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Posts posted by czakky

  1. That's not a solo saddle on his v7?


    I know Honda has got there hand in a "vintage/retro" model already but a new GB500.... Those of us that were too young to buy em originally we should get a chance.

  2. Dawdish, having done this timing cover gasket on a lemans. I can tell you that pulling off the fairing is probably the easiest part, really! It's only like six bolts and it comes right off don't let that scare you.



    There is a solution to both those problems in one product. Its cheap and effective, for some it seems it isn't cheap enough! :D



    Well count me in as someone interested in solving multiple problems with one cheap product! Please, do tell!


    I believe he's talking about the famed 'Roper Sloper', a windage tray that he manufactures. There are tons of post on it that would explain it much better then me.

  4. Are you certain the CO is either zeroed in the ECU?


    No idea what the CO is, probably should dive into that. Is it something that any MC shop could do?


    I'm sure it's a combination of heat and carbon build-up. Sea-foam to the rescue?...again.


    I'll just start going with the high octane fuel w/ethanol from now on. Best I can do, short of refining my own.

  5. Truthfully riding season might be backwards down here (for some riders anyway) because it is getting hot(85-90f, 29-32c). Which is at least probably partially responsible for my latest issue....


    I've always had a small pinging issue: i.e. rolling on throttle below 4200RPM nothing major barely audible. Now though it seems to be getting worse, up higher in the rev range and under less load. Fuel is either 92-93 octane w/ ethanol but mostly 90 no ethanol seems to have no effect.


    You've seen my plugs. Is whatever that's causing my oil consumption building up too much carbon in the combustion chamber? Causing pre ignition?


    Also I've been trying to cure my leaky timing sensor and am wondering (having not yet measured my sensor gap) if anyone has played with the phase sensor/timing gap?

    There doesn't seem to be any set in stone ideal gasket/spacer thickness for the v11 at $.43-.78 I can splurge and try a few sizes but I'm not sure this has any effect on timing as points would?


    Also I've read that the TPS might effect timing right now my baseline is at precisely 165mv and 525mv all hooked up. Would reducing my baseline retard the timing somewhat?


    I know it's impossible to know what is causing this in my particular case I just don't want to chase my tail to no effect. Lord knows I've had my issues with this bike.

  6.   I don't know what Guzzi says but most auto makers consider up to 1 qt/1000 miles to be normal for warranty purposes.

    Wow, I never knew that.


    I could have put it off but I was doing some other things to it and figured I'd fix the valve guides while we were at it.

    I second Luhbo.



    Was it a tough job Guzzimoto?...




    However I said 'started getting through that amount' because it's the change from the status quo that should ring alarm bells: if it's always burned/lost oil it then no change is surely a good thing.




    It seems to be pretty consistent, granted I've only had the bike for 6k miles or so....


    On luhbo's advice I'm going to stop playing peek-a-boo :grin:  and go for a ride.

  7. As far as the valves go they have never really needed much adjusting and I probably don't go but 4k mi. between adjustment, so I'll probably just let it go for a little longer.


    Keep your fingers crossed for me....


    I am always pretty good about checking my oil, like my valves I see it probably too often. So the qt. is over the course of 2300 miles, not at once.

  8. I switched to Mobil 1-20 50 syn. before I left and changed it when I got back (2500 miles) I knew I was burning/was leaking some oil and wanted to switch to a syn. before I left. Otherwise I was running Castrol 20 50 dino MC oil changing it around 2k.


    Plugs are around 4k miles. I've never seen a plug look like that in this bike. The piston dome didn't look much better. BTW right cylinder right plug in pic.

  9. My bike has basically always burned some oil and I've never really measured it against my mileage to volume or had any type of consistent riding (i.e. city, commute, freeway, hooliganism). But I had just returned from a 2300 mi./3700km trip recently and went through about a quart in that time of some pretty hard riding. I typically keep my level a bit over the line using the level bike screwed in dipstick between the hours of 3-4:15 AM but never during Ramadan or while the Easter bunny has seen it's shadow...


    So when doing some post trip maintenance I took a looksee in through the sparkplug holes and to my eyes the cylinder walls didn't look too hot. I haven't seen a whole lot of cylinder walls, especially on air cooled bikes, but honed is not the word I would use to describe what I could see. Seemed like I could feel the roughness (if I could) if that makes sense. There was no "crosshatch", just rings parallel with the....rings/piston.


    One sparkplug had that typical sooty build up like the "Elephant Man's" bones, the other had a small amount of oil residue but I've seen worse.


    What do you guys think? I've read varying opinions on Guzzi oil consumption, but seems like most spine frame guys don't use much.


    Do the cylinders look bad when you see them through a small hole and I'm just a paranoid little sissy that should just ride the dam thing?


    It runs great pulls like a train and never smokes.


  10. Well I'm back home again, had an awesome time. Besides a touch of what I can only explain as vapor lock on the first night, she ran really well. I didn't get as far north as I had planned but that just leaves me with more un-chartered territory for the next time.  The threatening weather seemed to have kept most riders at home so I had a lot of roads to my self. Therefore I was the fastest guy out there (except when waspp joined me for a while). Cherahola Skyway and probably 60 in N. Georgia were some of my favorite roads but none of them are bad.

    Kinda seems weird to take a vacation where your main purpose is to find twisty roads to ride your motorcycle on, but it makes perfect sense after being there. Thanks for all the recommendations guys, after mostly slabbing yesterday some 650 miles I need an ice bath....

  11. Might be a long shot here, but I had an old carb. Honda that I was having charging issues with and I had to eventually replace the battery. When I did it had developed a pretty annoying hiccup somewhere around 6k. After keeping a couple motorcycle mechanics at my local shop stumped for weeks they decided to test the battery and found it was giving the wrong amperage. Not sure how, why or what that had to do with this very specific hiccup but it cleared it up. I know it's pretty far out there but thought I'd put in my :2c:

  12. Gonna hang out here in Tellico Plains. Bikes in a garage BBQ down the street beer in the fridge. Not ideal but it could be worse.

    Had a blast yesterday! Cherahola/the dragon were pretty fun. I didn't see but maybe ten vehicles while I was riding through there.

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