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John in Leeds

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Everything posted by John in Leeds

  1. Jest gard er durn Best value anywhere - thanks for the prompt
  2. John in Leeds


    Welcome mate from a wet and windy Yorkshire. and yes it is a top site
  3. Again! Most humble apologies Jaap
  4. Am I the only one to be seriously irritated by Jaap's new garden layout. Instead of all the posts being displayed one below the other I have to select each one I wish to read. It's a bit like using an automated phone menu of an organisation that does not want to use any customer service operators, just keep pressing buttons to go round in a loop. Of course it could be the settings on my browsing machine and I'm too thick to sort it but it might be a way to reduce data transmission volumes. Probably time for a donation eh?
  5. Sorry can't help Jaap but it minded me of something I saw in an old Clarion Cycle Club book from the early 1900s I think. Bound to draw a response from someone Hope you get help from the well read V11 group
  6. Great sentiments that touched me in many ways. However it won't bother me too much if Guzzi don't build another new bike in their old factory or elsewhere. To see the fast buck culture bought in to Moto Guzzi would mean that it was Moto Guzzi no longer. Calling it Moto Guzzi does not make it Moto Guzzi. You see my V11 really suits me, I have said many times before this bike will stay with me for the duration I'll have others but this simple machine is where it's at and I'm satisfied. I'd like to say that it was the racing heritage, the history, the mould breaking design, but it isn't. I think for me it's the fact that many people can take their Guzzis with them through the years and they deliver the whole range from visual beauty to fun, facination and reliability. It would be good to have endless supplies of spares but no doubt commerce will provide
  7. No Limits on the Shuttleworth Special and were there TWO G45 Matchboxes? Amazing, thanks for sharing Guy.
  8. Must be a culture thing Richard - over here Glamour is term for allure and sex appeal. I feel a little uncomfortable about that association with a four year old. But what do I know, best of luck mate, look after those lovely kids
  9. Sorry to join the BM knockers but BMW really pissed me off. My new 1150gs only let me down once with a large amount of water in the fuel tank (never properly sorted). However corrosion of the wheels and some cycle parts together with weeping oil when hot, a chronic gearbox, lard arse weight and zero engine braking on any rough downhill put the adventure dream to reallity. The refusal of Bath Road Motorcycles and Allan Jeffries to sort the corrosion on a new bike was the crowning glory. One bright note was the service and replacement I finally recieved from Rainbow of Sheffield, bless 'em. My first Guzzi has never yet let me down
  10. A centre stand for a V11 at less than 100 euros delivered, is it too good to be true? reports please
  11. '03 Le Mans Rosso Corsa Welcome aboard Lele
  12. Looks like you're hooked! An affliction shared with the rest of us. A very warm welcome Johno
  13. What time? Give me some idea and hopefully I'll see you there.
  14. Fair play to you mate. Is it essential to use a COLEMAN camp stove? I think I still have one in the camping cupboard 40mm would sort it for me. (Not only in this area)
  15. Sorry Greg, just could not see them on the TLM site
  16. Viewings 127, votes 275. Hmm something funny here.
  17. Sell it on, or swap for workshop stand. The centre stand is much more useful. I don't think there are any new centrestands available now. If you were in UK I'd do you a swap.
  18. Heating and then bending an alloy casting? I don't think so. A drop plate will be sorted shortly, it will just look crap. BTW it's good to know I'm not the only person who requires these ergos for a sweet change
  19. This particular problem was aired here posts #95 and #99 from me. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...10389&st=90 John Ryland obviously did not want to modify the lever to remedy the problem for reasons of cost. I believe the fabrication of the die for casting this component was the largest of his capital investment. I have removed metal from both the gear lever and the pork chop to gain the maximum downward movement and still have to lift my foot from the rest to change gear downshift. I will when time allows add a drop piece to lower the gear lever end about 3/4" and that will fix the problem. Not as nice as a properly designed lever but good enough with the improved foot position. Sorry I can't help more than that.
  20. This was the one that started my dreams How wonderful was this to an eight year old
  21. Brilliant, just what is needed a thread to bring all the MyEcu material together. For interest it would be good to know those who have built up their units from Cliff's kit. I have started the My15m now and done the easy bit - the adapter board. Next on the list is the Optimiser but that will not commence for a couple of weeks due to time constraints. If anyone is interested I can post some pics and comments on construction by a relatively inexperienced individual, who is looking forward to the learning process.
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