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Bikes and Birds


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Sorry guys - I know this isn't an Agony Column, but if I don't write this I'll explode! Dumped twice in one month - by the same woman - must be my fault, mustn't it - idiot for going back for more!


Got three beautiful bikes in the garage, and I let myself get entangled with a flesh and blood bird. As good as lived together for 15 months, then she says she doesn't want me any more.


Spleen vented, heart beating again - Spring coming, and a lot of miles to burn off. Got my MGS01 at the Bristol Classic Bike Show (Bath & West Showground) on 11/12 February - come and see us.


Bikes? Women? No contest!


In answer to my own topic description - yes, life IS worth it - bikes (and particularly Guzzis) are worth the pain


Apologies if this offends anyone - back to the bottles - where the h==l did I leave the corkscrew!?.

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As I have said before - it is OK to dump your girlfriend but don't dump your bike. Thinking over your dilemma I can see that if you have a bike that dumps you, you either fix it, get used to its quirky riding style or get rid of it.


Always remember this too. It doesn't matter who you feel put you in a hole as long as you get yourself out!!!

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Always remember this too. It doesn't matter who you feel put you in a hole as long as you get yourself out!!!



Yeah HecolpeterJim - thanks mate - time comes when all you need is a friend to say "Buck up Fella" - you did it - cheers! Life is a one-time experience - no practice runs, no second chances - only way is full throttle

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Sorry to hear of your anguish, especially as she rekindled your hopes. Think long and hard before giving it a third go with her if she reappears. She obviously had second thoughts but then changed her mind, she is always likely to do it again.


Don't seek too much solace with your corkscrew. It spoils the Guzzi experience amongst other things.


Concentrate on the good things you've got the 3 Guzzis and your "layhound". I'm sure you'll come out of this and perhaps find someone more deserving of your affection.




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:2c: Dont worry about it man! Whats the worst that can happen? You may have to date several different women & have sex with some of them until you pick a new girlfriend? Boo friggin hoo I feel sorry for you! lol Really there are far too many beautiful women on this earth to get too hung up on just one of them. :2c:
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Dumped TWICE in a month by the same woman??? Robin, that's rule #1! NEVER go back for more, never give them the chance to leave twice. They always will.


Nothing wrong with flying solo my friend. I prefer it. This is the time to get out and enjoy everything you want to do, when you want to do it. Or you can sit around and mope... YOUR choice.


Think of it this way - had you put a ring on her finger, she'd be taking at least half your bikes with her.




4 bikes, no bird, happy as can be

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Sorry guys - I know this isn't an Agony Column, but if I don't write this I'll explode! Dumped twice in one month - by the same woman - must be my fault, mustn't it - idiot for going back for more!


Got three beautiful bikes in the garage, and I let myself get entangled with a flesh and blood bird. As good as lived together for 15 months, then she says she doesn't want me any more.


Spleen vented, heart beating again - Spring coming, and a lot of miles to burn off. Got my MGS01 at the Bristol Classic Bike Show (Bath & West Showground) on 11/12 February - come and see us.



Hi ya!!Guzz, Well all that indicates me that hat you need a bit to slow down, think and evaluate yourself and others' perhaps you were approaching things with a bit streess and that causes failures (unforgivable?)Well think about it and evaluate.

Yesour age is effected from arrogance and egoism at most aspects , plush the need to show up.Women are more inlined to that than men....anyways


MGS1 well that's really a beauty and there s a big difference between bike and femmes , so I won't get into thiis.


Here is some help guide to what women and men mean in daily basics.


What a woman says, what she really means...

I need = I want

We need = I want

It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now

Do whatever you want = You are going to pay for this later

We need to talk = I need to complain

Sure...go ahead = I don't want you to

I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!

You're so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot

You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?

I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! = I have a severe case of PMS

Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs

This kitchen is so inconvenient = I want a new house

I want new curtains = I want new curtains, new carpeting, new furniture, new wallpaper...

I need new shoes = the other 40 pairs are simply the wrong shade

I heard a noise = I noticed you were almost asleep

Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive

How much do you love me? = I did something today you're really going to hate

I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on T.V.

Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful

You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me

Are you listening to me? = Too late, you're dead

Yes = No

No = No

Maybe = No

I'm sorry = You'll be sorry

I was wrong = Not as wrong as you

Do you like this recipe? = It's easy to fix, so you'd better get used to it

Was that the baby? = Why don't you get out of bed and walk him until he goes to sleep

I'm not yelling! = Of course I'm yelling, this is important!



What a man says, what he really means...


I'm hungry = I'm hungry

I'm tired = I'm tired

Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you

Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you

Would you like to dance? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you

Can I call you sometime? = I'd eventually like to have sex with you

Nice dress! = Nice cleavage!

You look tense, let me give you a massage = I want to fondle you

What's wrong? = What meaningless self-inflicted psycho trauma are you going through now?

You look upset = I guess sex tonight is out of the question

Yes, I love your new hairstyle = I liked it better before

Yes, your haircut looks good = $50 and it doesn't even look different!

I like the first dress you tried on better = Pick any freakin' dress and let's go!

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And of cource I wouldnt except this one , this i the classic. :grin:


The relationship pont system : :lol:


For all you guys out there who just can't figure it out, here it is: In the world of romance, one single rule applies: Make the woman happy. Do something she likes and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't get any points for doing something she expects...Sorry, that's the way the game is played.


Here is a guide to the point system.


Simple Duties:


You make the bed..+1

You make the bed, but forget to add the decorative pllows..0

You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets..-1

You leave the toilet seat up..-5

You leave the toilet lid down..-10 after the lights are out..-30

You replace the toilet-paper roll when it's empty..0

When the toilet-paper roll is barren, you resort to Kleenex..-1

When the Kleenex runs out you shuffle slowly to the next bathroom..-2

You go out to buy her spring-fresh extra-light panty liners with wings..+5

But return with beer ..-5

You check out a suspicious noise at night ...0

You check out a suspicious noise and it's nothing..0

You check out a suspicious noise and it's something..+5

You pummel it with a six iron..+10

It's her father..-10


Social Engagements:


You stay by her side the entire party..0

You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with a college drinking buddy..-2

Named Tiffany..-4

Tiffany is a dancer..-6

Tiffany has implants..-8


Her Birthday:


You take her out to dinner..0

You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar ......+1

Okay, it is a sports bar..-2

And it's all-you-can-eat night..-3

It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colors of your favorite team..-10


A Night Out With The Boys:


Go out with a pal ..-5

And the pal is happily married ..-4

Or frighteningly single ..-7

And he drives a Mustang..-10

With a personalized license plate (GR8 N BED) ..-15


A Night Out:


You take her to a movie..+2

You take her to a movie she likes..+4

You take her to a movie you hate..+6

You take her to a movie you like..-2

It's called DeathCop 3..-3

Which features cyborgs having sex..-9

You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans .........-15


Your Physique:


You develop a noticeable potbelly..-15

You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it....+10

You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to loose jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts ..-30

You say "I don't give a damn because you have one too"...-800


The Big Question:


She asks, "Do I look fat?" ..-5

You hesitate in responding..-10

You reply, "Where?"..-35




When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen, displaying what looks like a concerned expression ..0

When she wants to talk, you listen, for over 30 minutes..+5

You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV..+10

She realizes this is because you've fallen asleep..-20




Cheers buddy ;):bier:

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