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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2019 in all areas

  1. If it's the plug that I have in mind then the head won't come off at all. But as 68C said a several times now: take a big nut, M10, M12 or bigger even, lay it onto the plug, fill in the hole using a simple arc welder and then just screw out the plug. Easiest thing in the world. No risk of damaging anything. Opposedly to what you're trying now. Because of leakage problems it may well be that this plug is glued in with Loctite. In that case welding would be your only chance.
    2 points
  2. If they match side to side consider that a win and move on.
    2 points
  3. If you're looking for perfection , you're at the wrong place .
    2 points
  4. Is pretty much the rule on all old Guzzis.
    2 points
  5. After struggling mightily to get my Sport to run right after the last Decent Tune-up, I tracked down a series of contributors. As is common, so many issues are "multi-causal." I found a slightly flinky TPS and replaced it with a PF3C from cacycleworks. Spraying throttle body cleaner on the ends of the throttle plate shafts revealed a significant leak on the bottom left. I recommend this simple test for vacuum leaks when you tune-up, especially as these V11 get up in age and mileage. Check the shafts, rubber mounting boots to the intake manifolds, as well as the vacuum taps. I neglected this last step and later noticed discoloration around the left tap. Snugged up almost 1/4 turn! Also replaced the dried-out cracked rubber caps that have been on there for years. The difference in idle stability, popping and backfiring from that leak has been an amazement!
    1 point
  6. Apart from a slight difference in wonkiness, then yes, they match. Winner winner!
    1 point
  7. 2002 spines should have a 5.5" rear rim with a 180/55-17 size rear tire Unless a different size tire has been put on
    1 point
  8. Well, you did, too, old timer.. Sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you, but being a rock star with the AeroLario and all..I had to spend quite a bit of time with my fans.
    1 point
  9. Docc, maybe of interest to you https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GUZZI-kit-serrature-completo-V11-sport/163841096033?hash=item2625b0b961:g:6IEAAOSw7L1dajSB Ciao
    1 point
  10. of course ....brave souls can try some of these.....and as the label says .... you should probably cut it a bit
    1 point
  11. Again, weld a nut to the sheared off easy-out and remove it. I cannot see which type you are using, I do not like the left hand thread tapered type, as you screw them in they squeeze the nut/bolt out making it even tighter in the casting. Go too far and you will crack the casting. There are parallel easy outs that work well with the correct drill but once they slip you have to go up a size. I feel attempting to drill, grind and then picking out the remaining thread should be you last idea as you will find it very difficult to drill central and square. You could well end up using a thread insert but that opens up difficulties with making it oil tight as you may encroach on the o'ring. Of course removing the head allows you to get to a machine shop for a professional repair, at a cost. Please try the welding a steel nut on first, it really does work and is cheap.
    1 point
  12. The WHB's do have a list on some page but it's incomplete - many settings are not included but scattered around at specific sections (which is good too but they should be in the list as well ) I collected all I could find when I had the 1100 Sport (all or nearly all will apply to V11 as well) plus some generics, see this page: https://www.abc.se/~rasmus/1100Sport-torque.html
    1 point
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