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Going under the knife tomorrow morning -- and looking at a long recovery.


Long story short -- a glass broke as I was pulling it from my cupboard -- sliced my wrist -- severing several nerves and ligaments. Freak accident -- couldn't repeat it with a million tries.


No sensation in hand -- but limited movement. Swollen hand. Right hand -- and I'm right handed.


Anyway, I'll be forced to READ about motorcycles rather than ride them for a while.


Hopefully, I'll make a full recovery. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...


The only good thing to come from this is that I now realize what good friends I have. My misanthropic ass has been pleasantly surprised at all the help I've received. :bier:


Anyway -- keep up the amusing posts -- and keep the rubber side down...

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Going under the knife tomorrow morning -- and looking at a long recovery.


Long story short -- a glass broke as I was pulling it from my cupboard -- sliced my wrist -- severing several nerves and ligaments.  Freak accident -- couldn't repeat it with a million tries.


No sensation in hand -- but limited movement.  Swollen hand.  Right hand -- and I'm right handed.


Anyway, I'll be forced to READ about motorcycles rather than ride them for a while.


Hopefully, I'll make a full recovery.  Wouldn't wish this on my  worst enemy...


The only good thing to come from this is that I now realize what good friends I have.  My misanthropic ass has been pleasantly surprised at all the help I've received. :bier:


Anyway -- keep up the amusing posts -- and keep the rubber side down...



Hope it all goes well for you and a speedy recovery. At least it's during the off season. Though yours is shorter than some. or so I gather from Bill :P

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I can empathise- I was under the knife in July for some abdominal surgery and it helped screw up my Summer riding season.


The doc told me it would be 3 months before I could rode again- I was riding around the block on my Jackal 2 weeks later which was stupid cos it hurt like hell afterwards but I just could not resist.


Good luck with everything- I am sure it will go well.


Guy :helmet:

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Sure can relate. 3 weeks of no riding and maybe two to go. Hoping to get one more 50 miler in on Dec 31 just to make 10000 miles for the year.


Consider reading Peter Egan's compendiums of his column "Leanings" from Cycle World and "Side Glances" from Road and Track.


Speed Channel is also good for rehab.


Best of luck!

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I feel for ya. Years ago, I busted up my hand pretty badly and had similar damage. Count the number of stitches- we'll compare. I have ~250. No feeling in my middle three fingers for about 6 months after the accident, but the nerves slowly healed themselves. I hope you heal up as well as I did! Good luck!

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The only good thing to come from this is that I now realize what good friends I have.  My misanthropic ass has been pleasantly surprised at all the help I've received. :bier:


Friends like her?


You are lucky!

Except for that one in a million accident....

I suppose everyone who looks at the scars will think it is a botched suicide attempt, but you'll know better.

Best of Luck with the surgery!

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I do hope you recover fast.

I can relate in more ways than you'd know. I work in the retail glass business, and as an installer of all manner of glass, I know the frightfull potential a sharp edge of glass can have on the soft tissue of the human body. I'm glad you are going under the knife quickly, as tendons and nerves [sorry guys] heal much better and quicker if mended soon, rather than waiting long.

Three years ago I had a hernia operation with long time off work, which drove me nuts. In an effort to keep myself busy, I spent alot of time test riding bikes at bike shops. Yes, I know what you are saying. Anyways, it was an unanticipated offer to test ride an aftermarket 'hotted up' Aprilia Mille 'R' at Moto International that ended up causing, shall we say significant physical grief, to the point of a return visit to my doctor to stitch things up again. Of course the story I gave to the doctor was different from the actual.

Anyways, get better soon.

Ciao, Steve G.

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:( Lousey luck !!

Like everyone esle on this line l wish you a speedy recovery :thumbsup:

Good timing though in at least having the very good sense to crap out during the off season!!!

Hope your nurses are :P::blush:

Major drawback is the p-ss poor TV out there, if you can find it try to get a copy of

"RIDING WITH RILKE", "reflections on motorcycles and books" by Ted Bishop. Ted's an english professor from Edmonton Canada in the Canadian West who is also a bike enthusiast (Duc. Monster) and has a very fine handle on the real sense and lure of riding a bike and the open road.

Good Health!!




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