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John in Leeds

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Everything posted by John in Leeds

  1. So correct me if I'm wrong but did they not send all but one of their EV1 fleet to the crusher? Did the one car left that was in a museum have all its batteries, control systems and motor running gear destroyed? Did GM not have customers for every one of EV1s produced? Seems a strange way to make an electric car profitable but I've only seem the film and have no other source on the subject. If anyone knows different please contribute, enquiring minds and all that.
  2. and there I was thinking the reason was reduced demand. Obviously too simple
  3. can't or won't? WILL NOT! Biggest cars = biggest profits, it certainly works short term that together with the marketing that says 'you suck as a person if you don't have one of these'. Even if the big three fall you don't really think the men who run them will end up destitute do you? We are really schooled only as consumers and are therefore easy meat for the unscrupulous Earthship anyone?
  4. Wow what a blast from the past - I still have the Africar book and the C4 series somewhere on video, together with the Promotional catalogue. If we get to meet up again you might want to have a look at them. I was very interested in purchasing the 4wheel station wagen and went to the factory in Lancaster for a trial. The vehicle drove suprisingly well with the flat 4 (GSA?) engine, not the 2CV, and the long travel suspension was a revelation. Much like riding an enduro bike bumps and hollows making little diference to progress and comfort. Sadly the 'factory' was little more than a shell looking like the dummy invasion force mock ups for the D-day landings so the cash stayed in my pocket. Thanks for the fascinating and useful difflock link. It was such a good idea and could probably still fly but totally goes against the current ethos of main dealer only repair and maintenance vehicles.
  5. By gum, I did enjoy that. Lots to think about. You might also consider the film on DVD from Chris Paine 'Who killed the electric car?' for an indicment on the stifling of automotive inovation. Revenge of the Electric Car
  6. I also feel that an opportunity was missed by closing the Election thread. For the first time we were dealing with a contentious area in a fair and respectful manner that really did credit to all the contributors and this forum. Contentious issues are only properly dealt with when everyone can see the all the factors clearly and I thought we were making a good start. The contoversial issue was absolutely central in the minds of many of the voters and therefore well within the scope of the thread. I do feel the topic was closed because a number of people and JRT did not like dealing with the issue (that is his right). The 'TX Redneck back on a Guzzi' did end up making me smile. TX talks of balance at the end of his posts and to this end I had the temerity to say that I did not hope he returned to the forum and that I did not miss his posts. Sadly this was the one thing that the 'witty' (Pete's word) erudite, popular though obviously shy and retiring TX could not stand and therebye we are ALL deprived of the wonderful experiences of TX on a Stelvio. I think I may be still laughing at Christmas. If I can stop laughing I of will of course return to eating the TX recommended and Jaap sanctioned (sic) bowl of (cover JRT's daughters eyes) @#$$#!.
  7. Witty sometimes yes, interesting yes, informative yes. It's just his unrestrained delight at the killing of J C Menendez that I found a real pain. An innocent man killed, had his rep trashed to justify it. We all get it wrong sometimes and eat a bit of humble (not @#$$#!) pie, I don't see it with TX Redneck. Me fundamentalist I don't think so - like you Pete I try to call a spade a spade. Is all
  8. Thank you Jason for your tolerance. I understand that many do not want political controversy on the forum. I would say this however there is some sort of brotherhood here fostered by Jaap, yourself and other moderators. There has also been a restraint exercised here that is not shown elsewhere, once again fostered by yourselves. Issues can be discussed on other forums but the lack of tolerance makes most discussion meaningless. This is a non Guzzi part of the FORUM allowing people who are interested to view and not have to contribute but to get knowlegeable contributions from those they may have (an all be it tenuous) connection with. Politics is life, it is the way we interact together - even the discipline of how we treat each other here is a political decision, I don't think it can or should be denied. But I will certainly bow to your decisions and your power (to pull the plug).
  9. I understand Mac's sentiments but please be patient - when the personal abuse starts ok then chop it but at the moment I am learning something. About attitudes of free gun ownership supporters, the possible changes under the new administration and the law as it currently applies in the US. It would be good if contributors could exercise some personal restraint - unless of course people don't want the truth to be known here.
  10. So Mac thats some eleven and a quarter trillion pounds if there are circa 45 million adults in the uk - I'm not sure if that is a left wing or right wing solution Sorry about the gun questions but it would be nice to see where folk are coming from. The lads do seem to be putting some sort of message out but I'm not sure what it is.
  11. All right I'll bite (again, what a sucker ) Is this purely a 'sporting' weapon or is there another purpose? Is it likely that the weapon and ammunition will have to be handed back? Enquiring minds and all that
  12. Shamelessly lifted from the Flat Track forum and I believe pertinant Quote of the Week (1). 'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' Thomas Jefferson 1802 (2). "Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out." Andrew Jackson to a delegation of bankers - 1832 The last president to eliminate the Debt of the USA. (3). "All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, as much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation." ~ John Adams In a letter to Thomas Jefferson America better wake up before it's too late: hell it's probably already too late. RayP #11n
  13. All right I'll bite So 'oke who are you going to kill with your newly restocked arsenal of weaponry now that Obama is President elect? (edit - could I have got this wrong, could this just be like we buy extra fuel before the price goes up - if so I am truly sorry - I would like to know) Enquiring minds and all that
  14. A Scot and a couple of Tykes on a night out - who the hell bought the beer? Bet the bog was full when the glasses were empty
  15. Dig a little more and it seems like she's a young fit Republican who will do anything for money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh1i9ufuV_I&NR=1 Hey Ho!
  16. A canny observation. BTW I was in Edinburgh over the last couple of days and it was 'all dug up'
  17. So it's come to this. That is really sad There was me thinking the restraints were on how we conduct ourselves, no rabbid personal attacks or hysterical ranting , not about the topics we covered. For my part I took some interest in the policies of both the major contenders and was pleased to see the final result. Our media did little to inform us of any of these policy areas and were pleased almost without exception to concentrate on the issue (irrelevant IMHO) of a 'black man' in the Whitehouse. I feel that if the President elect does try to carry out the policies he has outlined it will not be long before he meets an assssin's bullet - we'll see.
  18. Welcome to the club Greybeard - such a strange thing this Guzzi hypnotism. Let's hope the V11 really does take root and like the people here you find a home with one of these wonderful machines
  19. You can't help it mate - it's just nature - in the genes
  20. Just a heads up - what looks to be a really low mileage Rosso Corsa on EBay in UK. 4 days to go Wish I could convince Sue I need another one
  21. It took me 40 years of riding, (the last 15 being able to ride what I want) to finally come to the same conclusion as 'okie.
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