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Hand grip removal

Morris Sod

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I am about to replace my hand grip rubbers for slightly thicker ones to possibly help reduce pins and needles in my right hand.


Will probably add some heated hand grips at the same time.

Any suggestions as to the easiest way to do this and best way to wire in heated heated grips. -_-

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I am about to replace my hand grip rubbers for slightly thicker ones to possibly help reduce pins and needles in my right hand.


Will probably add some heated hand grips at the same time.

Any suggestions as to the easiest way to do this and best way to wire in heated heated grips. -_-



_Getting them on_ use some soapy/detergenty water. You might be able to soak the old ones off using the same stuff if (a) they are not glued and (B) you can get it between the grip and the bar.



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Guest bshpilot

to REMOVE the old grips either slice them down the length w/

a razorblade and peel 'em off *OR*


use an air compressor and insert a blow tip under the grip at the

handle bar end...blow air under the grip between the bar & the

grip itself...youll see the grip balloon up...work your way around

the grip...once its loose, continue to blow some air in and pull

the grip (it should come right off)


when you apply the NEW grips spray some hairspray (pump or

aerosol, either work perfectly fine)....while the hairspray is WET it will

act as a lubricant (allowing you to slip the new grip right on),

once the hairspray DRIES it will act as a glue and hold the

new grips in place.


using the air/compressor & hairspray method this shouldnt take

more than 15min from start to finish, including beer opening

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Guest bshpilot
Now that is a very cool solution.





been doin' it for years...learned it years ago when

i worked at a local yamaha/suzuki shop...


and EVERY one of my bikes (cept the flyin' Kouch)

gets GRAB-ONcell foam superbike grips.

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The air compressor trick rocks. You can use a bicycle pump if you have a friend.

For really good stick-to-it-ivness, 3M makes a weatherstipping glue that it won't matter if you get it wet, gas, lightning... it sticks. And it's slimy when you first put it on.

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The air compressor trick rocks.  You can use a bicycle pump if you have a friend.

For really good stick-to-it-ivness, 3M makes a weatherstipping glue that it won't matter if you get it wet, gas, lightning... it sticks.  And it's slimy when you first put it on.



Great ideas guys thanks, any comments on the heated hand grip wiring?

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Sorry- can't help much with the heated grips. I have electric gloves. Are the heating elements embedded in the grips? If so, just mount as normal and route wires unobtrusively. Use a relay, if you can, to power them (depending on their current draw). If the heaters are pads that fit under normal grips...I'm not sure. It may be easiest to glue the pads to the bars with a strong glue, then try to slip the grips over them? :huh2:



Say...here's a bodge point on the hoof, which is another way to say that I've had an idea (scary). Nichrome wire is a resistive wire often used as a heating element. Has anyone made their own heaters by wrapping nichrome around the outside of the grip? Just wire in a high wattage potentiometer to control the heat.

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  Has anyone made their own heaters by wrapping nichrome around the outside of the grip? 


That sounds scary to me :o

But then again I have touched an electric stove before it became hot.

Are electric stove elements ceramic coated or anything like that?

Maybe if you put a condom over the wired grip :thumbsup:

I have read you are supposed to turn heated garments off before they become wet. :grin:

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I don't have a compressor handy, but I do have a real simple trick for removing grips - take the thinnest screwdriver (or a thin hex wrench) and dip it in a pump bottle of hairspray. Insert the scredriver under the grip, spin it around the bar once, and the grip will slide right off. Wet hairspray makes it easy to put on, too... and when it dries, it' not movin'!




PS: yes I'm coming out of "lurk mode" once again... with any luck, I'll actually have my V11 back on the road soon! :P

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WD-40 will help take them off.

But clean the WD-40 off real good before putting the new on.



More years ago than I really care to remember, a person I knew decided he would fit new grips to his week-old CBX. He used WD40 to get them on easily. He then came along and decide to demonstrate its wheelie capabilities. With his girlfriend on the back.


At over 45degrees, the clutch side grip came off.


A cartwheeling CBX is a _very_ impressive sight. But not as impressive as an irate girlfriend. In fact, I have to say that she was more than irate. Somewhere, I've got some pictures of the wreckage.



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[oh dear.i have the picture. :( quote=mike wilson,May 2 2006, 10:10 PM]

More years ago than I really care to remember, a person I knew decided he would fit new grips to his week-old CBX. He used WD40 to get them on easily. He then came along and decide to demonstrate its wheelie capabilities. With his girlfriend on the back.


At over 45degrees, the clutch side grip came off.


A cartwheeling CBX is a _very_ impressive sight. But not as impressive as an irate girlfriend. In fact, I have to say that she was more than irate. Somewhere, I've got some pictures of the wreckage.




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