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Everything posted by badmotogoozer

  1. not all of us, punk. "Don't wanna be an American idiot".... Green Day for those easily offended... Rj
  2. tool pouch existence? let me check.... yup, got one right under my tool. No, you can't have it, but I'll let your sister play with it. Rj PS, check with Rich Maund (lister) - he's got some neat stuff along that line.
  3. Happy Birthday Buddy! Down a couple fer me too! noise vs visability eh? I assume I am completely invisible (it's cool, I feel like some crazy superhero bike dude). I don't buy my gear to be seen, I didn't buy my pipes to be heard. Obnoxious? Hell yeah. People notice things that annoy them. (that car alarm going off down the street, the dog barking two streets over, blinding light in the dark etc.) If I'm waking up a couple of daydreamers, then that's a great side effect to the pipes. I bought them cuz I like the sound. And the extra flow of course An aquaintance of mine was a big advocate of the safety vest until a woman hit him turning left in front of him. She thought he was a roadworker at first glance and didn't realize he was moving. They are out there and no matter what you do, some idiot can take you out at any time. BDC - brain dead cager - I like that! Rj
  4. OK - back on topic... If you really want to go roundy round, spend a day or two reading the "What time is it" thread. Good thing you didn't go Hari Kari on him. Slicing open your own gut and spilling your intestines all over him would accomplish very little, likely only to confuse him. Next time go Hare Krishna on him and beat him to death with some flowers and a bell. MUCH more satisfying. Rj
  5. He had some crow to eat... Rj
  6. Sharp eyes there Belfast! Try it again without looking through the bottom of the Guinness glass! slainte! Rj
  7. I've hit the rev limiter in 5th but not 6th. What speed?? hell if I know, I'm not looking at the guages when I'm flat out... they lie anyway. Rj
  8. We can only hope they hit the "No Brains Atoll" and put that poor ship out of its misery. Rj
  9. The girl in front is hiding it in her shirt! Staedtler, you're the king! Rj
  10. wwwaaaayyyy more fun than a baggie full of water, although you can have quite some fun with a baggie full of water. I'd play with those fun bags any day. or night. Rj
  11. I might have believed that if you had said " Suzuki Burger with a side of small children." That gut's just waaayyyy to big to only have a Suzi in it. Rj
  12. I asked her this morning over breakfast. DOB - July 19, 1985 makes her.... almost 20. measurements: 75-59-85 that's metric fer ya 'mericans. shoe size: euro 39, US 8 fueled by money and cocaine, and more money. Oh, and money. Rj She said not to tell Jim... ssshhh!
  13. That's why I ain't got no steenkin' bell! Rj
  14. My Grandmother was invited to Holland and regularly participated in the memorial services before her death. She lost her brother in the liberation of Holland. I always thought that it was very thoughtful to include her, and it always meant a lot to her. Ryan
  15. slap the kid, take the firing. You'll feel better on sooo many levels. I hate looking for work - all the stress of searching desperately for a place that you can go to to get stressed out every day. Porn is definitely the way to go. People will pay just to see stills of stuffies humping. It's a sick sick world. Good luck!! Rj
  16. I hear JRT has some wicked ointment... What were you using the Mouse for?? I bought two of them when I started the restoration of my wooden boat. Bought two expecting my girlfriend to use the second, and the first to wear out, but the first one still has plenty of life with god only knows how many hours on it.... And, yes, my girlfriend never touched it. Surprise. So far there are far more miles on the Mouse than there were on the pneumatic sander when it gave it's death cry. The Mouse has been a real workhorse for me. Rj
  17. That's what she said.... Rj
  18. I can feel a uterus growing as I type... Maybe my heart will grow three sizes today. Rj
  19. Might have to use a baseball bat - Guzziology's pretty thick... I'll give First Light a shot - even if there are "feelings". Just as long as the wussy meter doesn't read off scale. Always up for a good Spitfire read!! Jupiter's Travels is a very good book, tho' dry in parts. I met Ted Simon a few years ago when he came to speak to my vintage brit bike club. Great guy, very keen to talk to us about his life's experiences, not just Jupiter. Now that was a motorcycle book! Anything by HST is always entertaining, but you have to take it for what it is - gonzo. cheers, Rj
  20. speaking of turkey buzzards... A farmer just down the road from velofish had an especially randy turkey. From sun up to sun down he was "on" everything in the barnyard - the chickens, the geese, the turkeys, even the sheep weren't safe. One day the farmer says to him "Tom, ya gotta lay of the humpin' or your gonna die from exhaustion!" The next morning the farmer goes out into the barnyard and sees Tom turkey lying flat out on his back, feet in the air, no sign of life. The farmer runs over to him and ole Tom opens one eye and says "get away!" points a wing skyward and whispers "buzzards..." Rj
  21. Fluffy isn't only your special friend... she's a lot of guys' special friend! Rj
  22. no sheep?? Well then, I'm not interested... rj
  23. Ah - so that's why the quality control is so crappy... Maybe they should hire a couple of mechanics. Nothing against artists, heck, I've been known to produce the occasional piece of art myself. I just don't care to read about their feelings and how good that bath felt when they got home. This forum is full of motorcyclists writing all kinds of motorcycle stories - I don't remember any that emphasized how the writer was feeling on their most intimate level. You've hurt me deeply Belfast. I think I'll go home and have myself a good little cry... and maybe a long hot bubble bath. Rj
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