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Posts posted by pasotibbs

  1. Cats do more then burn any unburned fuel in the exhaust. They also convert toxic emmissions to less toxic emmissions. They do tend to hurt power output. Mainly, I believe, due to the restriction in the exhaust. Newer cats hurt power less then older cats. Some systems use multiple cats to get around the restriction issue. I doubt cats hurt power anymore then any other emmissions requirements. As a rule, emmissions regs hurt power. That is just a fact of life nowadays. Cats have other downsides as well. There isn't much in life that doesn't have pros and cons. I imagine the pros outweigh the cons. I don't care one way or the other. I just accept them as part of a car now.


    I understand why cats were put on US cars, a quick fix was needed to the city smogs(and getting rid of the V8 was not an option) , but when cats arrived here (early 90's ?) I remember Toyota and others protesting as they claimed to have got fantastic results from lean burn engines but as these could not work with a cat they were made illegal to sell so never saw production.

    It may be that lean burn would not have solved all the problems but with all the downsides to cats surely other options could have been tried ?

    Making all new cars pass an emissions test could have encouraged inventive solutions to the problem rather than the makers being forced to fit a device that may have made many of these impossible ?


    like everyone else I accept that cats are here but I can't help but wonder what if....and why !

    I guess we'll never know

  2. Catylic convertors were made to completely burn any unburned gases. These things require a warm-up time to start working effeciently. This is just about the time you normally get where you are going.

    A "closed loop" system which uses an O2 sensor is the most effecient type of fuel injection because it monitors the burned gas process to see if it is lean or rich. Unfortunately the O2 sensor has to be hot before it starts working. This is why some O2 sensors use a 4 wire sensor that has a heater built in to start the sensor working quicker.


    So like I said why were car makers forced to use Cats (with all the pollution produced making them) rather than encouraged to produce cleaner more efficient engines ?


    Internal combustion engines are flawed (deeply!) but I feel that blanket laws like "all must have a Catalytic convertor" must have done more harm than good,certainly here in Europe with our smaller engines and lighter cars that could have allowed other solutions to be tried ?

  3. Did anyone else notice how engine sizes went up when Catalytic convertors became law in the EU ?

    for example small Fords here went from 1.3 to 1.4 also the V6's went from 2.3 to 2.4 and 2.8 to 2.9 (to restore lost power ?)

    I never understood why Cats were made the legal requirement and not exhaust emissions ?


    I seem to remember Toyota wanted emissions testing as they had developed lean burn engines that gave really good mpg and low emissions but these could not work with a Cat so could not be legally sold in the EU or North America ? (does anyone else think major corruption here !!)


    Considering that Cat's can take several minutes(I've heard 15-20 quoted) to get to working temp and most EU commutes may only be twice that (mine is 20-30min) making engines larger and use more fuel seems a backwards step unless you make fuel or get tax from fuel that is....

    Add the pollution caused by the mining,processing transportation etc of the materials for Cats and it makes even less sense.


    I always thought that Cats were added it US cars because of city smogs and the fact that most cars being big V8's made this the only viable quick fix rather than the best solution ?

  4. It is a general rule of thumb that short intakes are better for top end power at the expense of torque, and longer intakes promote torque at the expense of top end power. This is just a general rule of thumb and not an absolute.

    There is also another concept that smooth airflow thru the throttle bodies/carbs is important and will improve power at all rpms. I find that on older bikes you lose less by fitting pods like that (you may even gain power), but the newer the bike the more you lose doing that. Airflow in is as important as airflow out.

    I read somewhere that modern bikes (and cars) have airboxes designed to use the energy of the various pressure waves generated in the inlet tract (I assume that's the induction noise that we hear) to help charge the induction stroke by bouncing them off the rear wall of the airbox (a simple forced induction).

    I can't see Guzzi using this though! :P

  5. So, after 3 yrs of my buddies telling me the tail light that comes equipped with the Ferracci tail light kit it virtually impossible to notice in daylight, and just somewhat visible at night, I've finally been given notice by way of warning from the local constabulary that it must go. Why I didn't get a huge fine that is available for them to use here in Metro Vancouver, must be my good manner and using "Sir" alot.

    Anyways, I still would like to retain the stainless bracketry with the kit, which locates the turn indicators quite close for a nice trim look. But the Schumacher LED light must be replaced by a non-led light, or an LED light which shoots it's beams in a wide spectrum for proper visibility.

    Any thoughts on options? The light itself is quite small in size, and attempts to locate the original light onto the Ferracci bracket, well, there's just no room.



    is it like this ?


    is the surface area too small (legally) or is it just that it does not produce enough light ?

    If its the amount of light could you open it and add more LED's at different angles to give a greater angle ?

    I fitted a LED bulb to my std rear light and then broke open another bulb and mounted the individual LED's into the reflector to give a better coverage and as an added advantage should the bulb fail I should still have a light on the rear :D

  6. What people forget is that bikes are geared and tuned for performance not economy because that's what we want ! :bike:

    If you want an economical bike buy an Enfield Bullet (they can easily do 85mpg) or a modern 125cc as they produce so little power the chains,tyres etc last longer as well . :D

    When people complain to me about the economy of their modern 600cc Japenese sports bike I always remind them that seeing as how it spins twice as fast as a car engine and produces over 100bhp comparing the economy to a 1200-1400cc car is probably fairer than saying "but its half the size of my car so should do more miles etc"? :huh2:

    That said when I had an 1985 GPz550(air cooled ,8 valve, 4 cylinder) it was claimed to produce 65bhp at 10,500 rpm used to get at best 60-65mpg which at the time I thought was excellent,but Kawasaki's ran really lean back then (hence the severe carb icing issues we had in the UK) the models that followed produced less power and did fewer mpg !! :bbblll:


    My 2 valve per cylinder 1100cc 5 speed Fiat produces a claimed (Italian!) 54bhp and does at best 50-55mpg(imp) on a steady motorway cruise (55-60mph) and maybe mid 30's urban so I find the Guzzi economy reasonable considering its a pushrod twin producing 50%(maybe) more power at not much more rpm, I'm sure it could be made a little better but that's also true of the car and I suspect is mostly down to emission laws etc!!


    I'm sure a Fireblade could be tuned to give great mpg due to its light weight and high spec engine but would anyone buy it ?

  7. Hi Guys


    Change to a set of new plugs . Bike starts but cannot idle. plugs are now wet. Checked the Tps sensor and it shows 39 degrees on my dealer's analyser. Adjust it back to 3.2 degrees as this equates to the millivolt measured at closed throttle with connecting rod and etc etc, .


    Now observed that the TPS reading varies between 3.2 and 2.6 degree which is not normal. Is my TPS screwd? Bike cannot idle and plugs are wet wet wet? Any ideas anyone?


    If my TPS is damaged where can I buy an alternative as where I am guzzis are fast becoming extinct like dinosaurs from the previous ice age.


    Anyway the V11 and sports 1100i runs similar pistons and compression for those members who asked.

    Sounds like the Temp sensor, but as others have said it could be anything !

    I'd start here as its easy to replace (it may even be the same as a Fiat or Alfa part if you can't find a Guzzi Supplier) or maybe swap for a variable resistor to test ?

  8. Its easy to forget that while cranking you are going up the 500 RPM column so its worth looking at the ECUcontroller to see where you are on the map and perhaps changing the values to suit ?

    I also backed off the Ign Advance off to 7 degrees for the 500 RPM column as mine was kicking back badly while cranking.


    I also found that mine starts better without any crank boost (all set to 0) and the fast idle only on 1/3rd to 1/2 way, so it may be that my map is still needs work in this area ?

    I thought I'd better confirm that the map was still as I remembered it so I went out to the garage last night and saved it to the laptop, it would appear that I must have restored the crank boost values at some point.

    Maybe after reducing the 500rpm column values I restored it to test but due to not getting the chance forgot about it?

    If I remember correctly the bike was almost impossible to start from cold or warm/hot and when it did start needed lots of fast idle but ran badly for several seconds (maybe 20 ?)then screamed its nuts off!

    Reducing the cold start enrichment didn't help cold starting much so I figured it was due to the crank boost (the engine screaming away after the enrichment had reduced) setting the values to 0 seemed to confirm this with easy starting hot and cold, so it looks like I altered the 500rpm values to get to the root cause and then after some success added some crank boost values again.

    Static Config TDC=0x1600, CylOffs=270, PulsesPer=48, MissingPulses=3,CoilCharge0=6000,CoilCharge1=2700 Pressure=249mV,121mB,4199mV,1060mB
    My16M Config RPM=8223, O2=0.00V,-2.25V,-2.15V,-2.05V,-1.96V,-1.86V,-1.76V,-1.66V, TPS=103 TDCWhileCranking=1 AnalogTracking=1
    THR         832   704   640   576   512   448   384   320   256   192   128    96    64    32     0
    RPM         500  1150  1322  1520  1750  2011  2314  2662  3059  3521  4045  4655  5353  6157  7082  8116
    SpkAdv 14  7.03 15.00 17.81 20.39 22.27 23.44 24.61 26.25 28.13 29.06 29.77 32.81 34.92 35.16 35.16 35.16
    SpkAdv 13  7.03 14.06 17.11 19.69 22.03 23.44 24.84 26.72 28.83 30.23 30.70 32.81 34.92 35.16 35.16 35.16
    SpkAdv 12  7.03 13.36 16.17 18.75 21.09 22.97 24.61 26.95 29.30 30.70 30.70 33.05 34.92 35.16 35.16 35.16
    SpkAdv 11  7.03 13.59 16.41 18.98 21.80 24.14 25.55 27.89 30.00 32.34 33.28 35.39 37.27 37.50 37.50 37.50
    SpkAdv 10  7.03 13.59 16.41 19.22 22.03 23.44 25.55 27.89 30.47 33.98 35.86 37.73 39.61 39.84 39.84 39.84
    SpkAdv 09  7.03 11.95 14.53 16.88 20.16 22.97 24.61 27.19 30.23 33.75 36.33 39.14 40.31 41.02 41.02 41.02
    SpkAdv 08  7.03 10.55 12.66 14.77 17.81 20.63 23.20 26.72 30.47 34.69 38.91 40.78 41.72 42.66 42.66 42.66
    SpkAdv 07  7.03 10.31 12.42 14.30 17.58 20.63 22.27 26.25 30.70 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 06  7.03 10.08 11.95 13.83 18.28 22.03 24.14 27.42 31.17 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 05  7.03 10.08 11.72 13.59 18.28 22.97 25.55 29.06 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 04  7.03 10.08 11.72 13.83 19.45 24.38 27.19 29.53 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 03  7.03 10.08 11.72 13.83 19.69 24.84 28.36 29.53 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 02  7.03 10.08 11.72 13.83 19.69 25.31 29.30 29.77 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 01  7.03  9.38 10.31 11.72 19.45 25.31 29.30 29.77 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    SpkAdv 00  7.03  8.20  8.20  9.38 18.98 25.31 29.30 29.77 31.41 36.33 40.78 42.42 43.59 44.06 44.06 44.06
    RPM         500  1150  1322  1520  1750  2011  2314  2662  3059  3521  4045  4655  5353  6157  7082  8116
    InjAdv 14   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 13   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   480   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 12   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 11   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 10   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 09   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 08   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 07   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 06   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 05   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 04   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 03   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 02   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 01   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    InjAdv 00   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525   525
    RPM         500  1150  1322  1520  1750  2011  2314  2662  3059  3521  4045  4655  5353  6157  7082  8116
    InjDur 14  4912 13088 13008 12928 12704 12464 12272 11168 11024 11056  9504 10928 11040 11856 11552 11520
    InjDur 13  4912 12832 13040 13216 13056 12896 12624 11440 11216  9648  8896  9936 10016 10368 10000  9872
    InjDur 12  4912 12592 12816 12992 12912 12832 12416 11264 11008  9696  9424  9328  9472  9632  8608  9088
    InjDur 11  4912 11136 11328 11472 11360 11264 10976 10608  9728  9536  9040  8672  8672  8672  8672  8672
    InjDur 10  9632  9632  9792  9920  9776  9664  9472  9536  8432  7360  8400  8400  8400  8400  8400  8192
    InjDur 09  9504  9504  9568  9632  9520  9408  9184  9264  8304  6224  7920  7920  7920  5728  8304  8032
    InjDur 08  9296  9296  9168  9072  8944  8816  8320  7584  5968  7552  6848  7840  7840  7840  7840  7824
    InjDur 07  8736  8736  8736  8736  8736  8672  6416  6640  5184  6912  6608  7568  7568  7568  7568  7568
    InjDur 06  8320  8320  8320  8320  8320  7680  5360  5184  4784  4512  5520  6320  6320  6320  6320  6320
    InjDur 05  7520  7520  7520  7488  7328  3984  5264  4480  4256  5440  4864  5520  5520  5328  5136  5136
    InjDur 04  6528  6528  6576  6560  5456  4288  4304  4144  3952  4720  4416  4432  3856  3664  4304  4096
    InjDur 03  5920  5920  5696  5520  5440  3856  4144  3840  4320  4192  4496  3920  3504  3360  3632  3536
    InjDur 02  5456  5456  5296  5136  4688  3696  3712  2704  3728  3424  3280  3424  3168  3040  2992  2992
    InjDur 01  4640  4640  4368  3536  2896  2896  2384  2688  3232  3200  3328  3120  2960  2928  2672  2560
    InjDur 00  3744  3600  3280  3056  2736  2736  2736  2736  2736  2736  2704  2704  2624  2704  2256  2048
    RPM         500  1150  1322  1520  1750  2011  2314  2662  3059  3521  4045  4655  5353  6157  7082  8116
    CylOfs 14    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 13    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 12    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 11    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 10    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 09    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 08    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 07    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 06    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 05    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 04    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 03    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 02    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 01    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    CylOfs 00    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0
    RPM         500  1150  1322  1520  1750  2011  2314  2662  3059  3521  4045  4655  5353  6157  7082  8116
    Flags  14  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)  (O7)
    Flags  13  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)
    Flags  12  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)
    Flags  11  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)  (O5)
    Flags  10  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)
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    Flags  07  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
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    Flags  05  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
    Flags  04  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
    Flags  03  (O0)  (O7)  (O7)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
    Flags  02  (O0)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
    Flags  01  (O0)  (O6)  (O6)  (O6)  (O5)  (O4)  (O4)  (O4)  (O3)  (O2)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)  (O1)
    Flags  00  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)  (O0)
    #Temp C   -30   -20   -10     0    10    20    25    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100   110   125
    TempR   51466 28618 16571  9712  5956  3742  2991  2408  1597  1077   746   524   375   274   203   152   102
    Prime      30    25    20    15    10     9     8     7     6     5     4     3
    Crank      80    70    60    50    40    30    20    10    10    10    10    10    10    10    10     0


    I've found a local Brake Dyno so may be able to get a near perfect map using this route as running closed loop is going to take me years at my current mileage !!

    (I checked my MOT certificates and only did 500 miles for 2007/2008 )

    I'll post the results if I go this route.

  9. Folks,

    could it be that I have missed some important things of how the MyECU works? Could be, because I'm only 99.5% satisfied with it ;)


    Really, I always thought that with starting is dealt somewhere else in the map file, not in the InjDur matrix.


    I thought SparkAdvance while starting is this:


    # TDCWhileCranking=1 will fire the spark at TDC

    # TDCWhileCranking=0 will fire with advance from the map


    MyECU Cfg TDCWhileCranking=1



    If so, you should set the spark advance back to 10 or even 12 or 15 degrees in the 500 column. It helps to stabilise idle. And all that for free! Ain't that a thing, ha?




    And of course there are separate fields for cranking and start enrichement as well. Leave the first row alone, it has nothing to do with starting. At least I like to think of it this way, and I'm one of the happy owners.


    You may be right but these changes made it possible for me to start the bike, before I had to use the old ECU to warm it up then swap to the MyECU but now it starts easily every time even after being stood for several weeks.

    We probably need Cliff to clarify these points.

  10. Its easy to forget that while cranking you are going up the 500 RPM column so its worth looking at the ECUcontroller to see where you are on the map and perhaps changing the values to suit ?

    I also backed off the Ign Advance off to 7 degrees for the 500 RPM column as mine was kicking back badly while cranking.


    I also found that mine starts better without any crank boost (all set to 0) and the fast idle only on 1/3rd to 1/2 way, so it may be that my map is still needs work in this area ?

  11. I have not had the chance to really ride and test my maps. But the map I originally got from Cliff was unusable. Period.


    I used Raz's and Pasotib's maps, thanks for posting it by the way!!! You save me much trial and error. At least got me running. So serious tuning later I have a decent map, with a few oddities still, but time will solve those.


    Welcome to the fourm Kadavere!! Your posts are help full and I LOVE the bar graph!!!! Very slick(good) As you have found out this is the place for real assistance. I wish I had more to contribute. Best of luck.

    Glad I could help :bier:

  12. Heres one that I found somewhere

    Cali 1100 no modifications


    Hope its useful


    Static Config TDC=0x1c00, CylOffs=270, PulsesPer=32, MissingPulses=0,CoilCharge0=6000,CoilCharge1=2500
    My16M Config RPM=8064, O2=124, TPS=100, ColdBoost=1300, WarmBoost=0, InjPos=330
    THR         924   924   924   924   768   640   512   448   384   320   256   192   128    64     0
    RPM         500  1000  1500  2000  2500  3000  3501  4002  4501  5000  6000  7009  8012  8012  8012  8012
    SpkAdv 14  5.27 11.95 20.39 22.15 24.26 28.13 27.07 27.77 32.34 35.16 35.16 33.05 30.23 30.23 30.23 30.23
    SpkAdv 13  5.27 11.95 20.39 22.15 24.26 28.13 27.07 27.77 32.34 35.16 35.16 33.05 30.23 30.23 30.23 30.23
    SpkAdv 12  5.27 11.95 20.39 22.15 24.26 28.13 27.07 27.77 32.34 35.16 35.16 33.05 30.23 30.23 30.23 30.23
    SpkAdv 11  5.27 11.95 20.39 22.15 24.26 28.13 27.07 27.77 32.34 35.16 35.16 33.05 30.23 30.23 30.23 30.23
    SpkAdv 10  5.27 11.25 20.39 24.26 25.31 28.13 29.88 30.94 31.64 34.45 35.16 34.45 30.23 30.23 30.23 30.23
    SpkAdv 09  5.27 10.20 18.63 22.85 25.31 29.53 30.94 30.59 32.34 34.80 35.16 35.16 31.29 31.29 31.29 31.29
    SpkAdv 08  5.27 10.20 18.63 25.31 27.07 31.64 34.10 35.86 37.27 39.38 40.08 37.97 37.27 37.27 37.27 37.27
    SpkAdv 07  5.27  9.14 16.17 22.50 25.31 30.59 33.75 36.21 38.67 39.73 41.13 40.08 39.38 39.38 39.38 39.38
    SpkAdv 06  5.27  7.03 14.06 20.39 24.26 30.59 34.45 38.67 40.78 41.13 42.89 42.19 40.78 40.78 40.78 40.78
    SpkAdv 05  5.27  5.27 13.71 20.39 23.20 31.29 36.21 40.78 42.19 43.24 44.30 43.24 42.89 42.89 42.89 42.89
    SpkAdv 04  5.27  5.27 13.36 21.80 25.31 31.64 37.62 41.48 43.59 44.30 45.00 44.30 44.30 44.30 44.30 44.30
    SpkAdv 03  5.27  5.27 12.66 22.50 26.72 34.10 39.38 43.24 44.65 45.00 45.70 44.65 44.65 44.65 44.65 44.65
    SpkAdv 02  5.27  5.27 12.66 24.26 28.13 36.21 40.08 43.59 45.00 46.41 46.41 46.41 45.70 45.70 45.70 45.70
    SpkAdv 01  5.27  5.27 12.66 25.31 29.18 36.21 41.48 44.30 46.41 47.11 47.11 46.76 46.41 46.41 46.41 46.41
    SpkAdv 00  5.27  6.68  2.81  5.27 15.47 41.13 45.00 48.16 49.57 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27
    RPM         500  1000  1500  2000  2500  3000  3501  4002  4501  5000  6000  7009  8012  8012  8012  8012
    InjDur 14  5000 12464 12336 11872 11600 11168 11536 11088 11024 10768 13088 12768 12384 12384 12384 12384
    InjDur 13  5000 12464 12336 11872 11600 11168 11536 11088 11024 10768 13088 12768 12384 12384 12384 12384
    InjDur 12  5000 12464 12336 11872 11600 11168 11536 11088 11024 10768 13088 12768 12384 12384 12384 12384
    InjDur 11  5000 12464 12336 11872 11600 11168 11536 11088 11024 10768 13088 12768 12384 12384 12384 12384
    InjDur 10  5000 12272 12080 11600 11408 10848 11040 10896 10624 10448 11264 10864 11088 11088 11088 11088
    InjDur 09  5000 11808 11616 11488 11008 10608 10416  9632  8640  8288  8800  8336  7872  7872  7872  7872
    InjDur 08  5000  9024  8896  8656  8384  8032  8176 10000  7120  6064  5856  5504  5168  5168  5168  5168
    InjDur 07  5000  9008  8640  8448  8096  8880  8000  7312  7328  5616  5568  5200  5024  5024  5024  5024
    InjDur 06  5000  9088  8208  8016  7280  7728  7360  6016  6016  5600  5632  4608  4912  4912  4912  4912
    InjDur 05  5000  8256  7632  7072  6976  6816  6352  5312  5936  4768  5600  4528  3856  3856  3856  3856
    InjDur 04  5000  6496  6368  6672  5872  5792  5568  4912  5024  4544  4576  3968  3632  3632  3632  3632
    InjDur 03  5000  5536  5424  5344  4944  4976  5280  4176  4192  4288  3616  3376  3328  3328  3328  3328
    InjDur 02  5000  4880  4608  4320  4784  4368  4384  3296  3200  3728  3680  3488  3280  3280  3280  3280
    InjDur 01  4500  4080  3872  3392  3232  2400  2432  2496  2400  2160  1984  1920  1920  1920  1920  1920
    InjDur 00  4000  3392  3200  2944  2880  2160  2160  2192  1856  1792  1728  1728  1728  1728  1728  1728
    RPM         500  1000  1500  2000  2500  3000  3501  4002  4501  5000  6000  7009  8012  8012  8012  8012
    Flags  14    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  13    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  12    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  11    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  10    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  09    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  08    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  07    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  06    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  05    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  04    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  03    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  02    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  01    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()    ()
    Flags  00   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)   (O)

  13. I would check the temperature sensor in the head: If the reading is too low, the ECU will enrichen the mixture.

    You will find a lot of info regarding the subject when searching.

    It may be as simple as removing the sensor (found on the inner rear of the R/H head) putting copper grease down the hole and puting the sensor back in, if you do a search as suggested you'll understand why.

  14. I remember passing through a tiny village in Northern England that couldn't have had more than 200 souls. In the village square was a marker commemorating the names of twenty or so local lads who gave their lives in the Great War.


    I was moved by the fact that for a village so small, twenty men must have comprised the majority of an entire generation.


    Quite sobering.

    I once visited an National Trust House where the sons room was laid out with his suitcase from the trenches (if I remember correctly he didn't return) and in the suitcase was the rouge makeup that officers where expected to wear when leading there men out of the trenches, the idea was that they could at least look like they weren't afraid !

  15. First my V11 aka Vespa....



    And now my Italian Mistress:









    Sorry for the bad pics. Got it home late and it's still dirty... Just like a Mistress... LOL


    2006 Ducati 1000LE Paul Smart Replica.... (for those that don't know what it is)


    Richard Z.


    I met a chap a couple of years ago who'd made his into a biposta, he'd made his own pillion peg brackets and painted them to match (if I remember correctly he said a VW colour is very close) but the best bit was he'd had a seat made with the pillion section in a shiny silver metallic material that matched the bodywork it even had Ducati written on it- we had to prod it before we believed it wasn't plastic!. If I remember correctly he was from Huddersfield so maybe someone else here has seen it ?(but to be honest even if you did, the conversion is that good unless you saw a standard one beside it you'd just think it was a normal Paul Smart we certainly did !!

  16. Thanks everyone


    My favorite bike (i have owned 4) has been a Ducati 900 ssie. I dont like Japanese bikes (souless) I loved my last Guzzi. I sold an S4rs Monster couple of years ago, loved the power and handling, and although i went to europe, it was cramped and no fairing (why i wont buy a 1200 sport). I currently have a triumph T955i (595 shape), its great with slightly raised bars (comfort) and handles and goes as fast as i will ever need, but i park it in the shed and have no love for it. I know i will love the Guzzi, just really wanted to know if they handle and last.


    reply to savagehenry, with respect to the Tenni have there been other special V11 le mans???

    They are all special :wub::D

  17. The Ducati Paso was the hot ticket back in the late 80's. Tamburini's design was used by most all other bikes as a base for the next 5 yrs.

    I know this is a personal taste opinion thread, but evidence and fact would not include this bike on an ugly list normally.



    I've had mine for 15 yrs,I've called it many things in that time but never ugly! Ducati.JPG


    not sure if it counts as it died at birth but number 1 on my list would be the Morbidelli 850 V8 (lovely engine though)

    I'll have to think about the rest.

  18. Any real world bike [ie, not a show bike that only gets "ridden" on vacuumed carpets and waxed linoleum! ;)] gets this dark grey road muck all over it's rims in short order.


    So my suggestion for the "best" color for rims is a matte or semi-gloss dark grey [about the same as the "anthracite" grey that the Centauro motors were coated with, or a little lighter!] Spend less time cleaning & more riding, since nobody will notice that your wheels are dirty, unlike the cast alloy wheels on my SV, [first year], which are not only too light a color but have all sorts of nice little surface roughness to hold the dirt! I swear that bike is faster when I take it out after a good cleaning if only because I've removed a couple pounds of rotational mass from each wheel by scrubbing all the dirt out of the rim! :lol: Black wheels don't solve the problem either [altho' Suzi went that route later w/ the SVs], since black shows dust almost as much as white!


    Go dark grey w/ the powdercoat. You'll thank me later, even tho' it make look mundane, it'll always look "right" so that people won't even notice the wheels & just say "What a great looking bike!" :thumbsup:

    +1 for the Grey/GraphitePaso.JPG :thumbsup:

  19. I got My15m up and running. Everything works fine, optimizer etc. I tried to use a usb 2 serial adaptor to connect to my laptop but no communication was ever established. Yes I have the driver installed and under the assumption that the usb 2 serial cable works, it is brand new. I can communicate with the ECU using an older computer with a serial connection, so the serial interface is good. Anyone here sucessfully use a usb 2 serial and am I missing something simple.

    Make sure the ECUcontrol is set to the correct Com port number as it defaults to Com 1 and your USB 2 Serial may not be 1(mine is 4)!!

    My laptop is in the garage so the Device Manager pic is from my PC so no USB serial !!!



  20. Oh, and another thing: have you checked that you don't have a ground offset? When I first read the digital channel into my laptop, I realized my analog was offset about 20 mV. To compensate for that I altered the outputs accoringly so the ECU reads the same as the computer does.


    A larger ground offset than that could theoretically make your mixture much leaner than intented, and at these pretty lean levels that can be a bit of a risk.



    I'm sure the ground for LC-1 is the same as for the ECU (I remember making sure I did this during the install) but I will double check this :thumbsup:,

    also can you please clarify what you mean by reading the Digital Channel on the Laptop and comparing it to the Analog.

    My understanding of this would be that you are comparing the LC-1's software reading with the ECU's reading in the ECUcontroller application, is that right ? :huh2:



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