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Posts posted by czakky

  1. After a whole lot of testing and Kiwi_Roy's patience I think I got this one licked! All I did was add a little sea-foam and kept her running in a high rev-range and it seems to have cleared up. I must have gotten something past the fuel filter when I was doing maintenance...? Not sure, I guess the almost switch like difference between hot and cold running kinda threw me off track.


    Don't know if "sea-foam" is likened to snake oil round' here but I've had good luck with it.


    The best mods I've done is the GPR 2 into 1 exhaust.  I only use the GPR mid pipe and put a Area P canister as I have it already.  You can put your hand 3-4 feet behind the exhaust tip and when I blip the throttle, the exhaust will blow your hand back another foot. 

    I've been wondering about that exhaust. Any vids, so we could sample the music? :P:


    I think Motorcyclist might have a soft spot for Guzzi's as the Me & My bike section has feature 4+ Guzzi's (3 LeMans) so far and each is as different as next. 

    I have a subscription and have always noticed the bias towards Guzzi in that section. Not that I mind I'm partial too. Thanks for the great article!

  3. Delayed one day but that is par for the course. Looks like I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. My plan is to make it past Augusta,GA by evening time manyana (sunday). I'm riding just on the west border side of SC trying to get some miles under me that first day. Then a short ride over to Pisgah National Forest for a day of splashing in icy rivers and hopefully find out if living this close to the equator has turned me into a little old lady or not. Then it's off for some serious riding, hitting some of these places I've been hearing about Tues.-Wed.: eastern Tenn. west NC working my up through the Appalachians Wed.-Thurs. hopefully making it as far as WV. Now I'll start working my back home with no real route until I get to north GA where I'm running through great riding areas such as Suches (had to do it). Eventually taking a small jaunt through Florida's pan handle back home in time to join my fellow drones.

  4. Will Do. I'm gonna fill you guys in on my rough "plan" before I leave. I say rough because never know how far in any direction I might make it. PM sent Mznyc.


    Of course open invitation to anybody from the forum to join me I'm always flexible and always enjoy the roar of another V11 or the like. Anyway more details to come.

  5. Seems like I might have just gotten something past the filter somehow when I was doing the original maintenance. But yesterday I put some sea-foam in and didn't let the revs fall below 6k for a half tank. I didn't want to jinx myself but so far so good after a couple test runs. Usually sea-foam is my go-to but the very distinct change when hot kinda threw me...


    Besides you never want to go on a 2,000 plus mile ride through unfamiliar roads, cold temperatures and in the land of banjo playing creepy kids on a machine that you have total faith in. Right?

  6. Don't despair! More wear on the left side of the front is pretty normal and doesn't mean bearings necessarily.


    Expect it to be mighty chilly at those elevations. Along with the fantastic riding!! :race:


    Hopefully it doesn't need em. Front wheel seems to have a little play.


    Guess I'll see if there's any good ole thick blood left from growing up in the tundra.


    Mznyc, that dude sounds like a good buddy to have down there. Few things are better than fresh rubber.

  7. If all goes as planned..... I will be heading out this upcoming saturday. Giving the old girl a bi-annual bath and low behold my front tire's looking a little worse for wear then I remember?? upon closer inspection I've got a badly deformed tire (left side is much sharper right is rounded) oh well figured I was due for some wheel/steering bearings. Sucks, but what can you do? At least my back tire is new and properly shaped... right? Freakin screw right in the middle of my 75% tread Pirelli!!


    Just had to vent a wee bit... Can't blame all of this on Mandello.

  8. Sean, try a big blast of brake cleaner or other such solvent you probably have some obstruction in there. Remember you've got a steel bolt going into aluminum so be careful not to cross-thread. It will be a huge pain in the gludeus to heli-coil or anything else to fix damaged threads back there.

  9. Went back ove everything I had done and couldn't really find anything obvious.


    I still have some testing that kiwi Roy had recommended. otherwise I have two theories, please tell me it's paranoia... First is that if when I had changed my front crank seal ( without removing the timing cover) that even though I was extremely delicate I could've knocked a piece of the collar of the cover into the oil system..... God I hope not!

    The other theory is that my fuel pump is just been over stressed for too long ( makin weird sounds every now and then) it gives up the ghost when hot....? Just throwing it out there let me know if you guys thinkeither of these are plausible.


    Tomorrow I'll test her out then onto the electric testing k-Roy recommended....

  10. Yeah Mzync, I had sprayed wd-40 pretty liberally all over both the boots all around and the airbox connection while idling looking for a change in idle... nothing. I guess I could try the unlit propane torch trick when warm maybe those boots expand when hot??


    I always wondered if copper paste would work for that.


    Really hoping it's something stupid and small. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


    By the way if it's something real stupid and small rest assured you probably never hear about it.... :whistle:

  11. Yea, I have checked the timing sensors gap and it looks good. I've never measured it but the spacer is flat and the o ring isn't protruding. Anybody know what the thickness of the spacer is supposed to be?

    I do need to pull it out ... Once again, still leaking?

  12. Fresh 9 volt in the multimeter still getting weird readings...


    Anyway, Kiwi_Roy had very kindly sent me a "thermistor" (the resistor that is used for the air temp sensor). Got it rigged using some very high-brow Polish engineering (don't get upset my last name is Jaszczak) and still suffering the same symptoms. :angry:


    So all I've got left is to check the ECU voltage and then pull these injectors. Any other ideas?

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