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Everything posted by Dirtybill

  1. Thanks for the replies. I'll print this off and give it to Mrs Dirty. She's a Mexian food lover also. On those crap days, I'm sure she'll whip out the list and force me to go for Mexican food. The few Mexican restaurants up here aren't really that good. El Nopal in Sumas is good but there's also one in Everson that's not bad either. I HAVE to make it back to Cafe Veloce soon. I feel the need!!
  2. Where's the best Mexican restaurant between Seattle and points north?? And to at least make this a bike thread, what's happening with Cafe Veloce these days? I heard a rumour that it is now expensive and it's lost it's bike decor??
  3. Thank you Baldini for your synopsis. Surpising Ducatis is not new. However, you have to be very carefull on what model and maybe more importantly, which Ducati and Rider you try to surprise. It can backfire........the plan I mean, not the Ducati, it will just end up weeping oil And the owner will never talk to you again Can we now get back to the RIBS!!!!!!?
  4. I have no idea what this is about, as I started reading this at page 5. But did I read [RIBS???????]
  5. It doesn't have to be perfect either. Gimme a PM if you spot one, please!
  6. Slight correction. Warren Zevon died approx a year ago. He recorded his last album knowing that he was dieing of cancer.
  7. Dave's a wanker for selling my CapoNord to someone else He does read this forum, right?
  8. I believe Rossi's "WLF" on the front part of the collar on his leathers, refers to a person who likes pussy.
  9. There's a Guzzi Dingo on ebay right now
  10. I'd like some free Guinness too
  11. Well, the shops are catching on during their busy times. I phoned one shop to get a tire changed last year and they asked me if I purchased the tire there. I didn't and told them that. They said they were too busy to change it. Fair enough, I thought. The thing about lending tools out is a big no no. I've yet to see a Mechanic lend his tools to anyone, and I can't blame him. Now if the shop has some basic hand tools that they want to lend, fine. I can remember in the early 80's it was not uncommon for some of the mechanics I worked with to have over $25,000 in tools. Would you lend them out? I wouldn't and didn't.
  12. What Lex said. The door swings both ways Brian. I've been dealing with a Yamaha/BMW shop since the late 80s because they sold their bikes to me for a fair price. I thought that loyalty that we both shared would still be happening. But no, it isn't. At least not in their Sales Dept. Their take it or leave it attitude for almost full suggested retail price is insulting. You see, they get full retail from rich kids who don't know any better now. My last Yamaha purchase was from a local shop where I had never bought a bike before. A friend who also buys or did, all his stuff like oil etc and knows the one owner from way back, recently went in to trade his 748 on a new R1. $5000 difference is what they wanted. He went down the same street to the Honda shop and payed $1500 difference on a new CBR1000RR. Some of the dealers and specificly, their sales staff cause their own grief. These people don't even know the basics of sales or keeping a customer. For each long time loyal customer they lose, the shop will lose a couple of more from strictly hearsay. I'm just waiting for a sales slump to happen like it did in the early 80s. The good shops will still be around but the crap ones will go under. And the BMW story applies to from what I've heard, a superb dealership that was once active in this town. He now operates an independant shop very close to our Guzzi shop. He told BMW where to go also.
  13. "Stone" isn't exactly exciting. I like Jackal, but it just wasn't on the right bike. And what the hell does Griso mean? How do you pronounce it? I think of the movie Grease when I say Griso Drop Griso and use Jackal on that bike
  14. Dirtybill

    Am I crazy?

    Good choice on the bike. I've had no problems whatsoever with my 02 R1. Dead reliable and for me, comfy. It is shocking how fast you can go around corners on these things though. Keep your eyes on the speedo because they can lull you into thinking you're not going fast, until you see triple digits on the speedo. And it is true. You get no breaks from the Cops, even at my advanced age
  15. Dirtybill

    Fun at the DMV

    Ha Ha Ha US Customs guy in his late 50s early 60s. Turns out, he at one time rode for CHP on a Guzzi Think he said he owned 5 bikes including a Hayabusa which was for sale. "I had it up to around 165mph and it still had plenty left. That's too fast for me!!"
  16. You've got bags of money Nige.
  17. Dirtybill

    Fun at the DMV

    I had to spell Moto Guzzi for a Cop near Seattle He had the reg papers in hand and was standing directly beside the bike I guess he wasn't sure if I painted Moto Guzzi on the tank?????? I really felt like saying, if you can't spell it, I shouldn't get a ticket. Still wrote me up
  18. Where's Ballacraine when you need him?
  19. Suzuki, V-Strom, Cavalcade and they continue to use Katana on a bike that couldn't resemble the original Katana less. Yamaha-The scooter they call the Majesty. I sat on the thing and said, this isn't bad. Then I looked at the name and jumped off!!!!! V-Star...???????????? Honda-We call them a 919. You call them a Hornet. Kawasaki-Can we give the Ninja name a rest after what, 20 years now? I'm still not sure about Multistrada and Monster either. Of course most people can't pronounce any of the Guzzi models' names Fat Boy Someone told me that name came from the bomb that was dropped in Japan in WWII. I find it hard to believe that a corporation would have such poor taste. Victory "Vegas" Las Vegas has no redeeming features other than the sunny weather.
  20. Dirtybill

    Am I crazy?

    Dual Sporting for me is loads of fun. There's a real comraderie out in the boonies with the guys and gals I ride with. Some of them do get carried away at times and think they're on strictly off road bikes though But if there's a spill, breakdown or whatever, you can be assured that someone will have that part you forgot to bring or even better tire irons than you have, to help you out. Plus there's the scenery and freedom to do what you want. No cops and the only thing holding you back on a logging road is common sense that tells you this is too fast! Then you look at your speedo and you're only doing 50mph but it feels like 100mph
  21. If the bars are high enough, she can use them to rest her legs on. OOPS! Wrong forum
  22. ....or black and tan specials at Jimmy Mac's Pub on Wednesdays. You're buying btw
  23. Dirtybill

    Am I crazy?

    This is not a lecture. Instead of the usual, watch out for all the HP lecture, here's a tip. Get used to the front brakes. They really are good but sensitive. You'll be amazed at the handling of the bike on a twisty 2 lane road. When I got mine, after being accustomed to the V11, I found my self really oversteering into corners. I had to back off on the body english a great deal or I'd be in the oncoming lane. All of the litre Japanese sport bikes are like this now. It really feels like you're on a 600cc or smaller bike when you're dancing in the twisties. The V11 is still my favourite bike in the garage though. I still have a stupid grin on my face after riding it and it doesn't matter what mood I was in before riding it, as I know I'll feel great afterwards The only bike I'd replace the V11 with is another Guzzi and I don't ever remember thinking that way about any other bike I've owned.
  24. Exactly what I was thinking. VPD seems to have some real losers in it. The biggest being their Chief. I've seen some of these bozos in action and every time I hear of police brutality I tend to believe it happened. Then there's the usual cover up. I have to laugh to myself when Cops stop me for speeding while on the bike. Some of them go into this act of being really upset and you'd think you had just committed murder. Get a grip ffs!! 10, 20 or even 30kph over the limit is NOT the end of the world The sad thing is that the Cops are even brainwashed into thinking that SPEED KILLS!!!!!!!!! Everyone knows it's the sudden stop that does the damage
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