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The 'Twin Peaks' bike run and report - pics


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Posting this in the risk that it will encourage him ( in his delusions) :D


Enzo is what I would term a character. The board was always lively with his debates particularly with Al. But I don't remember them ever breaking down in to vitriolic name calling and personal abuse thst you see on some.


We all have a little pop at him, and he has the strength of character to ignore it or is either plain oblivious to it. The world would be less colourfull with out him. I hope we all have the strength ourselves to decide what is right (each can have their own truth)


I enjoy these little excursions to the dark side, but I'm safely half a world away.


I like the phototrips, despite havind extensively toured the UK (RBR :D ) it allways amazes me the difference in enviroments that you have to enjoy your Guzzis ( and Enzo his Krypto(wtf)51. Likewise when we meet a rallies, we are quite a varried bunch. Perhaps I'm too insular normally as most of my external contact is through work and can be polarised ie Good cop v low life scum bag :(


Any way the bit I wanted to say - Agent Cooper, my hero, my whole policing career I've utalised his methods: strong coffee, apple pie/donuts and throwing stones over my shoulder :grin:

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RC 51? Who needs it. Of all the motorcycles I've ever ridden, including the hypersport Ducks, the RC 51 takes the phrase "TORTURE CHAMBER" to new heights of human cruelty. It is absolutely the most uncomfortable machine man has ever or could ever create. It's the Japs revenge for Hiroshima. After 30 min I felt like pulling over to call an ambulance to take me to the chiropractor.


Fast? Who cares!



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Martin, if you like Agent Cooper, you are all right in my book. He's my favorite character. I got a bumper sticker up at that dinner that says, "Twin Peaks (Twede) Cafe - home of damn fine coffee and where pies go when they die."


What a great show. I missed them when they were filming up there, but everyone tells me that Agent Cooper was written entirely on the character and humor of David Lynch himself.


You must be a great cop.


Now, as for the RC51 being a "torture rack." I tend to agree with you. I am only 5'9" and couldn't imagine being any taller on it because the rear sets are very high. The stretch to the bars is not that bad, however. Shorter than the V11 there. The racing saddle did not bother me after sever hours and I was surprised with that. I guess because you can easily slide around on it and change positions. It is certainly not an old man's bike, and not built for anyone with any 'gut.' Yes, if any of that applies it is quite brutal. I think it is going to force me to GET IN SHAPE to ride it. That's OK, though. It has a delicious twin jug pulse to it that feels sort of like a fan to me. Every time I ride it I feel like I'm cutting beautiful lines at the race track - what it was designed to do. I hear the Ducatis 748, 916 and 999 are MUCH worse. I've ridden a 996 and this bike is very similar to that although I would say that it is even more stable.


It makes me entirely reject that V11 as any sort of sport bike. Now I don't know what to make of it.

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that V11 ... I don't know what to make of it.


JRT would know what to make of it – lunch probably.

If frying-up Subarus isn't his sole speciality, that is.

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Enzo is what I would term a character. The board was always lively with his debates particularly with Al.



Heeeeyyyyyyyy now, don't drag me into this! :P


In fact, if I recall, it was a couple other more vocal folks that really mixed it up with Nemo/Enzo in the days of yore, some of whom aren't even here anymore themselves :whistle:






It makes me entirely reject that V11 as any sort of sport bike.  Now I don't know what to make of it.





..... interesting that your journey has finally brought you full-circle to that conclusion, as I believe that was a point many on "Wildguzzi" were trying to make with you over a year ago when you were first touting the [racing] potential of the V11 following your modificatoins, etc ;)



No big deal though, as I think the V11 "is what it is" ... which is a "sporting" bike, good for "spirited" riding and touring. Trying to compare it to something like even a 600cc race-replica is not going to produce meaningful results, other than to amplify the performance shortcomings of the V11 in comparison.


However, if one is happy with ~80hp/64ftlb, and reasonably modern performance..... especially if not interested in the world-class-beating type..... the V11 should be satisfying. And one other way to look at it is to recognize that wringing a similar amount of performance from a V11 as compared to a more modern super-sport takes a better rider. So if one is able to hone their skills on a V11 to approach the average rider's skills on those other bikes, then your accomplishment is even more impressive.


....glass half full, and all that :rasta:



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Guest slowpoke

Enzo, I want to thank you for your trip and beautiful pictures and your good humor when people seem to be annoyed with you. Don't take any of it to heart it is merely in jest. And for the RC 51 and I just heard one the other day at the Triumph dealer that sounded awesome! I also test drove a Triumph Sprint ST (a 2003) and that motor is great. So much smoother than the V11 and more powerful but a very easy bike to ride. And no glitchiness in the fuel injection! But I still love my V11. Kinda funny isn't it?

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Ah, bravo! The 'NemEnzo' Effect! This thread should make 346 posts. Like a lively chat at a good party.


I'm rather out of the loop having ditched and resurfaced at about the same times (conspiracy???). Do you still have the V11? I suppose it is such a croozer for you next to the RC51 which is race bred.


I remember following an endurance rider in the Pisgah Forest of North Carolina , he on the RC51 and I on my GB500. It wasn't like I would pass hm on the inside but,oh, the exhiliration! :race::bike:

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Yes, you'll see that I still have the V11 Cobra. By the way, Doc, chiropractors have saved me! Man, I found a good one and I am getting so 'straight' that I hardly need to see him anymore. Really, he's 'straightened me out.' It sure makes sport riding possible. No more headaches either.

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Yo ho! I'd say chiropractors have saved me as well. Though perhaps not in time to ride RC51's comfortably.


Here, deep in the land of the Milwaukee Ride most folks consider my V11 Sport a 'crotch rocket.' It's hard to convince them that its 9.3:1 requires more marinara than rice.

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Yes, 'crotch rocket' is a relative term. My Guzzi will outblast most Jap bike, too. I beat a new and very beautiful yellow Ducati 748 on it. Only the newish Jap sports bike would run past it. But, next to ANY Harley (with the exception of the Vrod that I know little about), the V11 is like the Enterprise.

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