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Posts posted by luhbo

  1. Hey Nog - I think y'er startin' to come around! 


    May I suggest something even simpler and more satisfying than fiddling with pilot and main jets, slide cutaways and chop-throttle plug reading sessions - it's just the thing to get you off the keyboard and out on the road:





    Oh yeah, sure it does so. Sometimes it even leaves you there... :grin:

  2. Oh I've been to rotten b4. Its not that bad. I don't think at least 'I' don't think anyone was trying to make light of the situation as much as its a sad ordeal brought on by poor judements I'm sure we've all made some on one level or another and gotten lucky maybe without even knowing it gotten lucky. Any mild humor is more a defense of our own inadequicies?. But his could have been the rider avoiding a random Kangaroo or a kiwi bird I Don't know what they have there and at 175 the tiniest little correction pays off in huge other direction dividends. I say unless you are prepared (not ready just prepared) to die then the needle should never go that high without much training and a much more secure location in which to stretch ones legs. Even professional on closed groomed tracks take nasty spills doesn't put the odds in average joes favor one bit.

    But ponder this for a second.

    Think of the DUMBEST person you've ever met just complete moron. Well someone twice as stupid as that person probably has a Drivers license or worse a Bike endorsement.  :o Thats who I really try and watch out for on the tarmac



    I backup this 100% and I understand your writing well.

  3. Just speculation, o'course, but maybe he was carrying tennis shoes to walk around in.


    I b'lieve this perfectly illustrates the principle of self-limiting behavior, aka "extracting one's genes from the gene pool"... <_>



    I think we do this sad colleague (and other people) no justice if we use his death to celebrate our pretended better fitted genes, just because we actually are alive.




    If one needs more stuff for discussions like this, go here (you have to type the link):






  4. You know, I read all this and look at these charts, and think to myself that if I need to get a fix of bike fettling, I'll buy a nice classic with carburettors, ignition you can set by twiddling the points, vacuum and centrifugal advance etc.


    Simple and satisfying. It seems in the modern world, you have to be more geek than grunt........



    I hope I can see your point, but then I think you're not right with it. IMHO only the tools to maintain or change things are more complicated, the matter itself has become much easier.


    Try to find an english PDF of the Dell'Orto manual and then look how many combos of needles, jets, valves, 'atomizers' and so on are possible and what these parts do. It's an endless story.

    The same with the ignition. Vacuum and centrifugal advance, how do they correspond? The last types of car carbs had two systems of vaccum advance, one for accelerating, one for cruising. Bikes normally never took care about this, by good reasons probably.


    Somehow it all worked acceptable even if single components were not at its best. That's one thing that has not changed anyway!



  5. This link may be of interest to you.


    Some guy (Magnus Lirell from Uppsala Län, Sweden) wrote a program to convert WBO2 logs to TuneBoy trim maps for the Triumph TuneEdit.

    Perhaps it could work on the Guzzi :huh2:




    Interesting, of course, thank you very much.


    BTW, that's probably one of the most appreciated features that the My15M gives to you. Connect it to the O2-probe, press the auto-tune button and drive on. Regarding to what O2 targets you have defined in your map the software then corrects the fuel map all on its own. Very confortable and reliable!



  6. Be it idle stabilization or not, what struck me most when I first saw it was the huge amount of advance at WOT and high revs. The tontis used to run at max 35° and generally it's the case, that at the top end the advance can and should be reduced. Just because of the in this case eminent turbulences and temperatures.


    Should really be need for these numbers (44°) than dual plugging is more or less a must for this engine!



  7. Performance is raised (as said there) at 5Hp mid and 8 High,I may guess that is due to "removing" these Euro 3 specs..Unbelievable.... cool, that's the way to go :grin:  , hehe :D



    If you look carefully you can see that the exhaust on this photo did not work. All the parts were only dot-fixed so far!


    Compare these values with others to be found in every moto-mag when they compare stock exhausts with aftermarket exhausts!


    In nearly all cases you get only more noise, the sound often even rated as worse, and only in some very few cases the can find a more or less marginal win of power here or there, always combined with losses elsewhere.


    If this guy will adjust his EFI the bike will probably explode! 8 HP already now, without any further change. That's some word, indeed!


    But the look of it lets me hope at least. There's not all lost with the new Guzzis.



  8. Could be that one phase got lost. I saw this on an Aprilia lately. The voltage was 13.8 V with engine running, but as soon as I switched lights on it dropped to what the battery actually had. Probably with one phase lost the alternator is unable to deliver any remarkable current.

    Maybe you can reload a flat battery with the alternator only, but certainly not in one or two hours. You do not expect this from your charger, do you? The more as you can only switch off the lights, not the EFI with fuel pump and injectors.


    Check your alternator resp. its terminals/connections.



  9. Titaniumtimap7ek.gif




    What we see here are only the main fuel maps. It looks as if the standard map is remarkable richer than the Ti map. What is not taken into account are the correction values from air temp trim, engine temp trim and pressure trim. After you have added these values the maps look different.

    Exciting is also a look at the offset tables, that are quite different as well!



  10. ....

    Some people say that having access to all the maps in the ECU is a waste of time, this seems to always come from someone selling a tool that does not.

    As an example. Say the air temp trim for 100 degree days is out by 10%, but the trim for 80 degree air temp is correct.

    A PC cannot fix this. If you dyno the bike on an 80 degree day it will be out by 10% on the 100 degree day.

    The Webber does have problems with the standard correction factors, this can be seen if you compare the Titanium map with the standard LeMans map.





    Wayne talks about this:






    The two screen shots show in detail that you can fix a bad map only if you have access to more then the fuel map.


    Look at the step from 77° to 89° C. The Ti looses 1.6, the standard map instead 4.6

    Also the Air Temp Correction maps are rather different. Add only this and you can imagine that without fixing the root cause really correct results are impossible.



  11. Maybe some pix will help


    You start here




    All trim values are zeroed.


    Open the File menu, select the PC map and check out what the values are.








    What you see here is a downloaded user provided map. In 3D it looks like that:






    The next two pictures show the main fuel map in 3D and the corresponding values. The red curves cross at the green marked cell.






    The next pictures show how to get the trim values in the main tables. You see, for folks like me it's available even in foreign languages!









    Hope that helped :)



  12. :blush:  darn, I screwed up this post!




    No, no, not at all! That's a serious problem also for me. I've tried severall things to improve it, but with not much success.

    The only thing that really helps is some exercise. Because of the unconfortable footpegs you shoud do exercises anyway, at every tankstop at least. Some jumpin, up and down and legs out and in and so. Take this as the right oportunity to combine it with some 'privat' exercises, why not after the same schematics as above.

    You'll sometimes have to explain it to curious other customers at the filling stations, but some words about Italian bikes, Italy in general and the basics of common machism related with Guzzi will normaly do.

    Tell them finally, that all the other bikers ride their bikes 'Comando Style' and therefore don't need exercises, and you can be sure of their everlasting attention!


    Hope this helps. ;)



  13. After replacing my stock battery with a Hawker Odyssey PC545, the bike started right up.  Now I have a new problem.


    No tach and no headlight, only a parking light.  All fuses are intact.  Any suggestions as to where to start? <_>



    You have all the cables reattached? Check it twice, with an el.torch.



  14. Must be one of the bigger ones:


    He's done it on the wrong side of his body though.



    Once saw a cartoon, showing a tatoo artist making suicide: "This big ar*#* thinks I'm stitching a Harley..."



  15. hahaha

    10 years in the States and noone can understand me still after a dram or two.


    Aero Leathers ? Never heard of them, got a url ?  I was going to get mine by Bates but if aero are good too, i might try them instead



    Look here:


    Fan Stuff



  16. First of all loosen the ground cable at the battery. Else you may hurt yourself or other delicate parts ...




    And drain the sump before you start. After you have removed the timing cover you may get in timing problems with the oil.

  17. Last night at Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I took a friend out to the garage to admire the V11.  He asked to sit on it (no problem) and then said he "used to ride a bike when he was 15" and would love to take it for a spin in a parking lot sometime.  I made no reply.  He persisted and said "aw, I would only ride at a 5 mph".  That caused me to clarify the situation and say "not with this bike - you can try that one over there (a '75 CB400).  He ribbed me about 'finding the true limits of our friendship' for 1/2 an hour after that!


    So I ask, when would you let a buddy ride your bike?  Even I would let my V11 owning buddy trade bikes for a few miles.



    We have a saying: You never lend neither wife nor bike! Or the other way round: if I had a friend with whom I would exchange wifes, who knows then...



  18. Hello Guzzi's,


    Me other half, got all jelious and wanted to say

    "Happy Thanksgiving" to all of our extended Guzzi Family

    and to ride safe and something about stealing my

    spark plugs if I dont start carving the Turkey.

    Peace to one and all me brothers.








    Hey Jedi, come on, don't overstress it now. I'm sittin' here at 2°C, snow, darkness, damaged standard V11 (beloved anyway). Don't wanna talk about the rest that comes to my mind here...


    Peace, brother!


    Hubert (feelin' somehow depressed)

  19. ....

    I crashed due to my own stupidity.  I neglected to put my sidestand up (PO had disconected the shut off) on a mountain road.  The first sweeping left hander "pole vaulted" my bike and I about 200 feet down the roadway.  We never hit anything and didn't tumble, just a slide...grinding away all the "hanging out bits" on the left side of the bike and myself (broken rib/collapsed lung, ground off fingertips).



    Suppose the bits with the bike are not the biggest problems you had to deal with the last few months, are they?


    Reminds me what I've seen in one of the last 'Motorrad's:

    Patient, lots of blessures: "Doctor, doctor, be honest, how bad is it?!?"

    Doctor: "Well, exhaust bent, mirrors cracked, tank some dents, probably all can get well again."

    Patient: "Oh, thank God!"



  20. The datasheet says

    AFR    21.0 to 9.5 Wideband


    This might be a problem since ethanol has a optimum AFR outside that range (9.0)




    Yes, and also this statement makes me wonder:


    'When using Analog Wideband Output make sure your favorite engine management system is compatible with the AFR/V'


    I think their system should be adaptable to the ECUs, not the ECUs to this unit.



  21. .... or to tear down some of the older buildings that are beyond repair and build new facilities. This would be a positive over all. At this point, it's just a rumor. We'll just have to wait and see.



    That's where the real disaster began. The first thing the former owner, this ever smiling Ivano Beggio, did was selling the whole plant and grounds to dunno who to get money for.

    So the whole factory and ground does not belong to Moto Guzzi any longer, it's just rented. Maybe someone can jump in who knows how long. I think 'till 2007.


    Probably they wont construct new buildings on this ground.



  22. ....

    I just also am an avid fan of "pen & tellers: BullSh*t" and as things are setup right now in the united states E85 is more wasteful than helpful. I'd jump straight to driving fuel cell or E85 or even E10 if I could find it and things worked better... 

    Another point I saw, if the poorest think money makes the world go round then ...



    I somehow expected something like this. I can't understand all the words you above have written, but believe me I didn't want to become too intimate or personal with this statement.


    When I watch environmental discussions over here it's more or less the same as what I could read in this long list of how much more a car needs with the alternativ fuel and so in the end it costs more.

    A lot of people now have sun collectors on their roofs, and always there are still other people who ask: do you think you could save money with it? It was expensive, wasn't it?

    To become totaly offtopic: we have fridges categorised in how much energy they need. A is very good, E I think is the worst. I have a colleague who told me that it makes more sense to buy a cheap class E item and to throw it away every four years because this would cost less as what he could save energy in this four years with the A fridge. This is what I call poor people! And he is an engineer, making at least 3000,- euros per month.


    Thx for your patience!



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