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Posts posted by grossohc

  1. Wlfe just taped a programme for me on the travel channel 252. A bloke takes the new norton cafe racer from john o groats to lands end (2 parter). Bike looks the dogs balls as he rides through arid scotland. He then stops for the night at the aultguish inn and sings its praises ( must have new owners then). Put me in the mood for a run out, soon as i fit the water skis to the bike <_>

  2. Hi Pete

    Thanks for the input.I have bled the clutch,no change.

    I would not dispute that the gearbox is durable(bulletproof),just way to high a ratio of owners have had some kind of poorly,non-functioning operating problem.In this thread alone 6 people are sayin they have a similar problem.My guess is that it's hundreds,if we did a poll and everyone responded .





    I will respond to this, i also have had problems with false neutrals not just on my guzzi but my vfr as well and loads of other bikes i have had and i know where the problem lies. Its Me :rolleyes: with the roads up here,bend after bend after bend up hill down hill more bends then short straights and twisties as well constantly going up and down the gearbox i sometimes get complacent/lazy with my gearchanges and fluff a few. But thats probably just me, was hankering after a mana (automatic bike) for a while,but will stick with what i have. :drink:



    A few things went wrong, the most annoying and expensive being the Öhlins front fork seals (which have lasted all of 15,000 miles - is that typical?) and presently a packed-up starter motor. But otherwise no drama, no exploding flywheels, no gear selector springs broken.


    Got my ohlin shod bikes forks serviced at 12000 miles. Tech said they were like new. Now on 30000 miles and no issues, so no seal failures to report here :oldgit: Oh and my bikes a keeper as well :drink:

  4. Do you have a screen/fairing fitted, my bike used to rattle and annoy the s:?t out of me. Was the fairing rattling against the headlight, small strip of rubber between them and the silence was deafening (well if you ignore every other noise the bike makes) :rasta:

  5. ...That's the only culprit. Compared to what they cost this makes them rather useless. For me at least. Nevertheless, sound and look are the real thing.

    If you buy them, be very carefull with those most cheapish mounting clamps coming with the kit. If you aren't they will bite their way through the cans faster than you can look.




    Yeah, the clamps are shit! Been meaning to change them - anyone point me to a source for decent quality alternative, so I don't have to find it myself? Thanks.


    Agreed, would love to replace them as well.

  6. Hey All,


    I've been offered a used but immaculate pair of MG Ti cans for my V11. Does anybody run these? They look sweet, but do you get and discernable power improvements and what do they sound like most imnportantly ;)




    I am using them, look and sound great. You will notice apower difference if you are getting the "race ecu" aswell. This came with the cans when bought new as well as brackets to mount them higher than stock.

  7. So far I have replaced rear wheel brgs,bevel box bearings, steering head brgs,prop u/j,four engine valves(bent),a failed timing cover gasket,relays,the hardening has just failed on the crownwheel in the bevel box so its a new one of those too,bikes now done around 26000miles....I so lucky I didnt buy a Honda..I woulda been so bored. :rolleyes:


    Jeez, my bike has done the same miles and i have only replaced the rear wheel bearings :bike::grin: I,m bored.

  8. The issue has several factors as I understand it. The narrow included angle of the closely spaced valves hampers "slower" air smooth movement to some degree. The 90 degree V configuration (a naturally vibe quelling layout in engine design in general), plus the soothing effect of putting that V in sideways to the frame lends it towards higher revs. I basically never go back under 3,000 rpm once that ceiling is passed. I do commute, so I keep it in 1st gear and roll along at 5000 where I'm just poking along in a line of traffic, or if you are smoothly going slow, I will sometimes put it in second gear, and roll at just above a happy idle. I agree with ScuRoo, with these motors, you just don't lolly gag around in those lower RPM's, blow through the gear or wind it up a bit more when needed, These will happily spin at 6,000 rpm ALL DAY LONG.

    When I got used to mine after I first bought it, I spent a day ride going over 4,500 rpm and no lower, and alot of it above 6,000. During that ride, I was shown the essence of the Guzzi god, and it was good. As they say, the hook was set, and damn deep, too. :notworthy::mg::wub::rasta:

    :stupid: Keep the revs high, the engine just doesnt like low revs, treat it like a 2 stroke :drink:

  9. Jeez, if it wasnt for bad luck you would have none at all. No point in asking you to pick the lottery numbers <_ if the cams are toast maybe insurance will pay out and you can get rid off it>

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