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John in Leeds

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Everything posted by John in Leeds

  1. Many cyclists in UK have been using flashing led based rear lights for many years, in fact they have only been legal here for some 3 years I think. Unfortunately they still have not been the protection many have hoped. There is an increasing antipathy towards cyclists by certain sections of the motoring public, with aggressive behaviour meeted out to those who clearly identify themselves. The many non lit cyclists seen in the urban environment like Leeds are usually (excuse the stereotyping) our more feral young men who don't give a f*&^ and most people give a wide birth to. Oh yes, and Three Cheers for Irvine
  2. It's dead political this and definately non PC - I'm going to get Jaap to put the block on this straight away
  3. As a cyclist I would like to add something anecdotally. Over the years I have had friends and acquaintances hit by cars, two of them killed when riding after dark with full lights and high viz clothing. I have yet to hear of any cyclist who has been hit or injured when riding at night without lights or high viz clothing. I have my own ideas about this but would be interested if anyone has any confirmation of my observations, or theories that could account for them (other than I'm just another demented Guzzi nut).
  4. Interesting justifications - because of terrorism they are in no mood to deal sensibly with a drug addict. Couldn't they just beat the shit out him and save ruining a perfectly good bike. Now there are hospital bills, bike right off bill, car repair bill, who pays? The druggy certainly not. Never mind it makes some people feel better.
  5. Thanks for that Martin, just to update, a complaint has been made of damage to a vehicle. No evidence has been presented but John was arrested and then released 2 hours later. I was not able to hear his interview but he said that the police were very sympathetic and were looking to see if the accusation had been made maliciously. John feels that enough time has been wasted by this theiving so and so and really wants to get on with earning a living. Personally I think that the police should take the clear fraud issue further. If there are further developments I'll post 'em.
  6. Well gentlemen We have a result. After I had a word with these people yesterday it seemed as though they were going to play it out. Every excuse from the death of the proprietor's father on the M1 on Sunday to being given forged notes from the cash machine. Today we got some friends together with the moving equipment from Harrogate, I staked out the place from 9.00am to see when they would open up. John and the boys came into the city via the local nick and told the police that we intended to go and remove the lift. They were given a crime number and told to ring 999 and give the number if things got out of control. At 10.15 the garage was unlocked and a couple of the trolls went to work. I rang the boys to come on in and they arrived some 10 minutes later. (we needed the premises unlocked so that we could gain entry without an illegal break in). There were just enough of us 7 in total but I suppose that was just about a critical mass. Immediately we got 5 in the building carrying the required tools. There was on vehicle in the access and one vehicle (both taxis I think you know what I'm saying) in pieces on the lift. We put the wheels back on the vehicle and quickly pushed it outside. Two more trolls turned up including the owner. There was lots of requests to stop and accusations of damage (total bollocks!) but we were determined and started stripping the lift. Promises to pay came thick and fast and we nearly lost it when two of our group who should have stayed inside drifted out, fortunately the trolls did not have the sense to lock us out before the lads were back in with a flea in their ear. They kept asking us to stop but we were adamant and then some money appeared. I started the count telling the lads only to stop when all the money owed was in my hand. Typical of taxis it came in 20s 10s and 2 pound coins but eventually it totted up. John was still all for taking it out but we talked him round and bought the parts back and roughly assembled the major pieces. And so we left with the cash in hand and John still raining down abuse on the trolls. Came round to my place for a breakfast and a wind down. Result!!! :bier: Lessons learned - always get the cash from people you don't know if you have to do some thing about it it pays to have some good mates check out the lie of the land so you can be sure how to get in and out and have no suprises try to work within the law don't give the trolls excuses ensure you have critical mass - with enough people who know what they are doing even without experience you can win this is a very stressful exercise Thanks guys for your comments and advice - bless
  7. Some advice please. My mate has installed a garage lift (his business) in a back street garage and has been given a cheque drawn on a closed account. That is fraud. Despite many communications both ways there seems to be no genuine intention to pay for the goods or work done. His solicitor told him that a court could make a judgement but it would be likely to be ignored. His local police advised that he should go and remove the lift from the premises and that is about all he could do. I suspect if he does go and attempt this there may be a level of obstruction created by parked cars and one or two rough lads. We can get a team together but would obviously prefer to avoid anyone ending up hurt. Any suggestions that don't include revenge fantasies would be very welcome.
  8. So let me get this right, all I have to do is get a big plasma tv to get six months relief from these incessant monthly demands for conjugal rights. Oh Joy, - I'm off to Costco NOW!!!!
  9. John in Leeds


    Image sells - just look at the 'Long way round'. Any rough road or track, sand or loose surface, weight is the killer. Don't get suckered in to the adventure bike dream, I was with a 1150gs, unsurfaced fine but for any of the previously mentioned there are far better bikes. BTW - Top choice Guy, keep us posted with real world tests.
  10. If you come to UK in your globe trotting, please bring a My15M and optimiser. Great motivation for me to get the money out. Couldn't let you go all that way for nothing. I think Pete Roper sold a few plates when over here last time.
  11. Had my best night ride in many years on Monday night. Leeds to Manchester just 50 miles. For the first time for in a couple of months the roads were dry there was little wind and considering it was 10 o’clock at night the whole route was well lit with very little traffic. I was returning the borrowed Motard to Rock and Road in Bolton stopping overnight in Manchester before helping (observing and getting in the way) Brian fit the new replacement Highland engine. The Rosso Corsa tucked up until the winter salt is gone. A gentle 90ish most of the way watching carefully for following authority, passed only by a Bently cruising around 115. A final flourish of a little? more for the last 10 miles, grippy tyres, willing motor, a super ride. Doesn’t sound much in the grand scheme of things but with all this crap weather recently even crumbs taste like a good meal.
  12. The drama goes on. The phrase 'I have never been so insulted in all my life springs to mind!!!'. I don't seem to remember much support for people who cried 'foul' before. They were told to 'lighten up', 'free speech', 'it's only a bike forum' and 'others are much worse' (I paraphrase). Now when a blanket email goes out people take it as a targeted personal affront. I just don't get it. Maybe I should get out more.
  13. For heavens sake cut Jaap some slack. He's been pissed off, it's his site we all enjoy and take tremendous advantage of. Every member got an automated email. I get personally addressed mail all the time from lying cheating stealing shysters, that is a problem. This came from a man of proven worth, like my family allowed to get a little off the wall sometimes but basically sound, lets take it on board and move on.
  14. Happy to play in Jaap's garden. Happy to go by his rules. When I have had enough there is no barbed wire keeping me from leaving. Just the way I like it.
  15. Hmm The change in the left hand threaded ball rod end and connecting bar make absolutely no difference to my problem. As you know I took some metal from both the pedal arm and the pork chop where it interfered to enable the lever to go to a lower position and this was still not enough. The problem is in the curve of the pedal arm itself or of course my left leg. Of course this is a matter of personal preference and mine is for the pedal to be in a lower position than allowed. I expect you would want potential purchasers to be aware of both the benefits and limitations of these excellent controls.
  16. I also have a set of these fine controls and would recommend them but with one caveat. If you natural toe position is below the footrest (sloping downwards) then you will probably not be able to lower the gear change lever enough to allow downward changes without slightly lifting your foot from the rest. Not a problem for some people but is for me preventing natural and easy downward changes. The foot rest position however is really excellent giving long easy days without leg cramp.
  17. How very English of us all A very warm welcome Nan. Hope you get your Guzzi and you enjoy it as much as I do mine
  18. A bit of really entertaining riding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qegU2t2bxEU
  19. Used Mobil 1 15-50w. There may be something in what you say, be interesting to hear Highland's comments. The specification of Mobil 1 exceeds that of the oils required by the manufacturer. I do hope good intention has not caused the problem
  20. Sadly some friction in the bearing discussion. However thank you all for shedding some light on my problem. FYI Highland are taking the engine back to Sweden for a rebuild and I hope to get their analysis and also any updates that are currently available. In the meantime Rock and Road have given me a Hyper Motard for use until the rebuild is complete. What a top outfit
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