something to do with the fascist Italian war machine.


By the way, I hope none of you own a Mercedes! Should we go there? How far do you want to take political correctness?


If we want to talk logos and symbols - the swastika is a religious symbol that means 'good luck' in about every country in the world. Goes hack to the Tibetans and Hindus. Really it's an awesome symbol that also represents the sun. It even represents the current world of struggle and change. It has a psychological and even spiritual meaning on a very deep level. Whatever you think about the Nazis, that flag is probably the most powerful flag ever conceived of.

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OK, that's enough for now. As stated in the board guidelines this is not the place for pointless discussions on what happened over 60 years ago.


I think we can all agree that the prince was very unlucky in his choice of costume... (understatement of the century...)


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