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LowRyter last won the day on May 20

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About LowRyter

  • Birthday 04/16/1954

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  • Location
    Edmond OK
  • My bike(s)
    2001 Green V11 Sport / 1998 V11 EV / 2017 Ducati 939 Supersport

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  1. My phone feed is telling me that Dorna would like for Rossi to quit diss-ing Marc over '15. It's not good for the sport. I suppose Dorna should've done something back in '15?
  2. I think when the fuel pump went out my Greenie we found a replacement at NAPA for $80. Replacing relays, fusses, filter and pump should be a $100 or so. Don't forget tank suck.
  3. It would really be cool if hydrogen cars could be run by sucking air and using a converter to remove the hydrogen. Never needs fuel, it runs on air. Cool. I suppose the next best deal would run on water, but you'd have to fill it with a garden hose. The O would be the exhaust?
  4. guilty. Dirtymax pulls my toy hauler. I'm think about selling the whole rig. OTOH, my Corvette was t-boned this week by a woman running a stop sign her SUV. Even though her left front got me on the right rear as I was nearly out the intersection as she turned right, they're calling it 50/50. Don't know if the car is totaled. Actually, the family hauler is 4cyl Accord stick. Gets 30+ mpg, quiet, quick, handles. Then there's my 25-year-old Trooper for bad weather. a tool for every use if you're fortunate enough.
  5. I'd guess the 1000s of FEMA workers, volunteers, suppliers and controllers that are doing their best to help the effected likely don't give a damn what you think and will still help you anyway. Hope you don't get caught it to find out.
  6. Whether the extreme weather can be attributed to a single thing, no doubt CO2 emissions and global warnings are contributors. For sure what was considered a 500 year flood have now been revised to 5 year flood. I think before we get the climate straightened out over the next 3 or 4 generations to heal (100+ years perhaps), we'll have to reconsider reconstruction, flood plains, and better infrastructure. Some places shouldn't be built back, It might also mean that planning and restrictions on how much "higher ground" can be controlled by a few. Can it be done? I think so. The Netherlands and Venice have shown the technology and big infrastructure does work to protect from flooding. I think The Netherlands is one of the most rationally run nations in the world. But even in America, we're not going to be able to build like that for everyone, everywhere. We'll have to have priorities as I wrote previously. I've obviously stepped over the line here, so I apologize. I'll drop it here.
  7. Speak for yourself Marty, my car runs on "cloud seeds".
  8. I'm not the guy saying FEMA was "interfering" when they're providing immediate disaster relief and find it totally beyond silly that anyone could collect "cloud seeds" after the biggest flooding in history -even if I believed that it would've been done in the first place which is what's really nuts. So far as your 2 questions, that's what I was thinking about you. You should reread what you wrote.
  9. Sorry but just don't believe what I've read here.
  10. according to wiki Stevie Nicks had written the lyrics separately and thought they would be a good match; she and Christine McVie did some reworking to create the first section of the tune.[4] Nicks' lyrics referenced the breakup of her relationship with Buckingham, a theme of many of Nicks' and Buckingham's lyrics on Rumours No question about Buckenham's talent (nor Nicks and the rest of the band). She pulled a cruel stunt when LB gave up his tour with his own band to tour with FM, only to be fired by her after a couple of weeks. And then into the hear hospital (?). He ended up playing several gigs on the last season of "Prairie Home Companion". This band was pop-narcist IMO. I liked the rocking music of the Bob Welch better and the Peter Green band was an even better blues band. OTOH, I never saw them live and I understand these guys were outstanding players and Lindsey played the whole catalog... "Oh Well".
  11. yeah, watch the video. The three of them are getting a laugh out of the pass.
  12. it's not like the riders have their panties in a bunch. Geeees, where's the hate? Fights? Yelling? Crap, they're laughing about it like buddies.
  13. rub'n is racin' The Beast was chasing and Jorge was blocking him for 4 laps. Sooner or later the faster guy is coming through. He was patient until the last opportunity and didn't give Jorge a 2nd chance. It would've been the case if their positions were reversed.
  14. AOR was a great period of music. Whether Sly, Yes, CSN&Y, Dead, Zep, Stones, Isaac, Feat, Santana. All there. Public Radio was doing jazz and classical. Top 40 was still a thing and Country was still twanging. Then MTV. I guess it was gone by the early 80's? Now we have "classic rock" -anything but. Eagles wannbes on country stations. No jazz anymore. (Boring) Classical only to prevent NPR news from being heard. Hip hop and Pop are going strong. Thank goodness for internet radio.
  15. saw Page & Plant play "How Many More Times" in 1998. It was a little more roots based IIRC. saw Zep play "Moby @#$$#!" in 1970. Bonzo must've done 20 minutes. Green trap set wearing a matching tanktop. @KINDOY2 I know that Zep is a love'em or hate'em band. So I won't proselytize
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