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Lest We Forget

helicopterjim R.I.P.

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In Flanders Fields



IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.



By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)

Canadian Army


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Guest ratchethack

Thanks for the Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Jour du Souvenir, Armistice Day, and for those who gave their best in defense of our Freedom in Flanders Fields, Wapenstilstandsdag posting of this classic jewel, Heli-Jim.


Too bad so many today are so full of hatred, propaganda, and mental sickness that they'll never understand or appreciate the fact that, like our Veterans, our esteemed warriors today are all that stand between our freedom and the slavery and death of tyranny..... We can only pity the thankless, ungrateful fools and those who exploit them in their shame and ignorance -- and if possible, forgive them.


May our War Heroes know the debt of gratitude and the sacred honor and appreciation with which we forever acknowledge their courage, their service, and their sacrifice. May we never, ever break faith with them. -_-

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Moderne Legende


Als der Abend übers Schlachtfeld wehte

Waren die Feinde geschlagen.

Klingend die Telegrafendrähte

Haben die Kunde hinausgetragen.


Da schwoll am einen Ende der Welt

Ein Heulen, das am Himmelsgewölbe zerschellt'

Ein Schrei, der aus rasenden Mündern quoll

Und wahnsinnstrunken zum Himmel schwoll.

Tausend Lippen wurden vom Fluchen blaß

Tausend Hände ballten sich wild im Haß.


Und am andern Ende der Welt

Ein Jauchzen am Himmelsgewölbe zerschellt'

Ein Jubeln, ein Toben, ein Rasen der Lust

Ein freies Aufatmen und Recken der Brust.

Tausend Lippen wühlten im alten Gebet

Tausend Hände falteten fromm sich und stet.


In der Nacht noch spät

Sangen die Telegrafendräht'

Von den Toten, die auf dem Schlachtfeld geblieben - -

Siehe, da ward es still bei Freunden und Feinden.


Nur die Mütter weinten + Only the mothers were crying

Hüben - und drüben. + this side - and that side


(Bert Brecht, 1914, "Modern Legend")



More All Time Classics, also from "The Old Europe":


"Mothers! That was the fate of your sons in the war: first murdered, then robbed to the skin and then left as grub for the animals." (Ernst Friedrich: War Against War! 1924)


"But all this "heroism" is a lie. Horror is the reality." (Ernst Friedrich: War Against War! 1924)


Veterans Day? I thought they were all killed?



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In Flanders Fields

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)

Canadian Army



:thumbsup: Well done Jim.

The most important day of the year for me. My grampa, and great grampa were in the two big ones.

I'm now going to visit an old friend, 90 now, a dispatch rider for the English Army in WW11, who was blown up while on his Norton in France. Both knees broken, he still rides!!!

Ciao, Steve

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My grandfather fought in the Great War though, I don't know his service record.


My father served in the Royal Canadian Artillery in Italy. He was in the Monte Cassino campaign. He never spoke much of his experience but I remember him speaking ruefully about the destruction of the beautiful abbey on the summit.


On a lighter note, he was injured and sent to convalesce at a convent in Amalfi that had been converted into a hospital. Through some paperwork snafu, he was lost in the shuffle and spent a month there. I remember him reminiscing about how beautiful Amalfi was/is. I must try to make it there some day to see if I can find the old convent.

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Indeed. Let us offer our respect. And know that Veteran's Day is not Memorial Day.


Last night I took out some of my father's memoribilia. The hats, the brass . . . the casket flag.


I do remember the fallen on this day and also, and more so, the fighting men who are our veterans of today.

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We observed 2 minutes silence at 11am yesterday during the AGM of the Yorkshire Motorcycle Action Group.


I cast a few thoughts back to my Great Grandfather who died when his ship was torpedoed in the Corinth Canal in WW1, my Great Uncle who was killed fighting the Japanese in WW2 and my Grandfather who was held as a POW for 4 years in WW2.


Our lives are much easier because of the sacrifices of their generations.



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Guest Barnapkin

A question regarding what is a veteran.


Is a person a veteran if they only served during a time of war, or anyone who has served peacetime or war?

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Guest ratchethack

A question regarding what is a veteran.


Is a person a veteran if they only served during a time of war, or anyone who has served peacetime or war?

Anyone who has served, peacetime or war.

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A question regarding what is a veteran.


Is a person a veteran if they only served during a time of war, or anyone who has served peacetime or war?


To be a real veteran you should have killed at least one human, but I'm not sure whether "friendly fire" would count.


In reality those real veterans are quite rare now here over, so the veteran clubs nowadays allow nearly everybody to become a member, just because it makes no real club life if you are only 2 or 3 oldtimers.



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In reality those real veterans are quite rare now here over, so the veteran clubs nowadays allow nearly everybody to become a member, just because it makes no real club life if you are only 2 or 3 oldtimers.



Atleast you won't go broke buying everyone with a purple heart a drink :drink:

Cheers to all who served :bier:

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A question regarding what is a veteran.


Is a person a veteran if they only served during a time of war, or anyone who has served peacetime or war?

In the US, the VA and the military define it with a minimum time spent (something like a year or two) and not with a dishonerable discharge.

So, just because you made it through bootcamp, and served our country for many months, you are not given the legal title of veteran. But if you made it through bootcamp, or got dishonerably discharged because you are gay or conscienciously object to the dumbass in charge, cheers! :bier: this holiday is for you, too!

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Veterans in Holland are called veterans only if they have defended the country (WWII) or were sent abroad on NATO/UN missions. And we have a large group of veterans who were sent to Indonesia after WWII (then the Dutch Indies) to take the colony back from the freedom fighters. (My father was amongst them) They have been fighting all their life for recognition.


I think we have an official Veteran's Day only for two or three years now.

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