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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. We’re going to hit the museum tomorrow and the bike show (Norton Commandos) then skeedaddle our of here, hopefully before the rain. Still has been a great trip and looks to be an interesting finish. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Closest thing to a V11 I’ve seen. I don’t think I’ve seen one of these in person before. I stopped by this booth last year and bought the lanyard the salesgirl was was wearing. This year they brought all the ones they had. $3 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Getting sick of all the bbq. Just kidding! We are keeping an eye out for hurricanes... yeah, that’s us dead center. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Test rode my old Norton tonight. Will set off in the morning. Should be at Barber Thursday. I’m still working on my brother to get a V11 Sport. I talked him into his T3 so now he has the proper level of Guzzi lust. Hope to run into at least one V11LeMans.com person there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I changed my mounting technique. I've now change it so it's just sandwiching the top nut. I'll take pics later. No need to trim anything.
  7. I now see that missing wire. Will fix when I get a chance. It's all one color for the drafts. Once ya'll like it I'll change it to the primary wire color. No stripes.
  8. Dammit you're right. Both the owners manual and shop manual I have used crappy photocopies of the wiring diagram that came from who knows where. There is a later (catalytic equipped) wiring diagram that is clearer but is slightly different from the earlier 15M models.
  9. I believe I isolated the coils in the wiring diagram. If not at least this might be a start.
  10. Seems a shame to part that out. How much for the whole thing?
  11. Too be honest when I got off the test ride and back onto the Greenie it felt like a 250. Ok, maybe a 600 but it felt a lot smaller. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Keep in mind that somethings look better in person, or don't photograph well (same thing). Shape and volume are hard to photograph and Italian stuff (motorcycles and women come to mind) tend to have lovely shapes, some that photograph well and some need to be appreciated in the flesh.
  13. It would be the new Griso, just because it's the meatiest Guzzi in the line. But I'm holding out hope for some 2018 models!
  14. I'd love to see someone sketch up a wiring diagram for just the coils.
  15. I was looking at my coworker’s bike today and realized his front tire is almost the same size as the rear tire on a V11 Sport. At 2300cc that triple is bigger than a lot of cars on the road. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Shipping from the UK will cost as much as the item.
  17. Long range forecast was making me nervous. Still looks like rain on Thursday and Friday but not much. Saturday looks great. Has anyone been following Craig Rodsmith's V9 build? It'll be at Barber. This guy is hilarious, although you don't want to have the volume up at work.
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