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Posts posted by czakky

  1. So now it is as clean as I can get the crinkle paint, it's not leaking.... Atleast not like it did. Anyway I'm about to pull the rear wheel and tighten everything up back there.


    Also whilst preparing to drain and refill with a couple new seals in hand I discovered something that may or may not be news to the v11 community. The magic elixir that cures most any transmission problem these bike seem to have A.K.A. "Red Line Heavy" is the exact same product as the "Red Line V-twin Trans. Oil". Good news as I cannot for the lfe of me find the "Heavy".

  2. the angle of the peg is adjustable. Basically, the peg is unversal and is bolted into a model specific mounting bracket. Although there are plenty online that offer adjustment.

  3. So the main difference between the rear and front pegs is the spring/ball bearing contraption that holds the peg in the upward position if you can figure out a way around that you should be able to fit the monster pegs. Here's some pics.


    BTW you can adjust the angle of the pegs the rear pegs are obviously just mocked up

    photo 3.JPG

    photo 2.JPG

  4. You guys know i couldn't go too long without having something a miss with my old girl.  Anyway after sifting through I think, every gear box leak issue ever posted (my favorite titled "the crunch heard round the world"). I haven't seen one like this. Since I bought my bike it has always had a very small/slow leak. Thought I tracked it down to the upper sump but not so. Now that I have the 80w blue "redline" in the trans. I can confidently say it is the trans. Anyway the leak is was real minor and the level never changed much so it sat on the back burner. Until this morning when I see about a tablespoon or more of oil on the rear rim and just on the rear rim. Dirty and sprayed on only like 1/4 of the rim. Bevel box is dry all around. Shaft is caked with old nasty oil all the way to the seal going into the trans. back of the box box is caked all the way to the bottom by the drain plug up to the left side by the gear selector.


    Drained the bevel and measured what came out seemed real close. The level of the Gearbox was low so I added and cleaned both breather/vents to each box. Both were free and clear.


    My question is I didn't see many threads about gear selector seals failing. A few rear seals but mostly side panel gaskets. What would you're money be on?


  5. I've heard a few MC publications describe the typical classic italian riding position as fitting folks with long torsos and short limbs, this is me. I like the position of the pegs, they are really similar to my old VFR800 (believe it or not I feel less vibration on the v11 than the VFR at the foot pegs) but my boots don't grip them very well, getting rid of my boots is not an option. They are finally broken in after 13 years :D . Yeah I can see what you're saying about a more modern/technical look. I usual keep my bikes pretty stock because IMHO more often then not a few after market items can really cheapen the look of a bike.


    But from a purely functional standpoint  ;) I was also thinking of going with black, as it is a Lemans. Would be cool if these monster pegs fit the rear. I'll be reporting back.

  6. That is awesome! Gonna have to order me up a set (4) thanks Docc.


    I've searched this so many times and came up with nada. Maybe i never made back to 05. I use a lot of input from my legs on this bike.

  7. Looking for some gnurley (nurled?) pegs to replace these slippery buggers. Not really looking for new fangled adjustable rearsets just some semi-trick lookin pegs. Anybody seen anything like this?


    Any Idea what a machinist would charge? Probably a lot considering the millwork and what not.

  8. That has been my experience.... rubber is for petroleum or coolant and sometimes both....unfortunately you need to find a hose that will work with petroleum or buy the factory ( crummy) vent hose.... the hose you have might last a year or two .

    I can be a v11 guinea pig b/c when I replaced mine, impatiently I used a similar radiator hose... D'oh!

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