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Everything posted by plexiform

  1. my daughter is singing this while playing the ukulele for her school talent show so been listening to it a lot lately. love this song!
  2. Technically we are still in a drought on the central coast so water usage is still limited but the hills do look fabulous for now!
  3. ill have to do 33 next time i go out
  4. Thanks Scud for letting me join your excursion for a short stretch and reminding me I need to get out on my bike more.
  5. I've posted this one before in the dream bikes link. I have yet to see a nicer custom guzzi than this one made by Radical Guzzi. Maximize your browser window for the picture to not be distorted. Not sure why that happens.
  6. Agreed... that's what I meant a 4wd truck. Doesn't have to be a Chevy by any means. I'm sure there are much better trucks out there. This is just the first one I've ever had.
  7. Everyone should have a lifted chevy silverado...best vehicle I've ever owned! 75 911s ...everyone should also have a toy.
  8. ...and yesterday's conversation (in Pismo Beach) after I let her drive on the beach: "Dad, what makes it four-wheel-drive?" So we lay on the sand to look under the truck and discuss transfer cases, driveshafts, differentials, and locking hubs. you were in my neck of the woods! next time don't be a stranger. the ramp on to the beach is in grover beach and oceano. I'm just a ten minute walk from where your truck is. hope you had a nice time and plan to visit again.
  9. Can we just make a donation to Luap@wildguzzi.com through Paypal?
  10. When I downshift my 02 scura sometimes doesn't engage the lower gear. If i take my time and down shift very slowly and deliberately, it seems to work fine. Are these early signs/symptoms of flywheel and clutch failure?
  11. The closest sized oring I could find is 11/16x9/16x1/16 and it fit perfectly and the bike fired right up and sounded good. Didn't see any oil immediately seeping through. Does that mean success or is close not good enough? I measured the thickness of the orings and they were nearly identical to the thousandth decimal point.
  12. thanks! thats what i needed. Im not new to MG but new to working on them...never a dull moment!
  13. In the diagram below I see #8 the oil feed line, and I see #12 the pressure sensor, but I do not see the timing sensor marked on this diagram. Am I looking at the wrong diagram? Thanks
  14. Thanks for all the replies. Will look in to changing the o-ring. The bubbling of paint on engine doesn't bother me much either. However if i bought it brand new and then this happened and no one offered to fix it under warranty, I'd be pissed!
  15. Noticed some oil on the front left side of the engine case today after a short ride. Hadn't notice this type of leak/seapage before. Heard a backfire kind of 'pop' sound on startup today which was new but it happened once and the ride felt otherwise uneventful. Just filled with gas before the ride but i touched the wet area and it is not fuel just oil and debris/dirt mixed. Any thoughts where to start to diagnose and fix would be appreciated. Thanks. This is an 02 scura.
  16. I have a new dream bike: Radical Guzzi makes these beauty. Front end of a MV Agusta F4, engine from a MG California 1400 (bored out to 1480cc), and tons of custom parts. Better get my "will work for " sign out. This ones not cheap at $50k
  17. i was searching around for parts for my 2002 scura and see some items being advertised as fitting any of the "big block square fins" Can someone explain these terms for me and tell me if my scura is big block or square fin or both? Much appreciated.
  18. run like the breeze - michael kiwanuka - taken from the end of I Am Ali documentary
  19. they are pretty. i love the racer
  20. I prefer the rush of a fast motorcycle over the single prop Cessnas I fly any day. I've never had the pleasure of flying a P51 Mustang. I imagine that would be a different experience entirely..
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