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Fifteenth South'n Spine Raid 2019

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:mg:    (Fifteenth) South'n Spine Raid   :mg:

Weekend after Labor Day

Tellico Plains, Tenn., USA


:race:    *Get there. Bring tools*           :luigi:

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"Fifeenth," huh?


From Tennessee, aren't ya, boy?



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That was a hasty post, I just caught that after spending the day on my "other bike."


Rolled over 50,000 miles on my 1990 Honda GB500 today while chasing another ('89) right at the ton.  What a great day! :race:


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I guess we should get the requisite disclaimer and purpose statement out of the way . . .  :nerd:


I'm just gonna lift it from last year:



This is not a rally, event, or function of V11LeMans.com. It is an idea about riding, or meeting interested people. It is an idea only.


There is no plan, no registration, no stickers, T-shirts, merchandise, door prizes, meals, poker runs, routes, organization, or support.

Just discussion and sharing.


There is no affiliation or responsibility, expressed or implied, with or by V11Lemans.com, its owner(s), Administrators, moderators, members, pets, pocket mice, or any other entity.


If being at The US Appalachian Divide in September feels like a good idea to you, look forward to sharing ideas.


The idea of ideas has been around for a while. I do love George Bernard Shaw's take:



"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples,

then you and I will still each have one apple.


But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas,

then each of us will have two ideas." 

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That said (it had to be said), one of my highest hopes this year is that some member(s) from North Carolina will actually make it west across The Divide (not THE GREAT DIVIDE, just the wee Appalachian one . . .)


I suppose Spine Raiders have crossed into North Carolina, and back west,  maybe eleven of the last fourteen SSR, but no one from North Carolina has ever graced the times.

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To my recollection ( :oldgit: ), there have been Spine Raiders from (in no particular order) Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky (if we count a no-show from a break down. And we do. :thumbsup: )


I may have forgotten someone (speak up!), but no one from next door (NC) ? :huh2:


Gonna start on the Wisconsinites next . . .  ;)

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I keep inviting some ethereal, but very cool, cat from Varsseveld - NL  :sun:


I'm not naming any names, but his initials are : Jaap Veldhorst . . . :whistle:


There would be no Spine Raid (anywhere) without him!  :notworthy:  Our Chief Whip:thumbsup::mg:

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I was mighty jazzed to ride with czakky and JRD in Tampa Bay, Florida,  few years back. While JRD has managed to make the SSR, it's gonna be a lot harder for czakky (comin' outta Wisconsin) without a sidecar rig for his li'l kiddie .  .  .  loverly family spring vacation spot, here, czakky! :sun:


Getting Jaap and Paul here is gonna take a pretty serious Fund Drive I figure . . . :nl::cheese:


P.Roper ain't showin' up without sumpin' to rollerize . . . :luigi:


Why "no one" has ever come to a South'n Spine Raid from North Carolina is kind of a mystery.  :ninja:


This year, I'm calling out a couple veteran members, now living in NC,  :notworthy:  Orson, and   :notworthy:  al_roethlisberger . . . 


Ya'll come now! Ya hear?  B)

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