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Guest ratchethack
If the government does ban a certain type of firearm it wont be problem for the people that want said weapon. I can go right down to my friendly local Harbor Freight store & buy all the machinist equipment needed to manufacture any high powered weapon I choose to make. Pretty cheap too. All your local militia really needs are a few members with machinist skills.

NOTE: For those who won't, don't (or can't) read -- I cordially invite you to SKIP DIRECTLY TO THE VIDEO CLIP at the link below.


After The ObamaNation confiscates and destroys the self defense weapons of our Citizens, crime will skyrocket, the same way it skyrocketed after the government of England did it in 1997 (see video clip in my post above), Australia (1996), etc. What happens after skyrocketing crime? Eventually, martial law and genocide, as demonstrated in The USSR (starting in 1929), Turkey (1915), Germany (1939), China (1948), Guatemala, (1964), Uganda, (1971), Cambodia, (1975), etc. In most of these cases, the people of these nations allowed this to happen, and in many cases even welcomed it, despite the historic pattern, which they either never comprehended out of involuntary ignorance, lack of intellectual development, stunted mental capacity and/or illiteracy, or chose to ignore, indulging in self-inflicted illiteracy of the willful ignorance variety.


How do people allow their governments to do this? ANSWER: The Philistines of all cultures are felony stupid, the result of mindlessly swallowing GROUPTHINK propaganda. The exploitation and manipulation of the weak-minded never stops, as has been demonstrated on an accelerating basis in recent decades – around the world, in every country, and so profoundly on this Forum by a certain few, who actually seem proud of themselves, which is historically a primary symptom of many terminal group mental diseases.


When The ObamaNation confiscates our self defense weapons here in the US, there won’t be any need to manufacture our own weapons. Law or no law, we’ll eventually be forced out of self-preservation to find the same path of least resistance to defend ourselves via the same weapons resources of which career criminals have always had ultra-easy access – the black market. I'm referring to certain street corners of every major metropolitan area on the planet, every single day. With the Citizens disarmed, the most enterprising and successful career criminals will be enjoying epic careers, looting and plundering our homes and raping our women at will, and retiring early in relative prosperity on sunny beaches in the tropics, far beyond the reach of weakened/non-existent US extradition capability. In the aftermath of disarming law-abiding Citizens, with equal access of (formerly) law-abiding Citizens to the same level of self-defense fire-power available to criminals, the looters will find greener pastures elsewhere, following the ancient pattern so well established. Not too hard to comprehend, unless, of course, your brain has been baked into a carcoal briquette by psychotropic chemicals and/or controlled by the captive liberal mainstream media.


Here’s a video clip (see below), the likes of which has never been seen, and will NEVER be seen in any captive liberal mainstream media source anywhere on the planet.


It’s an “inside view” of the world’s largest illegal arms market, in Darra, Pakistan, near the historic Kyhber Pass. Here, children and men with their tongues cut out manufacture guns in caves. They produce more weapons than any black market arms manufacturer on the planet. They’ve been doing it for centuries. Long after the US is gone, reduced to a shadow population of agrarian tribes of subsistence-level hunter-gatherers, as much of the planet found itself (much by complete surprise!) in the last century in the Third World, Darra will still be thriving and relatively prosperous with their illegal arms trade. Darra weapons are regularly found by police on the streets of every large city. Here in the US, Darra guns confiscated at crime scenes flow through the Police evidence lockups of Los Angeles, Detroit, St. Louis, Camden, Oakland, Flint, North Charleston, Atlanta, Newark, Compton, Baltimore, Washington DC, Memphis, Chicago, Miami, and San Diego, not far from where I live. They come straight across the border with Mexico here by the truckload every day.


Pakistan Zinzabad! (punctuated by the bark of a medieval technology Kalashnikov knock-off)



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NOTE: For those who won't, don't (or can't) read -- I cordially invite you to SKIP DIRECTLY TO THE VIDEO CLIP at the link below.


After The ObamaNation confiscates and destroys the self defense weapons of our Citizens, crime will skyrocket, the same way it skyrocketed after the government of England did it in 1997 (see video clip in my post above), Australia (1996), etc. What happens after skyrocketing crime? Eventually, martial law and genocide, as demonstrated in The USSR (starting in 1929), Turkey (1915), Germany (1939), China (1948), Guatemala, (1964), Uganda, (1971), Cambodia, (1975), etc. In most of these cases, the people of these nations allowed this to happen, and in many cases even welcomed it, despite the historic pattern, which they either never comprehended out of involuntary ignorance, lack of intellectual development, stunted mental capacity and/or illiteracy, or chose to ignore, indulging in self-inflicted illiteracy of the willful ignorance variety.


How do people allow their governments to do this? ANSWER: The Philistines of all cultures are felony stupid, the result of mindlessly swallowing GROUPTHINK propaganda. The successful manipulation of the weak-minded never stops, as has been demonstrated on an accelerating basis in recent decades – around the world, in every country, and so profoundly on this Forum.


When The ObamaNation confiscates our self defense weapons here in the US, there won’t be any need to manufacture our own weapons. Law or no law, we’ll eventually be forced out of self-preservation to find the same path of least resistance to defend ourselves via the same weapons resources of which career criminals have always had ultra-easy access – the black market. I'm referring to certain street corners of every major metropolitan area on the planet, every single day. With the Citizens disarmed, the most enterprising and successful career criminals will be enjoying epic careers, looting and plundering our homes and raping our women at will, and retiring early in relative prosperity on sunny beaches in the tropics, far beyond the reach of weakened/non-existent US extradition capability. In the aftermath of disarming law-abiding Citizens, with equal access of (formerly) law-abiding Citizens to the same level of self-defense fire-power available to criminals, the looters will find greener pastures elsewhere, following the ancient pattern so well established. Not too hard to comprehend, unless, of course, your brain has been baked into a carcoal briquette by psychotropic chemicals and/or the captive liberal mainstream media.


Here’s a video clip (see below), the likes of which has never been seen, and will NEVER be seen in any captive liberal mainstream media source anywhere on the planet.


It’s an “inside view” of the world’s largest illegal arms market, in Darra, Pakistan, near the historic Kyhber Pass. Here, children and men with their tongues cut out manufacture guns in caves. They produce more weapons than any black market arms manufacturer on the planet. They’ve been doing it for centuries. Long after the US is gone, reduced to a shadow population of agrarian tribes of subsistence-level hunter-gatherers, as much of the planet found itself (much by complete surprise!) in the last century in the Third World, Darra will still be thriving and relatively prosperous with their illegal arms trade. Darra weapons are regularly found by police on the streets of every large city on the planet. Here in the US, Darra guns confiscated at crime scenes flow through the Police evidence lockups in Los Angeles, Detroit, St. Louis, Camden, Oakland, Flint, North Charleston, Newark, Compton, Baltimore, Washington DC, Memphis, Chicago, Miami, and San Diego, not far from where I live.


Pakistan Zinzabad! (punctuated by the bark of a medieval technology Kalashnikov knock-off)



If the citizens get bigger weapons than the criminals then won't the criminals get biggers weapons and then citizens will need bigger weapons then we'll have to get a nuclear weapon, heeeeey? hasn't someone done this before :lol:

Hmmm speaking of promoting fear and panic.

Excuse me but the crime rate has NOT skyrocketed in OZ <_ and stop bagging the philistines if you research will find they were an advanced creative society src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D">

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Guest ratchethack
Hmmm speaking of promoting fear and panic.

Excuse me but the crime rate has NOT skyrocketed in OZ ...

There are endless sources of gun control propaganda and oceans of mindless, ignorant, baseless, GROUPTHINK publications that run counter to the facts, Gavo. If you've been swallowing raw sewage without giving it the smell test first, it's not very healthy, and I feel sorry for you. The practice tends to severely stunt and twist one's perspectives. Do you know how to distinguish fact from propaganda? Do you care? Best way is to track down the original source of the information, and get a solid handle on the source's credibility based on their credentials. Please check your sources and compare them to the following, and if you still believe them to be more credible than this, please provide those source(s), and the credentials and basis for their credibility here, as I have below.


Gun-control folly here, up north, across the pond

August 19, 2005

By John R. Lott Jr.



Australia has …seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent. Aggravated assaults increased by 32%. (see Australian Bureau of Statistics figures):




Australia's violent crime rate is also now double America's. During the 1990s, just as Britain and Australia were more severely regulating guns, the U.S. was greatly liberalizing individuals' abilities to carry firearms. Thirty seven of the fifty states now have so-called right-to-carry laws that let law-abiding adults carry concealed handguns after passing a criminal background check and paying a fee. Only half the states require some training, usually around three to five hours. Yet crime has fallen even faster in these states than the national average. Overall, the states in the U.S. that have experienced the fastest growth rates in gun ownership during the 1990s have experienced the biggest drops in murders and other violent crimes.




John Lott Jr, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, is author of "More Guns, Less Crime" (University of Chicago Press, 2000) and "The Bias Against Guns" (Regnery, 2003). Lott, 45, has held teaching and research positions at prestigious institutions including University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford University, UCLA, the Wharton Business School and Rice University and was chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988 and 1989.


...and stop bagging the philistines, if you research you will find they were an advanced and creative society :D

This is off the top of my head, so it's far from comprehensive. But I believe if you research properly, Gavo, you will find that the Philistines were not only advanced in language, general knowledge, warfare, and cultural achievements, but (and MOST SIGNIFICANTLY!) they infamously lacked wisdom, and were therefore notoriously given to self-indulgence, all manner of moral and ethical weaknesses, and decadence. Their culture was uniquely and inherently rudderless, lacking traditions based on core principles rooted in self-sustenance. As a result, the Philistines became scattered throughout other cultures of superior standards, and were driven into non-existence by many adversaries, including the armies of ancient Babylon and Israel. The remnants were absorbed, and the Philistines eventually became extinct as an independent culture.


The term, Philistinism was adopted into common vernacular in the 18th century, and has been recognized ever since as a pejorative for pretentious people everywhere of inferior culture, without principles, inclined toward foolish indulgences, without a future, without a country, and subject to folly, and every popular delusion du jour, which ultimately dooms them to prematurely assume room temperature, not always at a time and place of their own choosing. In modern times the Philistines have been resurrected in name only, as a reference to confused and aimless people everywhere who greedily gorge themselves on the ever-expanding buffet of follies, weaknesses, materialism, decadence, illiteracy, bad taste, idiocies, irresponsibilities, blatantly destructive and self-limiting behaviors, and all the rank stupidities of Popular Kulture.


Philistines are the fools, idiots, and laughingstocks of today, and are found wherever fools, idiots, and laughingstocks tend to congregate to suck up the latest GROUPTHINK, where they meet to congratulate themselves on their similarities to each other. Their populations have been expanding dramatically and more visibly, often spectacularly so in recent times within other cultures, upon whom they depend and feed, just as any parasite feeds upon its host.


References to the Palestinians as Philistines are commonly made due to the obvious similarities and similar geographies historically inhabited by both cultures (search on history of Philista and the modern-day Gaza Strip). There was almost certainly substantial overlap at some time (or times) in history, though historians today typically shy away from linking the two for many complex reasons, mostly political.



ancient Philistine



modern Philistine


Of course, Gavo, there ARE those who consider modern-day Philistines to be "enlightened", "progressive", "advanced", and "creative". Those who hold this view would for the most part be limited to none other than modern-day Philistines themselves. . . ;)

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To me a gun ban means just that, BANNING guns. That would be stupid. What types of guns are allowed is regulating guns, and that is a horse of a different color. Arguing gun regulation is a waste of time in most cases. Most people already have their ideas about what is right and what is wrong and what you say will not change anything. My only issue with what Skeeve said was that the constitution is clear and definitive about the right to bear arms and there is no room for interpretation. The fact that in the DC case before the supreme court 5 justices voted that it was un-constitutional and 4 voted that it wasn't proves that the 2nd amendment is not free from interpretation and that there is room for it. If one more justice thought it was constitutional it would have gone the other way.

I'll buy every word of that, except having only an issue with Skeeve's take on the Second Amendment. My major issue is with his call for lynching law makers.

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Here’s a video clip (see below), the likes of which has never been seen, and will NEVER be seen in any captive liberal mainstream media source anywhere on the planet.




Pakistan Zinzabad! (punctuated by the bark of a medieval technology Kalashnikov knock-off)



Yah, www.vbs.tv ain't mainstream liberal media. Not sure where they stand, probably best defined as traditional independent journalism.

Thanks Ratchet! very entertaining video.

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c'mon mate, it ain't so hard to pull your fingers out of ears! :P


P-K-B. Little Donny Dark sez: "There are none so blind as those who will not see!" [sigh]

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I'll buy every word of that, except having only an issue with Skeeve's take on the Second Amendment. My major issue is with his call for lynching law makers.


I'm not calling for lynching law makers, I'm calling for the lawful end of those who willfully breach their oath of office to protect & defend the Constitution. By so doing, they're committing treason, the only crime mentioned in the Constitution, with clear penalties recorded therein. When are you going to wake up & smell the coffee & realize that senators Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, et al are only interested in your enslavement? "It's for the children..." after all, so sit down & shut up about their own immunity from the consequences of the laws that they want to inflict upon "the huddled masses."


Sorry if you're offended by my attacks on poster children for the NWO, but the U.S. owes its very existence to resistance to such tyranny as they represent. The Federal govt. is too large by half, is involved in too much that goes beyond its charter, and its demand for ever more growth will be the doom of us all. We as a nation are already approaching the size of the national socialists in Germany (30% of the working populace worked for the govt.; the U.S. is presently >20% iirc), and it is strangling the life out of us.


Remedial reading for you: go find the Federalist papers, and consider how far down the wrong path we've gone. Then read the Anti-Federalist papers [if you can find them] for the opposing view, & consider how truly mild my position is vs. what the Anti-Federalists would consider acceptable! ;)

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I'm not calling for lynching law makers, I'm calling for the lawful end of those who willfully breach their oath of office to protect & defend the Constitution. By so doing, they're committing treason, the only crime mentioned in the Constitution, with clear penalties recorded therein. When are you going to wake up & smell the coffee & realize that senators Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, et al are only interested in your enslavement? "It's for the children..." after all, so sit down & shut up about their own immunity from the consequences of the laws that they want to inflict upon "the huddled masses."


Sorry if you're offended by my attacks on poster children for the NWO, but the U.S. owes its very existence to resistance to such tyranny as they represent. The Federal govt. is too large by half, is involved in too much that goes beyond its charter, and its demand for ever more growth will be the doom of us all. We as a nation are already approaching the size of the national socialists in Germany (30% of the working populace worked for the govt.; the U.S. is presently >20% iirc), and it is strangling the life out of us.


Remedial reading for you: go find the Federalist papers, and consider how far down the wrong path we've gone. Then read the Anti-Federalist papers [if you can find them] for the opposing view, & consider how truly mild my position is vs. what the Anti-Federalists would consider acceptable! ;)


The only problem with what your saying is that "W" has done more crap that is unconstitutional and infringes on our constitutional rights then any other president I can think of. Yet you seem to think that it is only the democrats that do that sort of thing.

I would agree that the federal goverment is too big and spends too much of our money, but to suggest that it is only the democrats that are to blame is absurd. The only difference between the two parties is HOW they spend our money and WHICH parts of the goverment grow.

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modern Philistine

If that is Philistine, I think we have them out numbered, and out gunned!

But (s)he looks more like a bohemian to me. Probably has a 169 IQ, but got kicked out of prep school, and then went to art school and got mediocre grades.




\ˈfi-lə-ˌstēn; fə-ˈlis-tən, -ˌtēn; ˈfi-lə-stən\




14th century

1: a native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia

2often not capitalized a: a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values b: one uninformed in a special area of knowledge



I think this guy better fits the description:


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There are endless sources of gun control propaganda and oceans of mindless, ignorant, baseless, GROUPTHINK publications that run counter to the facts, Gavo. If you've been swallowing raw sewage without giving it the smell test first, it's not very healthy, and I feel sorry for you. The practice tends to severely stunt and twist one's perspectives. Do you know how to distinguish fact from propaganda? Do you care? Best way is to track down the original source of the information, and get a solid handle on the source's credibility based on their credentials. Please check your sources and compare them to the following, and if you still believe them to be more credible than this, please provide those source(s), and the credentials and basis for their credibility here, as I have below.


Gun-control folly here, up north, across the pond

August 19, 2005

By John R. Lott Jr.



Australia has …seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent. Aggravated assaults increased by 32%. (see Australian Bureau of Statistics figures):




Australia's violent crime rate is also now double America's. During the 1990s, just as Britain and Australia were more severely regulating guns, the U.S. was greatly liberalizing individuals' abilities to carry firearms. Thirty seven of the fifty states now have so-called right-to-carry laws that let law-abiding adults carry concealed handguns after passing a criminal background check and paying a fee. Only half the states require some training, usually around three to five hours. Yet crime has fallen even faster in these states than the national average. Overall, the states in the U.S. that have experienced the fastest growth rates in gun ownership during the 1990s have experienced the biggest drops in murders and other violent crimes.




John Lott Jr, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, is author of "More Guns, Less Crime" (University of Chicago Press, 2000) and "The Bias Against Guns" (Regnery, 2003). Lott, 45, has held teaching and research positions at prestigious institutions including University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford University, UCLA, the Wharton Business School and Rice University and was chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988 and 1989.


Right, Source Australian bureau of statisics





It appears you don't read so well these are figure for 1998 to 2002

personal crime shows an increase of approx .35%

armed robbery down 30%

murder increase 2%

Hardly skyrocketing


Oh and I checked out John Lott jr no wonder you quote him he sounds more pro gun than you he tells you everthing you want to hear. ;)

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Guest ratchethack
It appears you don't read so well these are figure for 1998 to 2002

personal crime shows an increase of approx .35%

armed robbery down 30%

murder increase 2%

Hardly skyrocketing


Oh and I checked out John Lott jr no wonder you quote him he sounds more pro gun than you he tells you everthing you want to hear. ;)

Um, Gavo. It appears that you don't either read, comprehend, OR use your keyboard too well, but that you have no trouble cherry-picking data out of context that is contrary to overall trends, evidently expecting others to consider this significant. The results of swallowing the raw sewage of propaganda without giving it the smell test first over an extended period of time have evidently taken quite a toll. <_<


The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures that Lott cited cover the years after the '96 Port Arthur gun ban, '97 to 2002. He compares this data to the year before the ban, 1995. I have no idea what period of time you're referring to that starts in '98. What alternate period of times would you consider more appropriate to look at for conclusive effects of the gun ban than the data period Lott cited?


What SPECIFIC part(s) of Lott's concluding statements,

"Australia has …seen its violent-crime rates soar immediately after its 1996 Port Arthur gun-control measures. Violent crime rates averaged 32-percent higher in the six years after the law was passed (from 1997 to 2002) than they did in 1995. The same comparisons for armed-robbery rates showed increases of 74 percent. Aggravated assaults increased by 32%."

Do you seem to have the most trouble with? Do you know what categories of Australian Bureau of Statistics data constitute violent crime? Or is it the source data itself that you take exception to?


Again, (Request #2): Speaking of the raw sewage of propaganda you've apparently been swallowing, please provide any sources that you believe contradict either Lott's summary, or his original source data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Please also provide the credentials and basis for credibility (as I have above) of any authority on gun control whose findings you wish to cite here that you believe contradict Lott's findings that you consider to be superior.


Sorry, but as far as credibility goes, posting that Lott tells me "everything I want to hear" doesn't take anything away from either his biography, his concluding statements, nor his data sources.


If you continue to post in reference to this topic without fully disclosing your sources as I have up front, I will continue to make this request until you comply.


It already makes you look pretty silly, Gavo. How many more go-arounds are you good for?


I reckon we're about to find out. ;)

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