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Bill Hagan

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Everything posted by Bill Hagan

  1. Out of curiosity, wondering how many of you all got drenched on way home. I left L@T at 1145 and rode back roads to Peachtree City. Took the delightful Tenn. SR 68 to Ducktown, then Ga. SR 60 to Suches & Dahlonega, then 9 all the way into "greater" Atlanta where I took only slab of the trip, I-285 to I-85. Stayed dry on all back roads,then, deservedly, soaked three in separate small but WET t-storms. C'est la vie. Bill
  2. Will post some pix when I can transfer some from Kathi's phone. It had to take a two-day "sabbatical" in a bag of dry rice, but seems not to have died from its little "swim." FWIW, the rear tire is holding air just fine. Many thanks to all. Bill
  3. Got your text. Assume you're on road. Correction is to breakfast, it's 7: 00 til 9:30. Off now to shop in Tellico Plains at the hardware store. I love Guzzis. ;-) Bill
  4. Saw this after I just posted those pics. No real schedule as I understand it. Assume you are overnighting there. Breakfast here 7:30- 9, then all on their own. No "group ride." Bill 404.8zero8.8486
  5. OK. I know no one cares about this except me, but it's therapeutic as I sit around and wait to post this fecal matter, so here I go (again). So, my pseudo-but-cool dealer put on spanking new Pirelli Scorpion II dual-sport tires front and back. I was excited to spank 'em. Then, as said, above, psssssssss. Slow, but sure. I had noticed, in a denial sort of way, some odd handling, but it seemed full enough at my last stop some miles from the hotel. On arrival in Princeton, tho, the reality was obvious, tho no hole visible in a quick look. I limped over to a nearby gas station and added air, hoping that would last 'til the a.m. I called Mike at WMS. He was ... uhm ... deflated about it -- he worries that his tech may have pinched the tube when installing -- and immediately did what I was going to do, i.e., called around places near me to see if any might be able look at the tire in the a.m. Turns out that the Suzuki dealer is part of the local Nippon car cabal, and said bring it over at 7:30 today. I did. Waiting on their assessment. If they can replace tube, vadamnbene. If not, I'll be stopping lots on the way. In the meantime, it's pretty foggy here, so waiting not a bad thing. Besides, we extended check out, so no suffering. I knew you'd want to know. Bill
  6. Kathi -- who is driving our car -- is muttering about leaving me here to my fate and going on to Tellico. I think she may be serious. Bill
  7. Oh oh. Flat rear tire. Mounted yesterday. I am going to make these wheels "tubeless" as soon as I get back. If I do. Blech.
  8. Landed in Princeton, W.V.. Kathi is in the fitness center ; I'm surfing for the right sort of slightly seedy Mexican place. Tomorrow's (likely) route for me: https://goo.gl/maps/Fck94Rj4SXq Kathi'll slab it a bit. Bill
  9. Kathi and I -- she in Fit; I on Stornello -- will launch in the morning. RON at Hampton in Princeton, W.V. Expect to have the lights of the Lodge runway in sight late Friday afternoon. B&K
  10. Mighty quiet run-up to this SSR. On the ground there yet, Tim? Bill
  11. Oh, they do, as elsewhere, but the revenooers frown on its sale, so one has to be careful. Remember that line from Rocky Top ... "One time two strangers climbed 'ol Rocky Top Looking for a moonshine still Strangers ain't come down from 'ol Rocky Top Reckon they never will" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq94Q0APkgM So, better bring your own corn in a jar. Bill
  12. Enjoy? You are braver folks than I. I have always found the Indian subcontinent fascinating, but the reality of riding some of those narrow "streets" and dodging herds of sheep, etc., left me sweating. Great vid ... tho I did turn off the sound. OTOH, maybe I missed out on some understandable screaming! Bill
  13. Actually, I really like riding through little towns. Big ones ... not so much. Bill
  14. Wednesday? Really? Two days on (the delightful) back roads (of eastern Kentucky) or (surely not) slabbing it in a long one? Staying at Lodge? Don't forget it's a dry county for "real" adult beverages. Bill
  15. Well, the Norge is ready. The Griso is ready. The Stornello is (almost) ready. The EV is not and is no longer in the running. I have no mechanical strengths, and automotive electricity is the least of those. But that'll wait until we get back. "The envelope, please." As of today, it's the Stornello! Yes. even tho I only have 3K on the OEM tires and like 'em well enough, Im swapping those with Pirelli Scorpion Trail II front and rear, and riding -- not trailering -- it down. Like docc, I would worry about the logistics of that; unlike docc, I ain't about to look as if I am going to a necklacing party on a m/c! Seriously, aside from the 120-mile r/t, I did not wish to risk Kathi in two-up riding on marginal tires. We are starting Thursday early; RON in Princeton, W.V.; arriving SSR on Friday evening. The Stornello is a bit luggage-challenged, and, as a retired Regular, I decline to look "National Guard." So, aside from a tool tube and tank bag, I'll be traveling light. Happily, Kathi -- who, yes, approves of the choice, tho I suspect it will cost me in $ubtle ways later -- will drive my sag wagon support vehicle down and stay within rescue distance if anything goes awry. Bill
  16. Hmmmm. The perils of a moto-harem. Trying to decide which Unspine to take to SSR. Incredibly, they are all ready for combat operations. Well, OK, the EV has a dodgy firing problem, but that's fixable in short (NPI ) order, so that won't help. Will take two days (as I don't do the slab ), but I can ride the Norge, EV, and Griso down, and all have been there before. Kathi will drive down separately as we have family and other business in Atlanta for a few days afterwards. She would ride with the ungroup(s) on either Norge or EV, but is Bartleby the Scrivener with the Griso. The Stornello? It hasn't been there yet, but will require trailering; that's doable, but is a bit of a logistical PITA. Kathi took her first ride on it today, pronouncing it essentially OK, but not a proper. pillion post for a Polish Princess. It is a delightful little beast comma but. So, what to do? That's a rhetorical question, of course. I have time, bourbon, and, naturally, grappa enough to decide. Bill
  17. ^^^^^^^^ Thanks for that ... tho I just saw it. Doh. Anyway, just called Walt and added the "garage" to my reservation. Bill P.S. I expect all attendees to get smart on the Battle of Eutaw Springs, as we will drink a toast (and perhaps several! ) in the honor of those -- on both sides, Tim! -- who fought and fell there back in '81 ... 8 September 1781. For those still reading, see https://tinyurl.com/Eutaw-Springs-Book
  18. ^^^^^ Regrettably, it's a one-bike trailer. What was I thinking? OTOH, I may have remembered that my only tow vehicle is '93 POS (but loyal and beloved ) Toyota p/u with 220K miles, no A/C, radio, or PS. The 500# Aluma with one Guzzi is about all the towing I can ask of it. OBTW, Walt tells me that there is no vacancy in the "garage," so my Norge will have to sleep outside. Sigh. Bill
  19. Looks and sounds great ... but it's way too clean. ;-) Bill
  20. Just made reservations for Kathi and me. Walt says rooms nearly all booked, with only four Guzzisti among those! Still trying to figure out which beast to bring. I prefer Stornello, but Kathi says Norge. We all know how this movie ends. Whatever we bring, will be on trailer with chase car, as we'll leave truck, trailer, and Guzzi Norge at Tellico while we visit Atlantan friends. Bill P.S. While, of course, you can chat with Walt on the phone, you have to use their on-line booking system to lock in a room. Go to http://www.lodgeattellico.com.
  21. Checked with Jim Barron at RFC in Woodstock? Yeah, no longer a Guzzi dealer, but may know of something. Bill
  22. Saints preserve me from the loathsome cacophony of the likes of AC/DC. Blech. Thankfully, your whistling masked most of that. The original was if the angels were singing. Great vid, tho. Saw it here and wondered if on GrisoGhetto.com, too. Yup. Well done. Best, Bilhelm P,S. Docc, you've been spending too much time in the "What Have You Been Listening To" area. It's Beethoven's "Egmont." See. e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChcrZX2rZ1M
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